Purification, Presentation, Procession

Feast Of The Purification 2018
This ancient feast is celebrated today in the same way as Sylvia described the ceremony in the fourth century.  Our Lord and His Mother exercised humility by submitting to the Mosaic laws that did not apply to these sinless Personages.  The Holy Infant was ransomed this day so that He could be offered for our redemption in the future.  Our Lady did not need any purification in order to return to the temple but she identified herself with us sinners.  The first procession took place on this day with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family.


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The High Altar

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The tour of the chapel takes us today to the place of sacrifice.  The significance of the altar is explained.  Every single detail is of importance and prescribed by Holy Mother the Church so that all is done with reverence and devotion.  After the Our Father the altar of sacrifice becomes the means of our communing with God in the Blessed Sacrament.


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Celebrate The Victory Of Christ

Easter Vigil 2017

The Easter Vigil begins with the Feast of Light in dispelling the darkness of sin.  The next part of the ceremony is about Baptism and renewal of vows and finally we have the Mass.  The central doctrine of Easter is the Resurrection of Our Lord and His overcoming of evil and death.  We renew our Faith and rejoice in Christ’s glorious Resurrection.


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Candles For Purification & St. Blaise

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2017

The powerful blessing given on the feastday of St. Blaise is not only for throats but for any other health problem and even for spiritual maladies.  We also take home with us a blessed candle on Candlemas Day. The candle is revered as a symbol of Christ Himself who is united with us through this most powerful sacramental.  We are encouraged to light a candle when we pray because by so doing we unite our prayer with Christ Himself, whose Body and Soul are symbolized by the candle we hold in our hands or display in our home.  The liturgical candle, made almost completely of the wax from virginal bees, is so important that not to have them lit during the Sacrifice of the Mass is a grievous sin.


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The Only Acceptable Worship

Easter Vigil 2015
We are privileged to be a part of the unbroken history of this liturgy. Catholic worship is more than merely a compilation of rituals. It is a true reliving of the past. Because of our fallen nature, and the sins we commit, we are not placed in friendship with God but in enmity with Him. Merely human worship, therefore, does not suffice in pleasing God. There is only one worship that is acceptable to Him and that is the worship of His Divine Son. Every act of the Divine Son is infinitely holy. In the instant when His death on the cross took place, the destiny of the universe was changed, and the true Promised Land of Heaven was opened to us.

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May Darkness Be Dispelled

Feast of the Purification 2015
This is one of the earliest feasts in honor of the Blessed Virgin.  In the Mosaic Law women underwent a juridical purification after birth.  Although it was not necessary for the Blessed Mother to receive any purification, out of humility and submission to the law, she participated in this ceremony.  This is the Mass of candles, and from the earliest days of the Church the candle has been used as a sacramental representing Christ Himself.  Today we pray that the light of Christ will dispel the darkness of vice in our hearts and strengthen us against the temptations of the devil.

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It Is Not Easy

Septuagesima Sunday 2015
The Epistle tells us that if we are to put our efforts into anything it should be something that really matters.  Not for the perishable rewards given in sports but for the eternal reward of Heaven.  These three Sundays are for an examination of conscience.  We should be asking during these days what we have done in our life that has truly mattered.  It is not easy to be a Catholic, because it means we will have enemies in this life.  The opinions of men do not affect our eternity.  It does not matter how we begin our life, but how we end it.  We must live with distrust of self and knowledge of our dependence on God.

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Let Perpetual Light Shine Upon Him

Funeral Mass, March 2014
Death hurts us all, but the Church gives us words of comfort in the face of death when she reminds us that on the last day all will rise.  The coffin of the deceased is surrounded by candles at the Requiem Mass, representing Christ, the Light of the World.  Even those who have left the true Church have admitted the great comfort the Church offers us in our last moments.  In praying for final perseverance, we are asking for all the help necessary to fight the final attempts of the devil to steal our souls from God.  The deceased soul’s work is over, but ours is not.  We must continually pray for the souls in purgatory and pray for our own salvation.

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Give Yourself Completely to God

Sermon From The Feast Of The
Purification 2014
In this event in the life of the Holy Family, the first procession took place when Christ was carried through the Temple of God.  This is renewed by the faithful today in the procession with the candle which represents Our Lord.  We see the perfect example of humility in the Blessed Mother, who submitted to the law for sinners, which required ritual purification after birth.  The essence of sacrifice is in our heart and mind, not our bodily movements.  This is the day we offer our hearts completely to God.

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Why God Permits Suffering

Today is also Father’s Day.  This vocation is attacked in our society and only adds to the suffering and sacrifices that fathers must endure for the sake of their families but God always hears their prayers and heaven awaits them.  The Black Forest fires that have been destroying many homes in our area have even threatened us but God has preserved us.  We have many spiritual helps to protect us and all are welcome here in case of danger.  Things like this make people wonder how evils exist in a world created by our heavenly Father Who saw that all was good.  Non-Catholics are at a loss to answer such questions and some conclude that God cannot exist.  We know that there are many reasons why we suffer and imitating Our Lord on the cross and winning eternal glory is certainly one of them.

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