River of Mercy

Feast Of The Precious Blood 2019 Devotion to the Precious Blood of Our Lord is based on the doctrine of the Incarnation whereby we know that all components of His Sacred Humanity belong to the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity and are thereby worthy of divine adoration and love.  God prepared us for His…

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Sacrament Of The Mystery

Corpus Christi 2019 The origin of this feast is based on apparitions of Our Lord to St. Juliana of Belgium wherein He requested it to honor this Most Blessed Sacrament and make reparation for irreverences towards It.  St. Thomas Aquinas composed the beautiful texts for the Mass.  The feast predated and provided the bulwark against…

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Communion From Our Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday – First Communion Sunday 2019 Today is the first time we have had Good Shepherd Sunday also as our First Communion Sunday.  What a special day it is for all of us!  We recall the greatest day of our lives when we received Our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion. …

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Sacrament Of Life

Laetare Sunday 2019 After learning about the wonderful saints of this week, Francis of Paola, Isidore of Seville and Vincent Ferrer, the Epistle of St. Paul about the son of the slave girl and the heir of the free woman is explained.  Then the Gospel, which is the beginning of St. John’s famous sixth chapter…

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Herald Of Christmas

Gaudete Sunday 2018 The Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday because of the mitigated penance it communicates as we draw closer to Christ’s arrival.  St. John the Baptist comes before us again in today’s Gospel as he heralds the Messiah and Christmas.  He had great holiness and all the qualities necessary to prepare…

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Lex Orandi Lex Credendi

First Sunday of Advent 2018 The First Sunday of Advent begins the Church’s new liturgical year and reminds us that the way we pray is the way we believe.  The liturgy is the official prayer of the Church and the ordinary means of holiness.  It is also a weapon against the devil.  Prayer is an…

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Bible Facts

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 The 19th Sunday after Pentecost reminds us not to neglect the divine invitation to the marriage feast and to come prepared wearing our wedding garment symbolizing grace.  Clothed as a new man we will put aside sin and follow the commandments.  Today is also the feast of St. Jerome, the…

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Depart From Me For I Am A Sinful Man

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2018 The humility of St. Peter in the Gospel is a virtue we all must practice as a promise of heaven.  We should be as attentive as possible at Mass so we can pray well.  We witness the death of Our Lord again during the Holy Sacrifice and we hear His last…

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Our Faithful Angels

1st Friday Conference October 2015 So many Catholics desire a greater understanding of the Mass.  The Consecration of the Mass is surrounded by rituals and rubrics that are filled with meaning.  When you appreciate the meaning of these rubrics you see the true beauty of the Mass and the great evil of those who would…

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Deliver Us from Pride

16th Sunday after Pentecost 2015 When we see the moral attacks on society, and especially on the sacrament of Matrimony, it should be a wake-up call for all of us. We should strive to pray better and attend Mass more frequently when we witness how dire is our situation. This Mass is given to us…

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