
Be Wise As Serpents

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8th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
Christ does not commend the dishonesty of the steward in the Gospel, but rather his prudent foresight.  God has made us stewards of our lives and it is up to us to use our God-given talents to better know Him, love Him, and serve Him.  We see the ambitions of the world, but how much more desirous should we be for heavenly goods.  We too will have to make an account of our stewardship, and if we live our lives as a continual act of love we will be called to enter into the joy of our God.

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He Bought The World

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Precious Blood 2023
This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true Mass we have no doubt what takes place at the Consecration.  Christ’s death continues to the end of time and we are invited to be part of it.  If not for the Precious Blood no sins would be forgiven.

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The Invitation To God’s Mercy

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3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023

Today’s Mass texts echo the feast of the Sacred Heart with their emphasis on God’s mercy.  Many Catholics with a false concept of this divine attribute use God’s mercy as an excuse to sin.  We know that God does not forget our sins when they are forgiven.  He remembers them in all their details and He offers His mercy anyway.  That is what makes God’s mercy so beautiful.  We must follow St. Peter’s instruction and remain sober and watchful with a penetrating knowledge of ourselves.  Humility is the virtue that invites the mercy of God.

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True And False Obedience

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3rd Sunday after Easter 2023
Only those who are sorry receive that forgiveness of Christ.  Our Lord in this Gospel says that in a little while He will die and then in a little while His Apostles will see Him alive again in glory.  It is not in the Resurrection but in His glorious Second Coming when we shall experience joy unimaginable.  We are told that those who pray will be saved and through mystic prayer we may begin to experience Heaven on Earth.  We should read the lives of the Saints and imitate them according to supernatural prudence.

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One Redeemer, One Priesthood

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Low Sunday 2023
50th Priestly Anniversary of Fr. Ward
We are here first to love and honor God, because this day is dedicated to thanking Him.  We thank God for sending us a holy priest, for the Church, and for her truth.  What better day to speak about the priesthood than the day on which we were given the sacrament of Penance.  The words of Our Lord, “you shall be holy because I am holy,” were said to everyone, but first of all to His priests.  It was Christ who said, “To you it is given to know the mysteries of God.”  Priests are privileged to share in the royal lineage as Christ Himself.

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Season of Consolation

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Ash Wednesday 2023
We think of the sins we must avoid but rarely do we think of the virtues we must practice.  How often when we confess, we think of the sins we commit but not the reasons why we commit them.  We forget that all the hardships we face in life are given to us directly by God.  Lent is the season of charity, comfort, and consolation.  Charity unites us to God and it will last for all eternity.  It is charity that gives this season its purpose.  We must use this time to express our sorrow for offending Our Lord, to obtain mercy, and receive the sacrament of Penance.

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Loving God Through Neighbor

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3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2023
Before we make our offering at the altar we must first reconcile with our neighbor, and we also have an obligation to thank God and our neighbor for the gifts we have been given.  All the miracles of Our Lord recounted during this season after Epiphany teach us Christ’s motivation.  He performed them to confirm the words that He taught.  From the humility of Christ, we learn spiritual childhood and our dependence on God.  Let us pray for both the conversion of our neighbor and the conversion of ourselves.

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Ponder This in Your Hearts

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2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2023
This Epistle tells us that we should bless and not curse our enemies.  We see this exemplified in the story of St. Maria Goretti, who wanted her murderer to be with her in Heaven.  We see it in the prayer of St. Stephen offered for Saul, which led to his conversion.  We see it in the prayer of Christ Himself from the Cross, “Father, forgive them, for the know not what they do.”  The miracle at the wedding feast of Cana was the first of Christ’s miracles, and it reminds us that marriage was lifted from the natural to the supernatural order when it was made a sacrament by Our Lord.  Prudent deliberation must be made when searching for a spouse.

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Fall Forward

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6th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
This Sunday brings our minds back to the two great sacraments of Holy Week: Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Through the former we are given life in the Mystical Body and by the latter that life is nourished and grows.  Those who fall short in attempting to “walk in newness of life” have the example of the reparation of King David along with the conversions of so many saints.  Just like those saints, we must use our falls to our advantage, being urged on with greater zeal to fight harder than ever.  In doing so, our frailty becomes our strength, and our falls only propel us forward to our goal.

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United Against Our Enemy

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are sensitive to offenses against us, but what are we like to our neighbor?  Our love for God can be measured by our fraternity.  Catholics must be more united than ever before.  We must stand unified against the onslaught of vices and perversions of all kinds that the world sends to us.  This is especially necessary in the education of our youth.  Do not think for a moment that the fight is over and we are victorious, because our true battle is not merely against flesh and blood.


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