Lent Has Formally Begun

Sermon On The
1st Sunday of Lent 2014
Father Violette✟
Our sins are an infinite offense, because they offend an infinite God and although we cannot make adequate reparation, Our Lord has still instructed us to do penance.  This penance can only be performed with God’s supernatural help of grace.  We are guided by the Church throughout Lent and given the weapons of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  When we use these weapons well, Lent becomes the best time of the year.  It is the time when we are preparing for our heavenly delights.

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Penitential Mercy

Conference On
Ash Wednesday 2014
Although many outside the Faith look askance at the penances Catholics perform, they are unable to explain the meaning of Christ’s words, “unless you do penance you will perish.”  We have great attachments to our vices, and it is only through grace and penance that we can learn truly to hate our sins.  The season of Lent is a time of mercy.  We receive this mercy through confessing our sins and receiving the sacraments.  We must pray the Confiteor and beg God to help us, with a true conviction of amending our lives.

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Draw All Things To Myself

Sermon From
The Feast Of Corpus Christi 2013
St. Bonaventure warned that removal of the Blessed Sacrament from the Church would leave the people like a herd of animals. St. Paul in the Epistle gives a monitum about irreverence to the Holy Eucharist in his day. What about our times? This feast has a special history because of its origin around a miracle. St. Thomas Aquinas composed the texts for this Mass and today’s Divine Office. The teaching about this sacred gift from God is clear and separates our true Church from all other false religions. Christ died to give us Himself in this way and it is sacrilegious, ungrateful and irreverent to treat the Sacrament of His Body and Blood in anything less than a loving and devout manner.


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