Our Lady’s Sovereignty

Sermon From 14th Sunday after Pentecost 2013 The time between the Assumption and the feast of the Seven Sorrows is considered Our Lady’s thirty days.  The Mass texts of these feasts and that of the Immaculate Heart show her quality as Co-Redemptrix.  This adds fervor to the devotion we already have to our heavenly Queen…

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Her Fitting Assumption

Sermon From The Feast Of The Assumption 2013 Congratulations to all the confirmands who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Sunday.  You have received an increase of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost which were originally received at your Baptism.  You now are soldiers of Christ and represent the Church to the world.  This…

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Rash Judgment

Sermon From The 11th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today’s announcements have details about the upcoming confirmations.  Also, there is an instruction on Holy Communion and the dispositions necessary for its reception and how wrong it is to assume what the state of soul is for a non-communicant.  We have many beautiful feasts this week and…

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Much Is Forgiven Those Who Love

Sermon From The 9th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 – 10am Mass Tomorrow is the feast of the great penitent, St. Mary Magdalen.  Early in life she fell into sin which made her like Satan.  However, Our Lord’s love frees us from sin.  Some, like the Pharisees, rejected His love.  Even mortal sins can be forgiven…

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Prepare For The Second Coming

Sermon From 9th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 During the announcements today we learn what things are necessary for the upcoming Confirmations.  This Mass is a warning so we are ready when Our Lord returns for the Final Judgment.  Jerusalem and people in general live lives of distraction which deflects their attention from the important things…

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The Sign Of His Love

Sermon From The Feast Of The Precious Blood 2013 The shedding of Our Lord’s Precious Blood is a sublime and essential truth of our Faith.  Many clergy and laity have easily fallen away because they did not appreciate this and other truths of God.  We fall by degrees and not mortally immediately.  We must maintain…

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Why God Permits Suffering

Sermon From The 4th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today is also Father’s Day.  This vocation is attacked in our society and only adds to the suffering and sacrifices that fathers must endure for the sake of their families but God always hears their prayers and heaven awaits them.  The Black Forest fires that have been…

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A Place For Sinners

Sermon From The 3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2013 The Church reminds us in the Introit of this Mass, just as she did at the beginning of the liturgical year, to lift up our souls to God.  We have been given the Holy Ghost in this season to carry us to our goal.  The first half…

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He Craves Our Love

Sermon From The Feast Of The Sacred Heart 2013 It is sad how feasts like this one have been neglected by priests in the past to the detriment of the devotion of the faithful.  Our Lord came to St. Margaret Mary, showed her His Heart and with other things said that even consecrated souls mistreated…

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My Happiest Day

Sermon From 2nd Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today our children receive their First Holy Communion. Our Lord left us this sacrament so we would not be orphans when He ascended into heaven. The Holy Eucharist and the special graces given by Christ will help us to reach heaven. The state of grace in us means…

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