Mercy For The Living And The Dead

Sermon From The
21st Sunday after Pentecost 2014
The books of the Machabees are read in the Divine Office during this time.  We are given an important instruction from the Machabees, especially during the month of November, to pray for the dead.  We are fighting a seemingly impossible enemy to conquer.  But we must think of God, not of ourselves, and rely on His help and the help of the good angels.  We will be punished if we are hardhearted and do not forgive those who ask for mercy, or do not pray for the souls in Purgatory who are so much in need of our help.

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The King Of Saints

Christ the King 2014
The purpose of human history is for the creation of saints.  The reason for all human existence is to reach the final end of sanctification.  The feast of Christ the King was instituted to combat secularism.  God is the efficient cause of everything, and because of this He owns everything.  There is a communal side to all men, but we are not only bonded to one another, we are bound to God.  Christ in His human nature is intimately united to the human race, and even more so after we are baptized.  God wants to be loved, and it is our obligation to do so.

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Mass Of Loyalty

Sermon From The
19th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This month is dedicated to the Holy Rosary and this sacramental is so powerful that just carrying it is important and beneficial.  The Rosary is a contemplative prayer which is adaptable to communal recitation that can be difficult for some, especially children.  The Introit tells us that God will save us and we must resist the devil.  The Gospel about the marriage feast parallels Christ’s life and stresses the importance of having grace in order to participate in the Sacred Banquet.  Loyalty is being faithful to God, His Church and the Faith.  It continues its influence into our families and friends.  Parents have the responsibility to teach this to their children so that they inculcate this virtue into all their relationships in life.

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Woe To The Scandalous

Conference On The
First Friday of October 2014
Scandal is one of the greatest sins against charity.  Christ expects us to do whatever it takes to avoid occasions of sin, even if the separation from these things is painful.  Christ was not only referring to children when He speaks of scandal given to the “little ones.”  He was speaking about all those who are innocent and poor in spirit.  Scandal is a word or act that is evil or appears to be evil that leads others into sin.  Scandal does not cause a person to sin but leads them to it.  We should strive for the spiritual childhood promoted by the Little Flower.

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Gratitude: The Unknown Virtue

Sermon From
13th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
With the approach of the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows we are reminded of Christ’s final gift to us from the Cross.  As we prepare to resume catechism classes it is important for parents to realize their serious obligation to train their children for heaven.  Our Lady’s 30 days are ending soon so we need fervor this week.  In the Gospel we learn the power of faith in the healing of the lepers but it is supernatural faith which is a theological virtue and can only be given by God.  Christ also teaches us about a part of the virtue of justice which few appreciate and even less practice and that is being thankful to God for the favors He grants us and showing gratitude to others for their kindness and charity towards us.

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The New Law Changed Everything

Sermon From The
12th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
The feast of Pope St. Pius X is this week and even he acknowledged that all his efforts had only delayed the enemies of the Church.  The Epistle summarizes the importance of recognizing the difference between the spirit of the law and its letter.  In the Gospel Our Lord teaches how the new law of love is extends to our neighbors too, even those we may not like.  Say the Act of Charity in the morning and practice it throughout the day by caring for someone else even if you do not feel like it because we do it for the love of God and it is the right thing to do.

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The Hallmark Of Christians

Sermon On The
5th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Savior, in taking a human nature, knows by experience the hearts of men.  The Old Law was imperfect because it was given to an imperfect people but God was eager to give the fulfillment of that Law in a new and perfect Law.  The main difference between the Old and New Covenant is the spirit of inclusion in the latter, through fraternal charity.  This charity comes from God Himself.  We must do good to those who persecute us and leave vengeance to God alone.

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The Blood of His Heart

Sermon From The Feast Of The
Precious Blood 2014
We can see from the history of this feast day why is it so important for our times when the Church is under such great attacks.  The first gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is His Precious Blood.  The first reason for the creation of the human heart was for love of God.  His Blood is called precious because it is the key to our redemption and our enemies defeat.  It is the Blood of God.  Every last drop of Christ’s Blood was shed for us to clearly exemplify is love for mankind.

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Come To The Feast

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This Sunday sets the tone for the rest of the year.  The liturgical color of this season after Pentecost is green, which represents hope.  The Mass is filled with all the tools necessary to make us saints.  Just as we read the Gospel account, we too receive invitations from God and we can choose to ignore them if we wish.  This Mass is for all of us: the poor, the lame, the blind.  We must have a great fear and a great love of the Holy Name.

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Giver Of Life

Sermon On
Pentecost Sunday 2014
The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life.  Today is the birthday of the Church and we see all of Christianity spring from the graces the Holy Ghost gives to the Church.  There is one Faith and there is one Lord.

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