The Paschal Flame Will Never Fail

Easter Sunday Morning Mass 2016

Lumen Christi, intoned by the Celebrant three times with increased vigor as he approached the Altar during the Easter Vigil, is a reminder to us that the Light of Christ will remain with us even in the darkest hour – that period of time between Christ’s Death and His Resurrection.  And He showed this Light to His Blessed Mother, to those at the cross and to the many of the faithful so as to confirm their Faith and leave no room for discouragement – that indeed, they might spread the Good News to all nations.  Will we spread the Good News despite the efforts of many who would dispel it in our times?


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Christ Is Risen, Alive & Still With Us

Easter Midnight Mass 2016
Christ truly rose from the dead as His appearances on Easter show.  He remains with us still and His Resurrection is our guarantee of freedom from sin and its consequences.

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Meditation On The Resurrection

Easter Vigil 2016

What does it mean for us to say: Christ rose from the dead?  It means that He finally and once and for all overcame Death and gave us a hope for our own resurrection if we stay true to His words.  This awesome act of the Son of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, is the most profound and stupendous act in all of human history and the symbols of the Fire, Paschal Candle, Holy Water that He left us are meant to give us a glimpse of the compassion Jesus has for us as we travel the road set for us when He said to His disciples: “I will not leave you orphans.”  It is important also that we remember the large number of people who give testimony to this Event – that it was not just a story or fable of some kind but that it really happened.

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Take Up Your Cross Daily

Good Friday 2016

This sermon is about why we call Good Friday, Good?   When we see how Our Lord was treated – how he was scourged, beaten, crowned with thorns, and cursed we find ourselves asking: “how can this be Good”?  It is for us a bittersweet moment because we know that unless Our Lord fulfilled the wish of His Father, we could not be saved.  The tremendous value of Our Lord’s Passion and Death, Death on the Cross, is a reminder to us that He can bring Good out of the most heinous Evil.  It is also a way for us to recall that suffering can be beneficial to us if we offer it up to God for our sins.


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My Little White Guest

Holy Thursday 2016

This sermon is all about Agape which is that selfless, sacrificial, unconditional Love, which Jesus has first for His Father and then for us.  It is the Love that He demonstrated on Holy Thursday when He told his disciples, “I will not leave you orphans” and gave them and us through them, the Eucharist and Holy Priesthood to be with us until He comes again in Glory.  It is also the Love which inspired Him to wash the feet of His disciples and to give them the command, “If, then, I, being your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”  This is called the Mandatum and it is our charge as well – that selfless Love we must share with one another.  It is, in the final analysis, why He took upon Himself all of our sins, suffered, and died on the cross to win for us eternal salvation with His Father in Heaven.  The only question for us is: How will we return that Love?


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Qualities Of St. Joseph

Feast Of St. Joseph 2016

In this sermon, we learn of St. Joseph in his title as Spouse of the Blessed Virgin and what that means in the context of marriage. St. Joseph followed his vocation and each of us must do the same, first by doing our duty and then by responding to God’s invitations. He is like God the Father and on frontiers of hypostatic union. Humility is the foundation of St. Joseph’s qualities that his other virtues, like meekness, purity, charity and loyalty are built upon. He is the patron of a holy death.


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The Season Of Penance

Passion Sunday 2016

It is important to fight the effects of original sin and actual sins by practicing intense penance now.  Say the act of contrition often and never give up.  Get back up after each fall as Our Lord did when He was carrying His Cross.



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Live By Me Eternally

Laetare Sunday
After announcements we learn about St. Thomas Aquinas the angel of purity.  After the Epistle and Gospel the significance of the Rose and Laetare is explained.  Then the  Easter sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist are described.  This Sunday is a foretaste of Easter joys in mid-Lent.  The details of the  Miracle of the multiplication of loaves and fishes as sign of institution of Holy Eucharist at the last Supper is given with the citation of St. John Chrysostom about the Blessed Sacrament.



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