Cry Out to God!

Quinquagesima Sunday 2024
Abraham is our patron today.  His willingness to sacrifice his only begotten son was a type of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  In today’s Gospel, the Apostles did not understand Our Lord’s words.  To remove any doubts, Jesus performed the miracle of curing the blind man, demonstrating His divine power.  We also must cry out as this blind man did.  We need God to cure our blindness of heart and mind.  Our good works become void if they are not for the love of God.  Our intentions must be pure.  Today’s Epistle is a great aid to meditation and will help us obtain divine charity.

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The Family, The Foundation of the World

Feast of the Holy Family 2024
St. Joseph is the head of our family.  He was formed in the image of God the Father because he was given a share of the same love that God possesses for His Son.  St. Joseph loves us as he loved Christ, because we are part of the Mystical Body.  The Blessed Virgin is the true Mother of God because she gave Him His human life.  Our Lord knew all things in His Divine Mind, but He chose to learn as we do in His human mind, so He could be the perfect model of humility.  He wanted to be like us, so we would want to be like Him.  Today we are taught about the virtue of obedience, without which we cannot be saved.

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Freedom From Anxiety

3rd Sunday of Advent 2023
Gaudete Sunday – This is a day in which we take joy in our Catholic Faith, a day without anxiety or trouble of heart.  We must make our petitions known to God, trusting that they will be answered in the best way possible.  God gives us the grace to ask for the helps we need.  Those who are of good will enjoy peace in this life.  The patrons of Advent are the prophet Isaias, St. John the Baptist, and the Blessed Virgin.  We must strive to remove whatever is in our life which impairs our union with Our Lord.

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The Power of Desire

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2023
In this Epistle we are encouraged when St. Paul tells us that he never stops praying for us.  Yet we can still be lost if we do not desire to follow God’s will for us.  The greatest proof of union with God’s will is joy in adversity.  How much we should thank God and how seldom we do.  This day reminds us that soon the world will end, and we must prepare for our judgment.  In Heaven we will think the thoughts of God and love Him with His own love.  If our desire for love is great, we will obtain the fruit of that desire and the happiness of Heaven.

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The Perfection Of Love

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
We should make a study of the saints for this coming week, each one of which gives an invaluable example to motivate our spiritual lives.  Today is about charity.  Nothing matters if we lack this great virtue.  We must love our neighbors because God loves them.  This was the example of the early Christians.  Everything is for God’s greater glory, even our very salvation.  We endure the evil of the world now, but when our love is perfected the evils of the world will influence us no longer.

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Our Ladder To Holiness

23rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023
It is very fitting this Sunday falls after the feast of All Saints this year, because in his Epistle St. Paul speaks of following the example of the saints.  The lives, example, and instruction of the saints help us ascend to the heights of holiness.  We know the value of this devotion when we observe how much it has been attacked by the enemies of the Faith.  The Epistle also tells us to avoid bad example, which can so easily corrupt our souls.  We must lift each other up with true friendship and love of our neighbor.

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Pray For Their Rest

All Souls Day 2023
The Mass of the dead is really the Mass of life.  Virtually nobody prays for the dead, which is a great injustice.  Although Purgatory is not formally denied, it is simply never mentioned.  We must pray for the priests and religious who held fast to the true traditions of our Faith, and all the faithful who were buried from our Chapel.  When we die, we are incapable of making any more choices, and are unable to merit or demerit.  Nothing sullied can be in the presence of God, and the justice of God demands that we make up for our sins.  Few people in this life make satisfaction for their temporal punishment so God in his mercy offers them Purgatory.  It is a place of great joy and great longing.  God has ennobled our prayers so that what we pray can affect our neighbor.  God will grant mercy to the Holy Souls on the condition that we ask.

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Everything Is For The Saints

All Saints Day 2023
St. John expresses God’s love and mercy for the Hebrews in today’s passage from the Apocalypse, but it is also a call for all men.  Every man is called to be a saint.  The origins of this feast go back to the beginning of time, because even the angels are included today.  We gain innumerable graces when we imitate the saints.  Today we also make up for neglecting the saints throughout the previous year.  One soul is worth more than all the rest of creation.  It is not only possible but necessary for us to be saints.  We must be Christians, not in name only, but we must be truly Christlike.

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Running To Our Lord

Feast of St. Thérèse of the Child Jesus 2023
Investiture of Sister Rose Michael
When the priest gives the habit of Mount Carmel, it is Christ Himself giving the habit and all the graces attached to it.  God wishes that a person embrace religion willingly, without any external pressure.  In poverty we place all our trust in divine assistance.  In chastity we experience the true meaning of love, offering body and soul to our Divine Savior.  In holy obedience we follow God’s Will through our superiors.  God is calling us to live a life joined to the Passion.  We will be sanctified if we maintain great desires in our holy vocation.

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Instruction To The Youth

Q&A Conference September 2023
Children can sometimes be crueler than adults and hurt feelings can last a lifetime.  If we are hardhearted in the way we treat others, God will punish us.  We must beware of gossip.  Young men should be particularly careful with the feelings of young girls.  And young girls should look in the mirror honestly and clothe themselves in a manner that is flattering rather than revealing.  It is the personality that makes friends. We change a great deal externally as we grow older, but a good heart remains.

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