God Will Win

Sermon From
The 5th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Fraternal charity is a theme of this Mass. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Peter and he is a great person who was trained well by Our Lord. A test of courage is the ability to endure challenges patiently. We should imitate the saints in seeking peace and pursuing it. Our love of God is seen in how much we love neighbor too. Our society is deteriorating and is seen in its acceptance of the four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. A heavy chastisement is awaiting us. The Sacred Heart lamented that even consecrated souls are guilty. By our baptisms all of us have been dedicated to the Blessed Trinity and should fulfill our vows of fidelity. God will triumph in the end with a victory as seen by Gideon.

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Convert All Nations

Ascension Thursday 2015
The dogma of the Ascension of Our Lord is the only dogma to be proclaimed by the angels.  The Scriptures were written by practical men who desired proofs to support their belief.  We review the story of the Ascension to increase our understanding and to love it better.  The souls of the just were waiting in patient expectation of this day.  Following the divine command, the Apostles traveled far and wide to convert the world.  Only the Catholic Church has produced all the great saints and the miracles to confirm their teaching.  This day Christ ended His visible mission on earth and will soon send the Holy Ghost.

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May Christ Triumph in Us

Palm Sunday 2015
This is the most important week of the liturgical year, and we are reminded of the necessity of all the sacraments, but especially of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  We begin this week with a look towards the future triumph when we celebrate Our Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem.  We meet Christ now with the palms and in the priest in the procession, and we will meet Him in the future when He leads us into the heavenly Jerusalem.  We must have the disposition that God desires when we received the palms, so we may be victorious over sin. Let us, by our fervor, make up of the sins for our life during this week.

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Penance and Preparation

Sermon From The
4th Sunday of Advent 2014
✟Father Violette
This is the last day of preparation for the birth of Christ.  To talk about penance, conversion, and self-purification is not opposed to the joy of Christmas, but necessary for true participation.  Even the Child Jesus had His Passion in mind when He first entered the world.  St. John the Baptist was the holiest man who had ever lived up to that point, yet he was not given power to change the soul through his baptism.  It is only through the merits of Christ that the sacrament of Baptism gives us new life.  Without prayer and penance, we will surely lose our way.

+ Father Violette’s final sermon +

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Priestly Life: Human and Divine

Conference From
First Friday November 2014
To teach, rule, and sanctify are the three powers priests must employ to accomplish their purpose on earth.  Through preaching the priest shares the fruits of all he knows.  In ruling the priest is able to organize society according to the principals of the Church.  By sanctifying the priest makes the people truly holy.  The priest is called “Father,” because he gives life by healing and restoring the faithful.  The priest should offer all, especially the Mass, for the remission of sins.  God chose men, not angels, to be priests, because men know sin and can offer compassion to their fellow sinners.  But despite knowing sin, no one on earth has a greater obligation to perfection than the priest.  Priests belong entirely to Christ and must possess His mind and will.

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The King Of Saints

Christ the King 2014
The purpose of human history is for the creation of saints.  The reason for all human existence is to reach the final end of sanctification.  The feast of Christ the King was instituted to combat secularism.  God is the efficient cause of everything, and because of this He owns everything.  There is a communal side to all men, but we are not only bonded to one another, we are bound to God.  Christ in His human nature is intimately united to the human race, and even more so after we are baptized.  God wants to be loved, and it is our obligation to do so.

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The Veiling Ceremony

Sermon From
6th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the feasts of St. Mary Magdalen, St. James the Greater and St. Anne.  This Mass repeats Holy Week for us and its sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Today is also the veiling day for one of the Carmelite Sisters which is rare in our world.  The veil is the sign of consecration to Our Lord as the true Spouse of souls and the reserving of the look of the countenance to Him alone.  Do not deny Jesus anything because no amount of generosity on our part can outdo that of the Savior.  All the elements of this beautiful ceremony express the joy, peace, sacrifice and eternal reward that a contemplative vocation embodies.

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Believe And It Shall Be Done To You

Sermon From
24th Sunday After Pentecost 2013
Father Violette✟
We must first love God, then our neighbor, and then love ourselves according to God’s Will.  The three theological virtues are freely given, not earned.  When we reach heaven, faith and hope will no longer be needed, only charity will remain.  We practice charity, which is true love for neighbor, even when we do not like him – even when he attacks us.  Just as Our Lord saved the Apostles who were in danger on the stormy sea, we should never feel as if we are doomed.  We must tell God how deeply we believe and ask Him to increase our belief.

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The Sign Of His Love

Sermon From
The Feast Of The Precious Blood 2013
The shedding of Our Lord’s Precious Blood is a sublime and essential truth of our Faith.  Many clergy and laity have easily fallen away because they did not appreciate this and other truths of God.  We fall by degrees and not mortally immediately.  We must maintain our fervor and love in this life because it is more important on earth than knowing much.  We can only love that for which we have suffered.  The history of this feast shows its importance in modern times to overcome the particular dangers that attack Christ and His Mystical Body.  The Blood of the Savior redeemed us and is the everlasting token of how much He loves us.  We are granted to receive this life giving refreshment whenever we receive Holy Communion.

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