
Child Of Grace

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Quinquagesima Sunday 2020
The Epistle for today teaches the importance of the supernatural virtue of charity which is not to be confused with natural human kindness.  Charity not only enables us to love God and neighbor but it gives us knowledge beyond the highest attainable during our earthly lives.  Today was also the clothing day for one of our seminarians and the sermon continued on the topic of a vocation to the priesthood and religious life.  The importance of grace as a necessity for supernatural endeavors was explained.  The following qualities are essential during the future preparation for service to the Church: perseverance, trust in God, distrust of self, dedication and strength in adversity.  All of these will aided by the sacramental of the religious habit.

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The Grace Of Ashes

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Ash Wednesday 2020
The origins of this day date back to the beginning when God told Adam after his fall that he was dust and unto dust he would return.  To counter the sin of pride by eating the forbidden fruit we are called to practice humility by fast and abstinence.  All peoples have felt the need for penance and Catholics can accomplish it effectively and with merit.  Not to be forgotten is the need for love which must motivate our actions and make us imitate Christ who suffered and died out of love.  The Mass is the greatest work any of us can do and so it is critical during Lent.  The sacramental of the ashes will strengthen us today and throughout these forty days.

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Lost And Saved Through A Tree

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Sexagesima Sunday 2020
The Divine Office for this week recounts the story of Noah and his Ark.  This is the type for Christ and His saving Cross which undo the fall of Adam caused by his eating the forbidden fruit of the tree in Paradise.  We learn also that God’s grace is offered to us in abundance and we should not reject it. Our Faith allows us to attend Mass as if we are already in heaven.  We must live for God and not self.  Now is the time to dedicate ourselves to God during these holy days.

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Why We Need A Redeemer

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Septuagesima Sunday 2020
After the story of St. Apollonia this sermon explains the meaning of St. Paul’s Epistle for this Sunday which marks a new liturgical season of Septuagesima and the beginning of the road to Easter.  St. Paul warns us not to presume on our merits. The scripture readings for this week remind us of many important truths concerning creation, Adam and Eve, the fall and its consequences and the promise of a Redeemer. The Gospel shows us God’s generosity towards us even up to the last moment.

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The Candle Shows The Beauty Of Christ

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Feast Of The Purification 2020
For only the second time in a couple of decades we are celebrating this wonderful feast of the Purification on a Sunday and this enables more of the faithful to participate in this sacred Liturgy and to hear the doctrines about this feast.  This ceremony is ancient, recorded in the fourth century by a holy pilgrim sister, Sylvia. It is celebrated in the same way today.  Christ, now forty days old, was presented in the temple and restored to His parents by their offering a gift in exchange for Him.  Also, the Blessed Mother submitted to the law, which was not intended for her, by her offering of doves for purification.  The first procession took place with Simeon and Anna joining the Holy Family and this is renewed by our procession with the candle, a sacramental which depicts the Son of God made man.


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How Can Sin Make Us Better?

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3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2020
Today is a continuation of the beautiful time after the Epiphany when the God-Man is shown to us for our adoration and love.  The Redemptive Incarnation is with the Trinity as the most important truth about God Who rules the cosmos, even as an Infant.  The Epistle warns us not to be puffed up with pride but to be as the centurion in the Gospel who had great faith and humility.  Our faults and sins should humble us and thereby make us better.

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One Word Can Make A Saint

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2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2020
The Liturgy is moving toward the redemptive aspect of the Incarnation.  We go with the true and certain knowledge of Christ’s divinity that is manifested to us during these days.  We pray and thereby know our Faith through the liturgical law that the law of prayer is the law of believing.  This Mass is full of such treasures that we must ask God to give them to us as He did give them to the shepherds and magi.  His first miracle at the wedding feast of Cana was a prelude to His final miracle at the Last Supper when He changed wine into His Precious Blood.

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The Holy Family & Silent Prayer

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Feast Of The Holy Family 2020
This feast celebrates the beautiful life that Jesus led in this world with His Holy Family.  The Epistle gives us the foundation of the Holy Family’s life together which is charity – the bond of perfection.  The Gospel teaches about Christ’s consciousness of His divine mission and how others observed His growth in wisdom, grace and age.  The sermon concludes with a meditation on silent prayer and why it is essential at Mass.

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The Fountain of All Graces

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Feast Of The Holy Name of Jesus 2019
Tomorrow is the feast of the Epiphany and it commemorates the showing forth of God made Man and His dwelling among us.  The feast marks three manifestations: first, to the Magi, second, Christ’s Baptism and third, the wedding feast at Cana.  Today’s feast celebrates the Savior’s Name and all that we owe It.  We receive great consolations through use of the Holy Name.  Jesus means savior and Christ is saving us even right now.

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A Renewal of Christmas

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Sunday Within The Octave Of Christmas 2019
The eight days starting with Christmas are the daily celebration of the Incarnation and the Sunday within those days is a highlight of that.  Despite all the propaganda, we should adhere to the Church Fathers, not only in upholding the dogmas surrounding this feast like the virgin birth, but other truths handed down to us like December 25 being the date of Christ’s birth.  This Epistle recalls the dogmatic truths and the Gospel warns us, as the Blessed Mother, that her Infant Son will inspire persecution against Himself and His followers like the saints of Christmas.  We already willingly stand with Him and pray to continue to be faithful.

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