Faith Overcomes The World

Low Sunday 2020
Today is called Low Sunday in comparison to the High Sunday of Easter last week. This Lent was our opportunity to tell God we are sorry for our sins and we resolve to continue having this sorrow throughout our lives.  Faith is the center of our reality and source of our victory.  We are like the apostles in today’s Gospel who receive the consoling words from the Risen Savior, “Peace be to you”.  Repeat the indulgenced words of St. Thomas often, especially at the elevation, “My Lord and My God”.  Live the life of God in our souls now through the Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity.

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Understanding Is The Gift Of Easter

Easter Sunday Morning 2020
English speaking Catholics call this “Easter” Sunday because it is another example of the power of the Church and the liturgy to Christianize even evil pagan elements. The glory of the risen Savior will be ours one day but many saints were transfigured even in this life.  We are “eighth day Christians” because God rested on the seventh day of creation as Christ rested in the sepulchre and rose on Sunday marking a new week on the eighth day.  The octave day is a sign of eternal life.  The calculation of Easter each year was carefully studied and was miraculously made known.  As believers were rewarded by seeing Our Lord glorious and immortal so we today can see God through Faith enlightened by the gift of understanding.

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Faith And Gratitude At Easter

Easter Vigil & Midnight Mass 2020
These are the last moments of Lent and culminate in the greatest vigil of the liturgical year.  This ceremony has many elements which we review before starting so we worship with the utmost awareness and devotion.  We have the Paschal fire and candle, the Praeconium, the lessons, the blessing of water and all leading to the Resurrection of Our Lord at the Midnight Mass and the reception of Him in the Holy Eucharist.  Our reaction should be an increase of Faith and a deeper sense of gratitude.  We do not want to abandon our penitential and prayerful spirit of the last forty days but incorporate this into our interior life during the Paschal season.

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Bride, Spouse and Victim

Laetare Sunday 2020 – Carmelite Clothing Day
This is a joyful day and a preparation for the total gift of self that is to come at the religious profession.  All has been left behind and that includes any reliance on self because now it is time to rely on God alone.  Religious life is the proximate call to holiness and the ceremony of the clothing in the Carmelite habit is meant to impress this on us.  The habit, especially the Brown Scapular, is the constant sacramental reminder of the call to contemplative prayer and divine union.  As a chosen bride and spouse of Our Lord, the religious is joined to Him on the Cross as a victim for the Church, priests and the salvation of souls.  Do not look back but press on to the goal of union with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Savior.

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Learn As A Catechumen In Lent

2nd Sunday of Lent 2020
Lent is a long retreat for catechumens to prepare for Baptism and for penitents to prepare for Communion. We follow in their footsteps as we learn from each of the Lenten Masses as seen, for example, in this week’s story of Esau and Jacob.  Today’s Epistle stresses God’s holy will that we become saints while the Transfiguration Gospel reaffirms Our Lord’s divinity, especially in preparation for His suffering ahead which will test our faith as it did the apostles.

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In Heaven We Will Meet Again

Funeral Mass March 7, 2020
Our first duty in the face of death is to pray for the soul of the faithful departed so that she may be released from Purgatory as soon as possible.  We have confidence because all the consolations of the Faith through the sacraments were given to the deceased but we still must pray always for her.  God rewards those who suffer for Him, especially out of loyalty which He values highly.  Catholics look forward to the day when they can meet their beloved dead and see them again in heaven.

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Child Of Grace

Quinquagesima Sunday 2020
The Epistle for today teaches the importance of the supernatural virtue of charity which is not to be confused with natural human kindness.  Charity not only enables us to love God and neighbor but it gives us knowledge beyond the highest attainable during our earthly lives.  Today was also the clothing day for one of our seminarians and the sermon continued on the topic of a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.  The importance of grace as a necessity for supernatural endeavors was explained.  The following qualities are essential during the future preparation for service to the Church: perseverance, trust in God, distrust of self, dedication and strength in adversity.  All of these will aided by the sacramental of the religious habit.

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Why We Need A Redeemer

Septuagesima Sunday 2020
After the story of St. Apollonia this sermon explains the meaning of St. Paul’s Epistle for this Sunday which marks a new liturgical season of Septuagesima and the beginning of the road to Easter.  St. Paul warns us not to presume on our merits. The scripture readings for this week remind us of many important truths concerning creation, Adam and Eve, the fall and its consequences and the promise of a Redeemer. The Gospel shows us God’s generosity towards us even up to the last moment.

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How Can Sin Make Us Better?

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2020
Today is a continuation of the beautiful time after the Epiphany when the God-Man is shown to us for our adoration and love.  The Redemptive Incarnation is with the Trinity as the most important truth about God Who rules the cosmos, even as an Infant.  The Epistle warns us not to be puffed up with pride but to be as the centurion in the Gospel who had great faith and humility.  Our faults and sins should humble us and thereby make us better.

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A Renewal of Christmas

Sunday Within The Octave Of Christmas 2019
The eight days starting with Christmas are the daily celebration of the Incarnation and the Sunday within those days is a highlight of that.  Despite all the propaganda, we should adhere to the Church Fathers, not only in upholding the dogmas surrounding this feast like the virgin birth, but other truths handed down to us like December 25 being the date of Christ’s birth.  This Epistle recalls the dogmatic truths and the Gospel warns us, as the Blessed Mother, that her Infant Son will inspire persecution against Himself and His followers like the saints of Christmas.  We already willingly stand with Him and pray to continue to be faithful.

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