The Kingdom of the Cross

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2015
We are in a battle between those who fight for the Holy Cross and those who oppose it. This day commemorates historical events which are tied to the Cross of Christ, including the conquest of Emperor Constantine, the discovery of the Cross by St. Helena, and its rescue by Emperor Heraclius from the infidel Persians. In the ancient world, the cross was a sign of shame and torture, but at the end of time it will appear in the sky as the sign of salvation to the faithful and conquest of the powers of evil.

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Deliver Us from Pride

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
When we see the moral attacks on society, and especially on the sacrament of Matrimony, it should be a wake-up call for all of us. We should strive to pray better and attend Mass more frequently when we witness how dire is our situation.

This Mass is given to us to counteract pride. Our Lord is drawn to the humble and repulsed by the proud, just as all of us are. God must give us grace to move us to perform a good action, He must give us grace to sustain us in doing what is right, and a grace to bring the good work to completion. This is how utterly dependent we are on His continuous help.

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What Is Promised Through Her

Feast of the Assumption 2015

This Gospel recalls the mystery of the Visitation, in which we see Elizabeth as an old woman humbling herself before the young Virgin Mary.  A momentary gift of reason was given to the infant, St. John the Baptist, in the womb of his mother when he received the revelation that he was in the presence of the Redeemer.  On that day the Blessed Virgin was recognized for the first time as the Mother of God.

The Dogma of the Assumption was proclaimed by Pope Pius XII in modern times, but it was held, from the earliest days of the Church, that those who dared to question this dogma were enemies of God.  Even the saints are looking forward to that final day when their souls will be united with their bodies in Heaven.  This feast is a proclamation of that future day on which we will feel for the first time the embrace of our Blessed Mother.

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The Divine Power Of Faith

11th Sunday after Pentecost 2015
The body of doctrines that all Catholics must believe is called Objective Faith, which is distinct from the virtue of faith.  This virtue gives us the ability to ascent with the mind and adhere with the will to all the truths revealed by our Divine Savior.  We do not appreciate the great privilege we have been given through faith.  It is an act of the greatest love of God for Him to share the mysteries of His life so that we might believe in them.  The gift of faith is offered to even the worst among us.  The Gospel today displays the great power of intercession, because it was due to the friends of the deaf and dumb man that he obtained his cure.  This teaches us to pray perseveringly for the conversion of our neighbor.

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All Is Fulfilled

Feast of The Precious Blood 2015
When Christ said the words, “It is consummated,” He expressed the fact that His entire life on Earth had led to this one moment in which all was fulfilled.  The culmination of His mission was the Redemption of the human race.  The devil never tempts a soul as much as at the moment when a man is dying.  This is why we constantly pray for final perseverance.  Christ died with full knowledge and full control of His senses.  The feast was instituted by Pope Pius IX in response to the attacks of Freemasonry.  This is a feast for our times, because we fight the same enemy today.

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Love Him In Return

Feast of the Sacred Heart 2015
“To have Christ dwelling through faith in your heart” refers to the abiding presence of the Divine Person of Christ in our souls while in the state of grace.  When St. Paul speaks of knowing God’s love, he does not simply refer to an intellectual knowledge, but rather a direct, immediate experience of the love of God, just as the great saints experienced.  This feast of the Sacred Heart was requested directly by Our Lord, and no man is free to ignore this devotion.  The original sketch of the Sacred Heart shows a great wound inside of which is written the word “caritas” – “love”.  This devotion was reserved for a time when the world had grown cold in its love that it might gain favor through the revelation of Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.

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Melt Our Frozen Hearts

Pentecost Sunday 2015
We must remember to pray for the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.  We are not bound to love our government, but, in the virtue of patriotism, we are bound to love the country that supports us and the people who live in it.  A good Catholic soldier endures hardships and makes reparations for the sins of his fellow countrymen.  After the Ascension of Our Lord, the Apostles spent nine days in prayer.  These days are duplicated in every soul purified in the last stages of perfection.  The Apostles were deprived of the sensible consolations of the Savior so that they would be purified of all attachments, even misplaced attachments in the spiritual life.  We are given gifts from God that we may love Him more.

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Mutual Charity

Sunday after Ascension 2015
We are given great comfort from the Introit of this Mass, “the Lord is my life and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”  We know that everything that happens to us was all part of God’s plan.  Our Lord is no longer present on Earth in the same way He was before the Ascension.  Although the Apostles felt desolate when Christ left them, they remained in constant prayer.  St. Peter tells us not only to be prudent and watchful, but to show constant charity towards our neighbor.  It is the practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy which has won innumerable converts.

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Distinguishing Truth From Error

4th Sunday after Easter 2015
Why is the month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother?  The practice began by the efforts of a Jesuit priest of the 18th century in Rome, who dedicated the youth of his time to the Virgin Mary.  By devoutly reciting the Rosary during this month we will remain under her protection as well.  The instruction of this Epistle urges the practice of the great virtue of patience to combat unjust anger.  The virtues and gifts of the Holy Ghost which we possess allow us to hear the word of God and to recognize the false teachings of the world.  We want to express our faith in the Resurrection and assert our trust.

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The Lasting Joy of Faith

3rd Sunday after Easter 2015
Today’s Epistle tells us of the importance of good example.  Many more conversions are made by good example than by preaching.  The “little while” during which the disciples would not see Christ described His passion, death, and descent into limbo.  The disciples were so attached to Our Lord that it was like death for them to be separated from Him.  After this “little while” in the tomb Christ predicted that He would rise again and would be seen by His followers once more.  Faith is a supernatural power that permits us to ascent with the mind and embrace with the will everything God has revealed, simply because He says so.  The fact of the Resurrection gives assurance to our faith and fills us with lasting joy.

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