The Lord Wept

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2018
This Sunday teaches us to be humble and thankful for God’s gifts lest we lose them for our lack of appreciation.  The Gospel relates the event as Christ was to begin His triumphal entry of Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.  He paused on the Mount of Olives and wept over the Holy City and what would be its punishment for rejecting Him and putting Him to death.  This moment uniquely shows Christ’s divinity and humanity.  All can repent as St. Mary Magdalen and be saved from the fires of hell.

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We Have Reason To Hope

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Sacred Heart is shown to us in the Mass of this Sunday.  The texts emphasize the hope of this season symbolized by the color green.  Our Lord describes Himself in the Gospel as the Good Shepherd who carries His lost sheep home on His shoulders.  St. Peter warns in the Epistle that the devil is an obstacle on our path to heaven and we must know our enemy in order to combat him.  He was a murder and liar from the beginning and those are the evidence of his presence in the world today which is seen in recent news items.  Despite the dire circumstances we must have hope.


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Depart From Me For I Am A Sinful Man

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The humility of St. Peter in the Gospel is a virtue we all must practice as a promise of heaven.  We should be as attentive as possible at Mass so we can pray well.  We witness the death of Our Lord again during the Holy Sacrifice and we hear His last words “into Thy hands I commend My spirit”.


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The Necessary Devotion

Sacred Heart 2018
Christ requested this feast of His Sacred Heart to assure us in the latter days of His most merciful love.  This is not an optional devotion because it is the core of the Redemption.  Our Lord has made twelve promises to those who practice it which culminate in the pledge of future glory in heaven.  Now when the world has grown old and cold in its evil the Sacred Heart appears as the cause of hope for all.  For those who wish to draw close to His Heart, the masters of the spiritual life counsel self-denial, constant recollection and prayer.


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God Is Love

Trinity Sunday 2018
The beautiful feast of the Blessed Trinity dates from the fourteenth century and not from the Apostles.  The importance of a special celebration in honor of this most fundamental revelation of the Christian dispensation was increased through the centuries by heresies like Arianism.  Although we can come to the knowledge of the truth and reason to the reality of the existence of God we can never figure out that God is Three in One.  This doctrine is so sacred that it was reserved to the Son of God to reveal it while He walked on earth.  We must love the God of love in return.


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The First Novena

Pentecost Sunday 2018
Before the Epistle and Gospel for the feast of Pentecost we hear about St. Gregory VII and St. Philip Neri.  After nine days of prayer from the Ascension the birthday of the Church took place with the coming of the Holy Ghost.  The Person of Love completed the preparation of the apostles for their mission to convert the world to the one Faith and worship through the many charisms including the preaching which enabled all to understand their speech.  O Holy Spirit, Soul of my soul, strengthen me, console me. Amen.


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The Greatest Peace

Sunday After The Ascension 2018
Heaven became our home at the Ascension when Christ entered it.  Now no matter what happens to us in our daily lives we can live in the security and hope of eternal happiness with Our Lord.  As members of the Mystical Body of Christ we are destined to live where our Head is.  He promised that He was going to prepare a place for us and the Ascension time reminds us of this pledge.


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His Heavenly Priesthood

Ascension Thursday Evening 2018
Christ ascended today and began His heavenly priesthood which had begun on earth at the Annunciation.  The sacred Liturgy is the expression of the sacrifice of our Eternal High Priest.  The apostles returned to the Cenacle after the Ascension and gathered around the Blessed Mother to pray and to be one in mind and heart as they awaited the coming of the Holy Ghost.


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The Glorious Ascension

Ascension Thursday 2018
Ascension Thursday recalls the touching details of the final moments of Our Lord before His glorious return to heaven.  He was accompanied by millions of saints and took His place at the right hand of the Father.  This is the source of infinite joy to every creature.


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I Have Overcome The World

Fifth Sunday after Easter 2018 – First Communion Sunday
The Church on this last Sunday after Easter recalls the great joy of the Resurrection.  The Epistle from St. James exhorts us to put the Faith into action and not be idle hearers of the word.  In the Gospel Our Lord instructs His apostles to pray to the Father in His Name.  The First Communicants for today were given their final preparations before receiving Our Lord.  They also learned about the Scapular and Miraculous Medal which they will receive after Mass.



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