Everlasting Pleasure

Sermon From The
2nd Sunday after Easter 2014
St. Peter reminds us in the Epistle for today that our obligation is to become saints.  Our Lord compares our relationship with Him to the relationship between Him and His Father.  The world mistakenly teaches that life is all about pleasure and worldly goals.  We either think as God thinks or as the world does.  If we seek the everlasting pleasure of Heaven, rather than the passing pleasures of this life, God will begin to reward us even now.

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The Victory of Our Faith

Sermon From
Low Sunday 2014
Our Lord has truly risen, and we are here to celebrate that event.  “This is the victory that overcomes the world – our faith.”  This is the victory that leads us to Heaven.  The Blessed Mother was the first person that Our Lord visited after His Resurrection.  We know this not because the Bible mentions it directly but because it tells us by omission.  She was not among the women visiting the tomb, because she already knew her Son had risen. We are small and insignificant, but because of the faith we will be victorious.

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You Will Wake in Heaven

Sermon From The
Easter Vigil 2014
There are many reasons for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, but one of the most important was that He might release to us all the benefits He won on the Cross.  This is why, even in His glorified Body, He keeps the wounds of His Passion.  Heaven is available to all and we were created to enjoy it.  As St. Augustine says, “You made us for Yourself.”  Although the Vigil begins in complete darkness, we are soon shown the Light of Christ which guides us on our way.  By His grace our lives are touched, and we are brought to our final reward.

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Our Hearts Will Be Revealed

Sermon From
Good Friday 2014
We ask the Blessed Mother to help us through this liturgy, because it was she who stood at the foot of the cross.  Because of the elements of joy and paschal anticipation in the Mass, it is not fitting for this day in which all joy has been suppressed.  The Church is in mourning for her God, Who has died for her this day.  The Church is calling upon sinner to repent, and to partake of the fruit of the new tree – Christ Himself on the tree of the cross.

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The Sole Means of Salvation

Sermon On
Holy Thursday 2014
This day we celebrate the institution of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist, and the Priesthood – the only vocation created directly by God.  The saints tell us that it would be easier for us to exist without the Sun than without the Mass.  Our presence at the Mass shows God’s love for us, because He gives us the grace to come, and it allows us to show our love, fidelity, and loyalty to Him.  God has promised a great reward to those who stand with Him, and we know that it is only through the Mass that we will receive that reward.  Let us make reparation and proclaim our loyalty through the Sacrifice of the Altar.

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The Summary of Holy Week

Sermon From
Palm Sunday 2014
In the liturgy of Palm Sunday we are shown by Holy Mother Church the summary of the entire Holy Week.  Christ allowed Himself to be given regal praise this day, and we continue that celebration in the blessing and distribution of palms, which are a sign of victory.  The ancient practice of the Church in Jerusalem is repeated now in the triumphant procession.  Heaven is our goal, and we are called to follow Our Lord in all humility, so that we may have a part in that final procession when the souls of the just join their heavenly King.

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The Cost of Redemption

Sermon On
Passion Sunday 2014
During the season of Passiontide, we see the cost of our Redemption.  The statues are veiled and every consolation is removed from us so that our attention may be focused on the sufferings of Christ alone.  We see in the Gospel the sin against the Holy Ghost in which one maliciously and deliberately interprets what is good as something evil.  Those guilty of this sin are the ones not worthy to receive forgiveness and will “die in their sin.”  In the face of such wickedness, seen especially in our own time, we should cling all the more loyally and faithfully to our suffering Savior.

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Lessons From Lenten Masses

Sermon From
4th Sunday In Lent – Laetare Sunday 2014
On this day of the Golden Rose, the Church is instructed to rejoice.  “Rejoice Jerusalem!”  Remember that Lent is for the catechumens and penitents, and just like them, we can receive instruction by reading the texts of the Masses for this season.  From this Epistle we are prepared for coming persecutions, knowing that Christ will always shepherd His flock no matter what the future may hold.

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Her Infallible Trust

Sermon From
The Annunciation 2014
What a close friend of God St. Gabriel must be for him to be chosen over all the other angels to ask God’s intended spouse, Our Lady, if she would be mother to the Divine Son.  If we want to know the will of God we should ask the angels, especially St. Gabriel.  When we hear the angel say, “Nothing shall be impossible with God,” it should fill us with hope and courage.  We must never give up!  Even Judas could have been saved if he had not despaired.  The Blessed Mother gives us the perfect example of infallible trust in God.

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You Are a Walking Gospel

Sermon From
3rd Sunday of Lent 2014
We must avoid the great evil of scandal.  We frequently forget the damage we inflict by our bad example.  We will all be called to make an account on judgment day.  We should run from occasions of sin and bad companions and live as if we are a walking gospel for our neighbor.

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