Immaculate Heart Conference

First Friday, September 2021
This First Friday comes during Our Lady’s Thirty Days which begin with the Assumption and end with the feast of the Seven Sorrows.  There are many feasts related to our Blessed Mother during these days.  The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and this devotion has a long history in the Church.  Many saints propagated it through the centuries and there are many stories about its efficacy such as the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady of Victories.  The purpose of the devotion is to honor the physical heart of the Blessed Mother and her love for the Blessed Trinity.  It is accomplished by veneration, confidence, compassion and reparation.

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Dormition Of Mary

Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin 2021
Pope Pius XII during of the Holy Year of 1950 proclaimed the dogma that the Blessed Mother at the end of Her earthly life was taken body and soul into Heaven.  This overdue definition was not a new revelation but something given to the Church through the Apostles.  Dating from those days is an apocryphal account which describes in detail what happened at this momentous event of Our Lady’s Assumption.  Present day archaeology has unearthed the tomb used for Mary’s brief “sleep” before Her glorious entrance into Heaven.  There are many reasons for the bestowal of this honor but this is a touching one: how could our Heavenly Mother care for us, Her children, without having Her heart with Her to do so?  Do not hesitate to approach such a Mother, even to ask for miracles.

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The Transfiguring Theophany

Feast Of The Transfiguration 2021
The treasures of the basilica of St. Mary Major are described because of the feast of Our Lady of the Snow.  Also, St. Sixtus and his companions suffered martyrdom today and the martyrdom of St. Lawrence was prophesied.  Today’s feast of the Transfiguration recalls that moment in Our Lord’s life when He prepared Saints Peter, James and John for what was ahead concerning His Passion and Death by fortifying them with a glimpse of His divinity.  The importance of this  event is brought home to us by its being recorded in all the Gospels and St. Peter mentions it in his epistle as well.  The Blessed Trinity manifested Itself by the Father’s Voice commanding obedience to His Son Whose humanity became as bright as the sun and by the Cloud which showed the Holy Ghost.  The Transfiguration was a chance for Our Lord to rest and to strengthen the Apostles.  This feast also commemorates the miraculous victory in 1456 over the infidels attacking Europe.

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Liturgy And Salvation

4th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
The season after Pentecost is the time for making saints because by grace the kingdom of God is within you through the indwelling of the Holy Trinity.  The liturgy is best expressed in the Holy Mass and then through the Divine Office.  The Holy Rosary is next in importance as the means provided for us to increase in charity.  We learn from the bible readings assigned to these weeks the history of salvation.  This Sunday reminds us of David and Goliath and St. Augustine interprets that for us.  The Gospel points out the mission given by Christ to St. Peter and his successors.  The saints for this week show these truths in action especially St. John the Baptist and the Roman martyrs Sts. John and Paul.  Finally, it is good to note that Fathers’ Day comes during the month of the Sacred Heart.

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Start Living Heaven Now

Trinity Sunday 2021
God has endowed us with an intellect that enables us to see the world around us and reason to its Creator.  However, we could never know about the inner life of the Blessed Trinity except that He revealed this to us by His Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ.  Before the Annunciation we were given indications of this absolutely supernatural mystery but not the clear teaching as the Second Person gave us.  Our Lord commanded the preaching of this truth and baptizing in the name of the Trinity just before His Ascension.  St. Thomas Aquinas wrote that God has left us many signs of the Trinity in our very nature and everything around us.  Our prayers and the liturgy express the Holy Trinity often.  The eternal Trinitarian life is ours when in the state of grace and is realized perfectly in heaven.

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Ticket To Heaven

The dogma of the Faith that teaches that Our Lord ascended into heaven today was revealed to the apostles by the two angels as described in St. Luke’s Acts of the Apostles.  On their return to Jerusalem they remained there as instructed to await the coming of the Holy Ghost.  They gathered around the Blessed Mother in prayer and we imitate this first novena with our own starting this Friday.  The Ascension is the third critical element to our spiritual life.  Our Lord’s Death, Resurrection and Ascension are all essential in the plan of redemption.  We must die with Christ so we can rise to life and go to heaven.  The Ascension strengthens our faith and hope because our head is in heaven and we as members of His Mystical Body will be there one day.

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Queen of Angels And Men

Conference On First Friday, May 2021 – Feast Of St. Stanislaus
St. Stanislaus is the patron saint of Poland and an example of a bishop who gives his life to protect his flock.  The month of May is dedicated to Our Lady’s queenship and ends with Her feast day.  Pope Pius XII instituted the feast with an encyclical that sounds prophetic in its words: “especially in troubled times the world has turned to the Blessed Virgin Mary as Queen”. This is for several reasons beginning with Her divine maternity which started at the Annunciation.  By Her “fiat” God became man and thereby showed that all graces would come from Him but through Her. The Blessed Mother is Queen by being the highest of any creature in charity and all the other virtues.  She also has the title by earning it with Our Lord at Calvary as His cooperator in redemption.  We must proclaim Her sovereignty and draw close to Her.

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Guardians Of The Liturgy

Easter Sunday 2021
We gather at the stational Church dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary because she was the first to see her Risen Son Who truly died and rose again.  At this Mass we join with those from last night’s vigil in renewing our baptismal promises and the renouncing of Satan and all his works and pomps.  This Mass is mystic and the Introit expresses the eternal unity of the Blessed Trinity and much more.  The priests and those preparing for the priesthood must heed the last prophetic reading from the vigil last night which carries a warning for those commissioned to protect Our Lord in the Mass and sacred liturgy.  Happy Easter.

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Easter Vigil Baptisms

Easter Vigil 2021
During this Vigil in anticipation of Our Lord’s Resurrection at midnight we begin outside in the darkness by lighting the Paschal Fire.  Then we carry the Light of the World in through His Candle which is praised in the exquisite praeconium called the Exsultet.  Prophetic readings and the Litany of the Saints ready us for the making of the baptismal water and finally the solemn Baptism of our catechumens.  Mass begins and we join with the neophytes as they receive their first Holy Communions.  Happy Easter.

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Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever

First Friday – Feast Of St. Agatha 2021
With the beginning of the Easter Cycle through the season of Septuagesima it is a good time to review what the Sacred Liturgy is and how it leads our spiritual lives through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states.  The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer in the worship of the Mystical Body of Christ and this vocal prayer is also the springboard for mental prayer which culminates in contemplation.  An analysis of the liturgy, the essential element in the lives of all saints and the foundation of all of schools of spirituality, is a profound and deep one that should make us appreciate ever more the treasure we have been given.  The praying of the Rosary is our daily link to all these divine benefits.

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