Lent Restores Peace

Ash Wednesday 2015 Not one word is said about punishment or damnation in the readings for this Mass, and that should give a hint to Catholics about the true spirit of this season.  There is no such thing as a private sin.  Not only are all our sins known to the heavenly court, but the…

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Distrust of Self

Sexagesima Sunday 2015 Many of the Epistles of St. Paul were dictated by him and written by his fellow disciples.  He was being attacked by false Christians, so in this Epistle he attempts to bring back the faithful who were led astray.  St. Paul’s great lesson is to distrust ourselves.  This season is the realization…

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It Is Not Easy

Septuagesima Sunday 2015 The Epistle tells us that if we are to put our efforts into anything it should be something that really matters.  Not for the perishable rewards given in sports but for the eternal reward of Heaven.  These three Sundays are for an examination of conscience.  We should be asking during these days…

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Watch And Pray

Sermon from The 1st Sunday of Advent 2014 St. Andrew was the first of the Apostles.  He traveled to Greece and even Russia, and ultimately gave his life by crucifixion in imitation of Our Lord.  We begin the new liturgical year and the reliving and re-presentation of the life of Christ, through which we are…

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The Battle Of Saint Pius X

Conference Given On 1st Friday September 2014 Pope Saint Pius X only reigned for eleven years but his contributions to the Church are unparalleled in modern times.  He took the name Pius because the past popes who possessed that name suffered for Christ as great defenders of Catholic doctrine.  As soon as he became pope,…

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The New Law Changed Everything

Sermon From The 12th Sunday After Pentecost 2014 The feast of Pope St. Pius X is this week and even he acknowledged that all his efforts had only delayed the enemies of the Church.  The Epistle summarizes the importance of recognizing the difference between the spirit of the law and its letter.  In the Gospel…

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Fear And Encouragement

Sermon From 9th Sunday after Pentecost 2014 We are given tremendous encouragements in this Mass.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is that fear which we are taught today.  Even as the elect, we can still be lost, but God is faithful and will not abandon us.  Just as Christ wept over…

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The Fruit Of Our Labor

Sermon From The 7th Sunday after Pentecost 2014 One of the side effects of sins of impurity is blindness of heart.  “By their fruits you shall know them.”  We see the fruits of both the evil and good people in our own lives and throughout the history of the Church.  It is no easy task…

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Our Mediator To God

Sermon From The Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2014 The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church because Christ protects it and has built it on the rock of St. Peter.  We know much about St. Peter from the Gospels and about St. Paul from the Acts and the Epistles.  They mirrored…

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Giver Of Life

Sermon On Pentecost Sunday 2014 The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life. …

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