
The Essential Devotion

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Feast Of The Sacred Heart 2020
Love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus must be part of everyone’s life, especially the consecrated who are baptized, confirmed or ordained.  The reason for this is that His Human Heart belongs to God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, and contains those mysteries that St. Paul alludes to in today’s Epistle.  The Mass texts for today tell us more about the Heart of Jesus as revealed starting with the opening of It on the Cross.  Private apparitions to St. Margaret Mary gave the impetus for spreading this devotion and the popes have encouraged it throughout the centuries.  Many benefits accrue to us by practicing this love and one is the peace and rest that comes to our own heart and soul by learning to be meek and humble like Our Lord.

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Faith Overcomes The World

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Low Sunday 2020
Today is called Low Sunday in comparison to the High Sunday of Easter last week. This Lent was our opportunity to tell God we are sorry for our sins and we resolve to continue having this sorrow throughout our lives.  Faith is the center of our reality and source of our victory.  We are like the apostles in today’s Gospel who receive the consoling words from the Risen Savior, “Peace be to you”.  Repeat the indulgenced words of St. Thomas often, especially at the elevation, “My Lord and My God”.  Live the life of God in our souls now through the Indwelling of the Blessed Trinity.

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Invincible Weapons

21st Sunday After Pentecost 2019
In the Gospel we learn that we are tied together because the man is cast in prison and his wife and children are sent there with him.  We also see the mercy of God and the consequences of not showing mercy to one another.  The Epistle reminds us that we are engaged in a spiritual battle and need to use our heavenly arsenal to wage war on the devil and his minions.  Prayer is key and the desire for holiness is a sure sign of victory.
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Put On The New Man

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19th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
Beginning with the words of the Introit we are given peace in the midst of whatever tribulations we experience.  St. Paul in the Epistle tells us that by Baptism we are no longer in sin and must live a new life of grace.  All previous lying, stealing and refusing to work must be abandoned.  Our new life should reach to the control of anger so we only use it when necessary and for good reason.  This state of grace is seen in the Gospel as represented by the wedding garment.  Without this we cannot be saved.  With grace we can show our gratitude to God and rejection of sin, even venial sin.


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Take Your Cross And Follow

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7th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The Church reminds us today to avoid sin.  If not we will be subject to punishment.  Our Lord uses a parable that everyone can understand.  He equates false religious leaders to the tree that brings forth bad fruit and that we can judge by those fruits.  God is always looking after us by His Divine Providence and nothing is left to chance.  He sees every detail of our lives and allows all for our ultimate goal of happiness with Him in heaven.

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Enkindle The Fire For Heaven

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Lynn Burdi Funeral Mass
We miss and will always pray for the deceased who had a love for the traditional Latin Mass and for the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Her rose garden in front of the chapel is the constant reminder of that.  We here who mourn our loss must pray and sacrifice for her to be released from Purgatory if she is there being purified in preparation for her entrance into heaven. The merciful fire that accomplishes this is ignited by our love through the Holy Mass so we must pray fervently for her now and in the future.

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Love Of God And Neighbor

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5th Sunday after Pentecost 2019
The Church begins our sanctification now with the reminder that our love of God is shown by our love of our neighbor.  This is so important that Our Lord instructs us to delay even prayer and public worship so we can first reconcile with our brother when necessary.  How we do this requires prayer, reception of the sacraments and a generous response to the inspirations of the Holy Ghost.  By this we turn our hearts and affections from this world to the invisible treasures of heaven.

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Be Envious Of Love

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Quinquagesima Sunday 2019
Christ was baptized in January and then began His 40 day retreat in the desert which coincides with our upcoming Lenten retreat so we can share with Our Lord.  It is a time for prayer, especially the Mass, and recollection.  The Liturgy transcends space and time and links us to eternity so we can receive the graces of these days.  We strive to reach heaven and see God face to face.  Love God and give yourself to Him daily.

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How Often Do We Thank Him?

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5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019
On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help us practice this and the other virtues.  Sin is the only thing that belongs to us alone.  We must beware of the fires of hell as a punishment for lack of love.

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Love Rules All

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4th Sunday After Epiphany 2019

In the Epistle for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul teaches that charity must be part of the fulfillment of all the commandments and not a license to commit sin.  We must do our part and fight against evil.  We need to ask for forgiveness, renounce our sins and cry to Our Lord with the apostles “Save us, Lord!”

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