Our Humiliations

Sermon From
10th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the feasts of St. Helen and St. Bernard who entered religious life with thirty relatives and friends who accompanied him.  This is the Sunday of Humility when we remember where we came from so we do not fall.  St. Paul reminds Corinthians of their stupidity in worshiping rocks and how grace helped them.  We were called to a supernatural destiny from the beginning but Adam destroyed that for us.  Now we must overcome the inherited pride by the essential virtue of humility because unless we become like little children we shall not enter into heaven.

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Heart Speaks To Heart

Sermon From Feast Of The
Assumption 2014
The best material for prayer is the word of God found in Sacred Scripture and we are given ample aid for prayer in the texts of this Mass.  Judith is the perfect type of the Virgin Mary because it is the Mother of God who truly “cut off the head of the enemy.”  She has conquered the devil and sin and was raised above the rest of men from the moment of her Immaculate Conception as a preparation for the Incarnation.  Elizabeth was the first to recognize this young girl as the Mother of God.  The Assumption is the product of divine power, because it was her Divine Son Who brought His Mother to Heaven.

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Fear And Encouragement

Sermon From
9th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
We are given tremendous encouragements in this Mass.  Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and it is that fear which we are taught today.  Even as the elect, we can still be lost, but God is faithful and will not abandon us.  Just as Christ wept over the city of Jerusalem, we feel sorrow for those who have turned away from God and will endure His just punishments.  We are all soldiers of Christ who must remain strong and continue to pray for our enemies.

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Public Worship

Sermon From
8th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week has the beautiful feasts of St. Dominic, Our Lady of the Snows, the Transfiguration and St. John Vianney.  Man by nature has the need to be religious and bind himself to that which is greater, namely God the Creator.  For Catholics this is enhanced as we are bound to God our Father.  For these reasons, and because of God’s own commandment, we must worship Him publicly and should not permit anything to prevent us from attending Mass on Sundays and Holydays of obligation.  Real men sacrifice all for family, and are willing to do the same for Almighty God.  St. Augustine said it famously, “Lord, you have made us for Yourself and our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee.”

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The Fruit Of Our Labor

Sermon From The
7th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
One of the side effects of sins of impurity is blindness of heart.  “By their fruits you shall know them.”  We see the fruits of both the evil and good people in our own lives and throughout the history of the Church.  It is no easy task to change one’s life.  We must carry our cross daily and in uniting our sufferings with those of Christ, we will truly bear good fruit in our lives.  We have a duty to follow the commandments with great love of God.

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The Veiling Ceremony

Sermon From
6th Sunday After Pentecost 2014
This week we have the feasts of St. Mary Magdalen, St. James the Greater and St. Anne.  This Mass repeats Holy Week for us and its sacraments of Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.  Today is also the veiling day for one of the Carmelite Sisters which is rare in our world.  The veil is the sign of consecration to Our Lord as the true Spouse of souls and the reserving of the look of the countenance to Him alone.  Do not deny Jesus anything because no amount of generosity on our part can outdo that of the Savior.  All the elements of this beautiful ceremony express the joy, peace, sacrifice and eternal reward that a contemplative vocation embodies.

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The Hallmark Of Christians

Sermon On The
5th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
✟Father Violette
Our Savior, in taking a human nature, knows by experience the hearts of men.  The Old Law was imperfect because it was given to an imperfect people but God was eager to give the fulfillment of that Law in a new and perfect Law.  The main difference between the Old and New Covenant is the spirit of inclusion in the latter, through fraternal charity.  This charity comes from God Himself.  We must do good to those who persecute us and leave vengeance to God alone.

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Our Prayer for Hope

Sermon From The
4th Sunday after Pentecost 2014
It would be a serious sin if we had no desire to grow in holiness. We can increase in every virtue when we attend Mass, but especially in our hope. We should pray for an increase of hope, and the more we pray the more assurance we have of entering Heaven. We see in the Gospel for this Mass that St. Peter was rewarded for his obedience. Without a trustful hope in God, we can achieve nothing. We must ignore the teachings of the world and place our confidence in God alone.

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The Blood of His Heart

Sermon From The Feast Of The
Precious Blood 2014
We can see from the history of this feast day why is it so important for our times when the Church is under such great attacks.  The first gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is His Precious Blood.  The first reason for the creation of the human heart was for love of God.  His Blood is called precious because it is the key to our redemption and our enemies defeat.  It is the Blood of God.  Every last drop of Christ’s Blood was shed for us to clearly exemplify is love for mankind.

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Our Mediator To God

Sermon From
The Feast Of Saints Peter & Paul 2014
The gates of hell will not prevail against the Church because Christ protects it and has built it on the rock of St. Peter.  We know much about St. Peter from the Gospels and about St. Paul from the Acts and the Epistles.  They mirrored Christ.  St. Peter is highlighted by his conversion which drew Our Lord to his humility and sincerity.  St. Peter as Vicar of Christ on earth is the the means of our relationship with God.  Saints Peter and Paul are models of the priesthood and religious life.  Vocations should be inspired by this feast to follow their example.  St. Ignatius says that we should presume to be a priest unless told by competent guides that it is not for us.  All are called to the priesthood and/or religious life.

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