The Fountain of All Graces

Feast Of The Holy Name of Jesus 2019
Tomorrow is the feast of the Epiphany and it commemorates the showing forth of God made Man and His dwelling among us.  The feast marks three manifestations: first, to the Magi, second, Christ’s Baptism and third, the wedding feast at Cana.  Today’s feast celebrates the Savior’s Name and all that we owe It.  We receive great consolations through use of the Holy Name.  Jesus means savior and Christ is saving us even right now.

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A Renewal of Christmas

Sunday Within The Octave Of Christmas 2019
The eight days starting with Christmas are the daily celebration of the Incarnation and the Sunday within those days is a highlight of that.  Despite all the propaganda, we should adhere to the Church Fathers, not only in upholding the dogmas surrounding this feast like the virgin birth, but other truths handed down to us like December 25 being the date of Christ’s birth.  This Epistle recalls the dogmatic truths and the Gospel warns us, as the Blessed Mother, that her Infant Son will inspire persecution against Himself and His followers like the saints of Christmas.  We already willingly stand with Him and pray to continue to be faithful.

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Christmas Is Hope

Christmas 2019
As we gather at the crib of Bethlehem we renew our belief in the fundamental truths of the Incarnation (God made Man) and the miraculous virgin birth (the Blessed Mother’s perpetual virginity).  After thousands of years of suffering in consequence of Adam’s sin this night marks the beginning of our redemption and the elevation again to the supernatural life.  All of this is the cause of the joy experienced by the faithful and which even effects our pagan, secular world. God with us gives us hope for a better future and the promise of living with Him in heaven one day.

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We Will Bless Our Crosses

1st Sunday Of Advent 2019
The feast of St. Nicholas on Friday is a celebration of an heroic early bishop whose acts of charity have been carried on to our day in the figure of Santa Claus.  Advent and the new liturgical year begin today and the Introit of the Mass is an appeal to beg God to protect us from the devil.  The Epistle gives the plan for this season – cast out the works of darkness and put on the armor of light in preparation for Christmas.  The Gospel continues the warning from last week about the end of the world and our facing God’s judgment.  We will be thankful on that day for all the merit gained through our struggles for salvation.

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Report Card Sunday

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2019
As we end the liturgical year we can make an examination of conscience and grade our spiritual life in light of God’s blessings to us these past twelve months.  Have we been faithful to our Baptismal promises as St. Paul reminds us in the Epistle by renouncing Satan and all his works and pomps?  Are we prepared for the judgment awaiting each of us as Our Lord warns in the Gospel?  Have we remembered the Holy Souls in Purgatory during this month dedicated to them?  The Church gives us hope in the Mass texts which promise God’s thoughts of peace and not of affliction.

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Proofs of Christ’s Divinity

23rd Sunday after Pentecost
God loves us infinitely more than we love ourselves and this thought should turn us to Him in prayer often.  Today’s Mass is about the Last Judgment and our eternal destiny afterwards.  All will be revealed and corrected. Christ is the Son of God and Our Lord gave evidence to help us believe Him.  Some of the demonstrations of His Divinity are His perfections, miracles and teachings.

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Our Lady’s Fiat

Feast Of The Annunciation 2019
The Annunciation changed all of history as God became a Man this day.  The fall of Adam and Eve was repaired by the archangel, St. Gabriel, asking the New Eve to become the Mother of God.  Our Lady prophesied that all generations will call her blessed and we fulfill this prophecy with every Hail Mary.  We should say the Angelus with devotion.

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Follow Your Star

Feast Of The Epiphany 2019
The feast of the Epiphany is the manifestation of God made Man and seen in the Holy Infant by the Magi. The Magi were Gentile wise men who were familiar with Hebrew prophecies & recognized in a miraculous star the fulfillment of them in the coming of the Messiah. They had the generosity to follow the star to Bethlehem & be the first non-Jews to see and to adore Jesus Christ.  Each of us is called to follow our own star of attraction which will lead us to Our Lord if we, also, are generous. It is never too late to follow your star.

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New Year

Octave of the Nativity 2019

The Octave of the Nativity is an ancient feast with roots in pagan times.  The Christians felt the need to gather on the first day of the new year to do penance for the pagan revelry of the previous night.  This popular penitential devotion moved the Church authorities to institute this feast and thereby add a renewal of Christmas job along with a commemoration of the Circumcision and an honoring of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was the key to these mysteries.  We should promise to take our Christian life seriously this year.  The carol about the twelve days of Christmas was a catechism lesson for the persecuted Catholics in the past and full of beautiful truths during our days of celebrating the Nativity.


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He Grew And Became Strong

Sunday Within The Christmas Octave 2018

The Sunday during the Octave of Christmas is a renewal of the feast of the Nativity.  We should feel the comfort of our Faith and disregard the propaganda of the media which has a particular animosity toward Our Lord and His Blessed Mother.  The Gospel points out the first sorrow of Our Lady as prophesied by Simeon and that the Christ Child grew in wisdom, age and strength before God and men.
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