Confession, Contrition, Satisfaction

2nd Sunday in Lent 2018
During Lent it is important to stir up sorrow for our sins and to receive the Sacrament of Penance.  The older form for the penitent to use in the confessional expressed aspects of this beautiful sacrament that we should appreciate.  If received well,  this sacrament can even make us holier than just before we sinned, for example we have St. Peter.  The Gospel for this Sunday is about the Transfiguration and is meant to encourage us, as it did the Apostles, for the struggles we must face in the days ahead.


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The Gift Of Lent

First Sunday in Lent 2018
Grace is present at every moment for us but especially during Lent.  We, as Christians, must not be a scandal to those in the world.  Lent is our retreat and it is dangerous to our spiritual life not to realize this.  The virtue of chastity cannot be practiced without constant help from grace.  We need the sacraments, prayer and spiritual reading to be holy.  Christ was tempted in three ways which are conquered by our penances of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.  Remembering the four last things will help save us.


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Unto Dust You Shall Return

Ash Wednesday Evening 2018
Blessed ashes remind us of death and our own nothingness.  These marked the public sinners from the early days of the Church and do for all of us now.  No sins are too much to be forgiven and penance and fasting are powerful means to save us as they did for the Ninivites.  The Epistle calls all to join the priest in doing penance. We should never betray God for any momentary sin.  Love of God dispels sin and vice from our hearts.  We should pray for devotion and sorrow during Lent so Easter will be a preview of the life to come.


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God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018
In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want to eradicate now.  We begin our forty days of prayers, almsgiving and fasting with confidence that God will hear our plea and forgive us as He did with the Ninivites at the preaching of the prophet Jonas.



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Love Created Us And Must Be Returned

Quinquagesima Sunday 2018
This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed.  Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not.  He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future.  Today strengthens our faith and spurs us on to love God better.


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Rise Up, God, And Help Us

Sexagesima Sunday 2018
During this sacred time before Lent we should examine our conscience so we know the predominant fault we will battle through penance once Ash Wednesday arrives.  St. Paul is our spiritual director for this as we think about original and actual sin.  The young especially have an opportunity to respond to grace and be instruments of sanctity in the world today.


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Blessing of St. Blaise

Feast Of St. Blaise 2018
St. Blaise was an early martyr bishop whose intercessory power was well-known especially by two famous miracles.  The elements of these divine favors are what make up the blessing of throats on his feastday.  The spiritual benefits from this sacramental are increased by our devout reception of this blessing.


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Purification, Presentation, Procession

Feast Of The Purification 2018
This ancient feast is celebrated today in the same way as Sylvia described the ceremony in the fourth century.  Our Lord and His Mother exercised humility by submitting to the Mosaic laws that did not apply to these sinless Personages.  The Holy Infant was ransomed this day so that He could be offered for our redemption in the future.  Our Lady did not need any purification in order to return to the temple but she identified herself with us sinners.  The first procession took place on this day with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family.


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Ignorance Attacked

Septuagesima Sunday 2018
This talk after Mass begins with the reasons for arming the faithful against the pernicious innovations that they face today.  Then the Gospel for Septuagesima Sunday is explained.  The parable about the hiring of workers to go into the field is the story of how Christ through His Church seeks to save souls.  First there is the invitation which is a divine power to follow Our Lord.  This impulse can come at anytime in life, even at the eleventh hour. Once accepted the recipient of this grace must correspond to it and work out his salvation.  Heaven is earned through cooperating with the actual graces God sends us.


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Be Thou Made Clean

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2018

This is the Third Sunday after the Epiphany and the theme of the season is still proclaimed: undying faith in the Son of God becoming Man.  St. Paul, whose feast this week celebrates his conversion, reminds us in the Epistle to be, as much as possible, at peace with all men.  In the Gospel Our Lord performs a miracle in curing the leper and then another miracle for the servant of the centurion.  This account again emphasizes the showing of His Divinity through His Humanity to the Jews in the leper and to the Gentiles in the servant of the pagan centurion.  We should take up the prayer of the soldier, especially at Holy Communion, and ask that our souls may be healed.  Then we can hear those beautiful words to the leper that made him clean of that terrible disease.

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