Liturgy: Yesterday, Today and Forever

First Friday – Feast Of St. Agatha 2021
With the beginning of the Easter Cycle through the season of Septuagesima it is a good time to review what the Sacred Liturgy is and how it leads our spiritual lives through the purgative, illuminative and unitive states.  The Holy Mass is the highest form of prayer in the worship of the Mystical Body of Christ and this vocal prayer is also the springboard for mental prayer which culminates in contemplation.  An analysis of the liturgy, the essential element in the lives of all saints and the foundation of all of schools of spirituality, is a profound and deep one that should make us appreciate ever more the treasure we have been given.  The praying of the Rosary is our daily link to all these divine benefits.

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Purification, Presentation and Candles

Feast Of The Purification 2021
This feast was already old in the fourth century.  It celebrates Our Lady’s fulfilling the Law by going to the temple forty days after giving birth so she could be admitted once more ceremonially to worship.  Her humility was extraordinary because she was not bound by the Law but she freely submitted as her Divine Son did also.  In addition, on this same day, Christ was presented in the temple as the first born Son to receive His rightful place and to be ransomed for a time until His hour has come and He will return to complete the sacrifice.  The candle which is blessed and used in today’s procession reminds us of the Holy Infant being carried in the first procession centuries ago which revealed the Light of Revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of Israel.

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Season of Examination

Septuagesima Sunday 2021
This week is the feast of St. Agatha whose veil is a precious relic that has protected the city of Catania from various cataclysms throughout history.  The significance of wearing a veil is explained.  Septuagesima season is a transition from the Christmas to the Easter cycle and an immediate preparation for Lent.  It is a time for the catechumens and penitents especially.  We recall the story of Genesis and the fall of Adam and Eve whose crime is inherited by us and known as original sin.  This week examines the effects of original sin in our lives so we are ready to combat these vices as soon as we reach Ash Wednesday.

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The Candle Shows The Beauty Of Christ

Feast Of The Purification 2020
For only the second time in a couple of decades we are celebrating this wonderful feast of the Purification on a Sunday and this enables more of the faithful to participate in this sacred Liturgy and to hear the doctrines about this feast.  This ceremony is ancient, recorded in the fourth century by a holy pilgrim sister, Sylvia. It is celebrated in the same way today.  Christ, now forty days old, was presented in the temple and restored to His parents by their offering a gift in exchange for Him.  Also, the Blessed Mother submitted to the law, which was not intended for her, by her offering of doves for purification.  The first procession took place with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family and this is renewed by our procession with the candle, a sacramental which depicts the Son of God made man.


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Pray The Catholic Way

5th Sunday After Easter 2019
As we approach the end of Easter season and the extinguishing of the Paschal candle we should remember the importance of lighting votive candles.  We should heed the practical advice of St. James in his epistle today when he tells us to put our faith into action.  We must not become like worldlings who treat God with indifference and we should pray always and today, Memorial day, for those defenders of our country.

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History Of The Resurrection

Easter Sunday 2019
The details given in the Gospels about Our Lord’s rising from the dead provide the compelling evidence for our faith in the Resurrection.  Christ first came to visit His own Mother and spent time with her until His appearances around the sepulchre.  Later in the afternoon He walked with the two disciples to Emmaus and ended the day by seeing the apostles in the upper room.  We must rejoice with them over our King’s Victory.  There are some in the world who think they can conquer Our Savior.  These have been deceived by the devil.

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Saviors Of The World

Easter Vigil 2019
God created on the first day of the week at midnight, He was born at midnight and we keep vigil now waiting for His rising at midnight.  All the infinite merits of Christ’s Passion and Death were won on the Cross but only applied to us when He rose from the dead and now distributes these treasures through the Liturgy.  This vigil has us renew our baptismal vows and witness a Baptism.  All this prepares us for the Easter Mass when we offer our sacrifice with Christ and unite with Him in Holy Communion, the foretaste of heavenly glory.

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Love Rules All

4th Sunday After Epiphany 2019

In the Epistle for the Fourth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul teaches that charity must be part of the fulfillment of all the commandments and not a license to commit sin.  We must do our part and fight against evil.  We need to ask for forgiveness, renounce our sins and cry to Our Lord with the apostles “Save us, Lord!”

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Our Presentation

Feast Of The Purification 2019

The feast of the Purification also celebrates Our Lord’s Presentation in the Temple. The Mosaic law required a mother to offer sacrifices before she could be allowed again to participate in worship. In addition, it stipulated that a first born son should be offered to God Who would then return him to the parents for raising him. The Blessed Mother and her Divine Son were exempt from these requirements because of Their sinlessness and holiness but They showed us the way of humility today. We must imitate Them in offering ourselves to God.

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Blessing of St. Blaise

Feast Of St. Blaise 2018
St. Blaise was an early martyr bishop whose intercessory power was well-known especially by two famous miracles.  The elements of these divine favors are what make up the blessing of throats on his feastday.  The spiritual benefits from this sacramental are increased by our devout reception of this blessing.


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