God’s Secret

Trinity Sunday 2015
There are two days in the liturgical year on which the establishment of a feast day has been requested by Heaven directly, one of which being the feast of Corpus Christi.  We should know the details of the establishment of this feast, which was meant to combat the future attacks against the Holy Eucharist.

Our Lord commanded that all nations be converted and baptized in the name of the Holy Trinity.  Every Mass begins with the invocation of the Holy Trinity in the Sign of the Cross.  There are numerous symbols in the Church which express the doctrine of the Holy Trinity.  The Kyrie and the Gloria of the Mass proclaim and praise the Triune God

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Melt Our Frozen Hearts

Pentecost Sunday 2015
We must remember to pray for the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.  We are not bound to love our government, but, in the virtue of patriotism, we are bound to love the country that supports us and the people who live in it.  A good Catholic soldier endures hardships and makes reparations for the sins of his fellow countrymen.  After the Ascension of Our Lord, the Apostles spent nine days in prayer.  These days are duplicated in every soul purified in the last stages of perfection.  The Apostles were deprived of the sensible consolations of the Savior so that they would be purified of all attachments, even misplaced attachments in the spiritual life.  We are given gifts from God that we may love Him more.

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Mutual Charity

Sunday after Ascension 2015
We are given great comfort from the Introit of this Mass, “the Lord is my life and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”  We know that everything that happens to us was all part of God’s plan.  Our Lord is no longer present on Earth in the same way He was before the Ascension.  Although the Apostles felt desolate when Christ left them, they remained in constant prayer.  St. Peter tells us not only to be prudent and watchful, but to show constant charity towards our neighbor.  It is the practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy which has won innumerable converts.

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Convert All Nations

Ascension Thursday 2015
The dogma of the Ascension of Our Lord is the only dogma to be proclaimed by the angels.  The Scriptures were written by practical men who desired proofs to support their belief.  We review the story of the Ascension to increase our understanding and to love it better.  The souls of the just were waiting in patient expectation of this day.  Following the divine command, the Apostles traveled far and wide to convert the world.  Only the Catholic Church has produced all the great saints and the miracles to confirm their teaching.  This day Christ ended His visible mission on earth and will soon send the Holy Ghost.

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Help Us Do Our Duty

5th Sunday after Easter 2015
The Oration of this Mass asks that God bless all those who are humble and to teach us how to think correctly.  We must be humble if we wish to correct our lives.  Humility allows us to hear corrections and take them to heart.  This Epistle was written by the cousin and friend of Our Lord, St. James.  Even the enemies recognized the holiness of this saint.  St. James tells us that we need more than faith alone to be saved and instructs us on the importance of honesty.  The most common vice contrary to honesty, is dishonesty to oneself.  Every time we sin, we tell ourselves a lie.  We must do our duty to be saved.

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Distinguishing Truth From Error

4th Sunday after Easter 2015
Why is the month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother?  The practice began by the efforts of a Jesuit priest of the 18th century in Rome, who dedicated the youth of his time to the Virgin Mary.  By devoutly reciting the Rosary during this month we will remain under her protection as well.  The instruction of this Epistle urges the practice of the great virtue of patience to combat unjust anger.  The virtues and gifts of the Holy Ghost which we possess allow us to hear the word of God and to recognize the false teachings of the world.  We want to express our faith in the Resurrection and assert our trust.

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The Christian Worker

1st Friday Conference May 2015 (Part 2)
Why did Christ choose to be the Son of a worker?  St. Joseph’s vocation represents someone who changes the world, because in using the materials of the world he symbolically transforms it.  A Catholic should be familiar with the definition of Capitalism, Social Darwinism, Prosperity Theology, Fascism, Socialism, Marxism, and Existentialism.  The true Christian view stands opposed to these philosophies, because it teaches that man is judged not simply by his work but by the quality of his character.  Even small works have value if they are done with great love for God.  “Whatever you do in word or work, do all in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ.”

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Beneficial Liturgical Reform

1st Friday Conference May 2015 (Part 1)
Most traditional Catholics are aware of some of the changes that were made to the Holy Week liturgies prior to Vatican Council II, but few know that even great traditional liturgists, like Dom Guéranger, desired that changes be made to these liturgies.  The Church on several occasions has removed accretions from the Mass and liturgy, as well as distinguished between “religious” music and “liturgical” music.  Although the new Holy Week liturgy is not without flaws, it should not be compared with the destruction of the Mass through the Novus Ordo.  Similarly, the feast of St. Joseph the Worker was founded to combat communism and its incursions in the Church.  The practice of taking that which is contrary to the Faith and transforming it into something to aid true Catholic devotion has been employed by the Church from the earliest days.

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The Lasting Joy of Faith

3rd Sunday after Easter 2015
Today’s Epistle tells us of the importance of good example.  Many more conversions are made by good example than by preaching.  The “little while” during which the disciples would not see Christ described His passion, death, and descent into limbo.  The disciples were so attached to Our Lord that it was like death for them to be separated from Him.  After this “little while” in the tomb Christ predicted that He would rise again and would be seen by His followers once more.  Faith is a supernatural power that permits us to ascent with the mind and embrace with the will everything God has revealed, simply because He says so.  The fact of the Resurrection gives assurance to our faith and fills us with lasting joy.

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Instruction to the Married Couple

Nuptial Mass – April 2015
The wedding day is particularly important for the wife, because this union provides the security and protection for her and her future children.  She, representing the whole Mystical Body, surrenders herself to the husband who is supposed to be the living representative of Our Lord through the love he provides.  A marriage only works when both parties will it to work.  All the sacraments are forms of worship as they are united to Christ’s redemptive sacrifice.  Matrimony is a participation of the fruitful love of Christ from the Cross.  The married couple are called to be the extension of God’s love, as they produce saints to propagate the kingdom of Heaven.

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