Come To The Feast

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2014
This Sunday sets the tone for the rest of the year.  The liturgical color of this season after Pentecost is green, which represents hope.  The Mass is filled with all the tools necessary to make us saints.  Just as we read the Gospel account, we too receive invitations from God and we can choose to ignore them if we wish.  This Mass is for all of us: the poor, the lame, the blind.  We must have a great fear and a great love of the Holy Name.

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Definition Of Priestly Life

Sermon From The Feast Of
Corpus Christi 2014
The priesthood was established with Christ’s words, “do this in memory of Me.”  The entire purpose of the priesthood is for the worship of God, through the Holy Eucharist.  This great gift of the Blessed Sacrament is envied by many who are outside the Church.  Catholics stand up in defense of the Eucharist because we know it is the true presence of God, and not simply symbolic.  It is a living memorial of the sacrifice of Christ on the cross.  We do not believe in the trans-signification of the modernists, but the dogma of transubstantiation.

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The Unity and Trinity of God

Trinity Sunday 2014
Today is also Father’s Day and we wish all the fathers a happy day.  This feast is considered the greatest in the Church because it celebrates the supernatural mystery about the Trinity’s own inner life which we could never even imagine without Revelation informing us of this secret of the Three Persons in One God.  The Old Testament gave indications of this mystery but it was reserved for the Second Person to reveal this personally when He walked among us.  Our Faith teaches this as a fundamental truth without which one cannot be saved.  Each Person of the Trinity has an internal mission and by attribution an external mission.  We are incorporated into this Trinitarian life by sanctifying grace and will see its fruition in heaven.

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Giver Of Life

Sermon On
Pentecost Sunday 2014
The Father is the Unbegotten, the Son is the Only-begotten, and the Holy Ghost is the unifying and personal Love which unites both the Father and the Son.  The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of Unction, the Finger of the Right Hand of God, and the Giver of Life.  Today is the birthday of the Church and we see all of Christianity spring from the graces the Holy Ghost gives to the Church.  There is one Faith and there is one Lord.

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Niceness vs. Sanctity

Conference On The
1st Friday June 2014, St. Norbert
Melchisedech was a priest, prophet and king so his life is a perfect foreshadowing of Christ.  The only record in the Old Testament of a sacrifice of bread and wine was offered by him.  St. Norbert lived a sinful life far from God but miraculously converted.  This saint is a beautiful example of great generosity of soul.  Saints are not “nice.”  We can be very misled by judging souls by externals.  It is not the niceness of a person and not even his knowledge that determines the sanctity of his soul.  It is the love of God which makes the difference.

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God’s Omnipresence

Sermon On The
Sunday after the Ascension 2014
We better appreciate the story of today’s Gospel with historical knowledge about the Sea of Galilee, the storms which were common there, and the location and culture of the Decapolis.  God is everywhere, not in the sense that the pantheists believe, but according to His immensity.  He is everywhere in three ways: by His knowledge, by His power, and by His essence.  When we speak of the Essence of God we must remember that the word “essence” is derived from the word “esse,” meaning “to be.”

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Heaven Is Open

Sermon From
Ascension 2014
Today we celebrate the only dogma that was proclaimed to us by the angels.  Jesus descended into Hell, meaning that He entered to “lower regions” to lead the souls of the just to their reward.  They were all brought to that real place which we call Heaven and all the souls of the just are celebrating there on this day.  This is a prediction of our coming resurrection.  Christ sits at the right hand of the Father by right and by conquest.

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Sacrifice Is Christian

Sermon From The
5th Sunday after Easter 2014
✟Father Violette
Just as the Church converted the pagan temple of the Pantheon into a Catholic church, she frequently takes what is pagan or secular and “baptizes” it into something Christian.  We could see something similar in the secular holiday of Memorial Day because a soldier’s sacrifice is at its core something Christian.  Knowing the Faith is not enough for us.  We know from St. James that Faith without works is dead, so we should strive to practice virtue, especially when it is difficult.


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His Promise To Us

Sermon On The
4th Sunday after Easter 2014
First Communion Sunday – God loves us and desires to come to us in Holy Communion.  The day of our First Holy Communion is remembered by all – even those who have left the Faith.  We prepare ourselves for that most important day and believe every article of doctrine, not just in our head, but in our hearts.  We belong to God alone when we receive Him.  He makes a promise when He gives Himself to us in the Eucharist, a promise that He will take us to Heaven one day.

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We Are Not Yet Home

Sermon From The
3rd Sunday after Easter 2014
✟Father Violette
We know that God is every quality that is good and the Blessed Mother is the creature closest to imitating this infinite perfection.  She is the model that mothers should imitate.  Heaven, where we are immune from all suffering, is meant to be our home forever.  We forget how close God is to us during this life.  He will remain with us even when we sin as long as we do not sin mortally.  We are sustained by His thought of us.

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