His Infinite Suffering

Holy Week begins with Our Lord’s triumphal entrance into His city, Jerusalem.  The outpouring of fervor by the pilgrims there for the Passover was increased by the recent raising of Lazarus from the dead.  The city, which did not welcome Him when the Magi came and announced His birth, did so now in such a way that His foes were left feeling powerless.  All would change by the end of the week and today’s liturgy shows that as well with the Passion.  First Communion today is an opportunity to receive Our Lord as the children of the Hebrews did many years ago.

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021
In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.

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Faith And Gratitude At Easter

Easter Vigil & Midnight Mass 2020
These are the last moments of Lent and culminate in the greatest vigil of the liturgical year.  This ceremony has many elements which we review before starting so we worship with the utmost awareness and devotion.  We have the Paschal fire and candle, the Praeconium, the lessons, the blessing of water and all leading to the Resurrection of Our Lord at the Midnight Mass and the reception of Him in the Holy Eucharist.  Our reaction should be an increase of Faith and a deeper sense of gratitude.  We do not want to abandon our penitential and prayerful spirit of the last forty days but incorporate this into our interior life during the Paschal season.

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She Is In Bitter Grief

Good Friday 2020
The Church mourns the death of God in an even more dramatic way this year.  The Solemn Liturgical Action expresses this loss through the Passion of St. John and the two prophecies.  Then we join with Christ on the Cross for His universal prayers for all.  We venerate our means of salvation by reverencing the Holy Cross and finally we join with our Savior in Holy Communion.  All of this inspires us to return the Divine Love of the Sacred Heart which shed every drop of the Precious Blood for us and to convert from sin which exacted such cruelty upon our innocent Lord.

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Restore The Holy Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2020
We celebrate the anniversaries of the institution of the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders today.  The Mass is the central act and purpose for the Church which Christ commanded at the Last Supper to be offered and from it flows Our Lord’s Real Presence among us in the Blessed Sacrament.  He is our Food and the reason for the joy and freedom we experience even at the worst of times.  The Priesthood was established to accomplish this until the end of time.  St. John Vianney said that love of the Mass and the priesthood are signs of predestination.  Priests must cherish these things most of all.  St. Paul in the Epistle warns that our infirmities are caused because of the neglect of the Holy Eucharist.  These mysterious days in which we are living have as their root cause the mistreatment of Our Lord in the most sacred sacrament of the altar.

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Jesus, Come To Me, Embrace Me

Palm Sunday 2020
While unable to attend Mass, we must be more devout at home, especially by practicing spiritual communion.  The Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity and the action of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost in our souls will inspire us.  That type of inspiration is what moved the people in Jerusalem to proclaim Our Lord King today; although they cried for His death less than a week later. The palm is a sign of victory and why it was used to welcome Christ into the Holy City.  It is a pledge of our victory today.

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Deliver Us, O Lord

Passion Sunday 2020
The last two weeks of Lent are the most sacred and have a special name, Passiontide.  In today’s Gospel, Our Lord proclaimed His Divinity with the result that He had to hide from those who wanted to stone Him.  The Church incorporates this into Passiontide by hiding Christ and all the reminders of Him by veiling the Crucifix and statues.  This year it is more dramatic because many are unable to even come to the chapel.  Given these circumstances we should unite more than ever with the texts of this Mass and cry out for deliverance.  We should practice prayer, especially the Rosary, and all the exercises of the spiritual life with renewed purpose so as to strengthen ourselves, with God’s grace, during this present crisis and for the future.

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History Of The Resurrection

Easter Sunday 2019
The details given in the Gospels about Our Lord’s rising from the dead provide the compelling evidence for our faith in the Resurrection.  Christ first came to visit His own Mother and spent time with her until His appearances around the sepulchre.  Later in the afternoon He walked with the two disciples to Emmaus and ended the day by seeing the apostles in the upper room.  We must rejoice with them over our King’s Victory.  There are some in the world who think they can conquer Our Savior.  These have been deceived by the devil.

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Victory Was Won Today

Good Friday 2019
The Church is in sorrow and desolation on God’s Friday because it is the day He died for our sins.  This should move us to deep repentance for what our sins have done and thanksgiving to Our Lord for His great love in redeeming us this way.  The Solemn Liturgical Action for today includes the opening prostration and prayer; the prophecies and Passion, solemn collects, veneration of the Cross and finally Holy Communion.  All lead us to victory with Christ.

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Pledge Your Loyalty

Holy Thursday 2019

St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle not to receive the Body of Christ unworthily.  It is a betrayal and a lie to use a sign of love as one of hatred the way Judas did with his kiss.  The Church interrupts her time of penance and sorrow to express her joy over the gifts of the Holy Eucharist, the Mass and sacred priesthood.  Christ thought these important enough to shed His Blood to give them to us.  We must love these precious treasures as much as possible and renew our love and dedication to them.

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