Triumph Tinged With Sorrow

Palm Sunday 2019 The sacramental of the palm is a sign of victory and means of grace.  Use it and the liturgy to fight off the devil who tries to separate us from the Mass and its ministers.  Christ planned His triumphant procession into Jerusalem, the Holy City, to proclaim His Kingship clearly.  This was…

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Remember The Bells Of Joy

Holy Thursday 2018 The bells of thanksgiving and joy are rung during the Gloria of this Mass which celebrates the birthday of the priesthood, the Mass, the Holy Eucharist and the Sacred Liturgy.  These gifts of love from the Sacred Heart of Jesus must be appreciated as the heavenly treasure and the pearl of great price. …

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Do Not Be Distracted

Palm Sunday 2018 Palm Sunday is an encapsulation of all of Holy Week as the triumph of the Resurrection is seen with the entry of Our Lord into the Holy City and the sacrifice of the Cross in the Passion.  We must not waste this week nor be distracted.  We can win souls to Christ by imitating the…

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The Visible Reign of the Holy Ghost

Pentecost Sunday 2017 On Pentecost Sunday the Holy Ghost manifested Himself under the two visible signs of wind and fire.  The wind stirred the pilgrims who were in the city for the Jewish feastday and drove them to the Upper Room where they heard the Apostles speaking in all their languages of the wonderful works…

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Solemn Liturgical Action

Good Friday 2017 Holy Mother the Church on Good Friday gathers around the Cross to witness the renewal of Christ’s sacrifice during the solemn liturgical action.  This ceremony has the Passion according to St. John, the solemn collects, the adoration of the Cross and culminates with Holy Communion.  Our Mother of Sorrows stands before us…

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Holy Thursday 2017 Holy Thursday can be summed up in one word: Love.  This Divine-Human love in the Sacred Heart gave us the Holy Eucharist, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass and the Holy Priesthood today.  True Catholics love all these sacred things in return and follow Our Lord’s command to love one another.  Finally,…

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Catholic True Worship

Palm Sunday 2017 Palm Sunday encompasses all of the Mysteries of Holy Week in one singular devotion.  It begins with an exclamation of Joy as Christ enters Jerusalem as Savior and King, turns to profound sorrow as He undergoes His Passion and Death, and the culminates in Joy again at His Resurrection.  Since it is in…

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Beneficial Liturgical Reform

1st Friday Conference May 2015 (Part 1) Most traditional Catholics are aware of some of the changes that were made to the Holy Week liturgies prior to Vatican Council II, but few know that even great traditional liturgists, like Dom Guéranger, desired that changes be made to these liturgies.  The Church on several occasions has…

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The Only Acceptable Worship

Easter Vigil 2015 We are privileged to be a part of the unbroken history of this liturgy. Catholic worship is more than merely a compilation of rituals. It is a true reliving of the past. Because of our fallen nature, and the sins we commit, we are not placed in friendship with God but in…

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The Royal Road of the Cross

Good Friday 2015 This day we put God to death with our sins.  Christ saw all our sins and suffered for each one of them.  He bore the pains which we all deserve for our innumerable crimes.  In this liturgy we acknowledge our sins in all humility and plead for God’s forgiveness.  We do not…

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