
St. John Bosco

In St. John Bosco the liturgy honors a saint whose soul was all simplicity, joyfulness and zeal, whose trust in divine Providence overcame every difficulty and persisted through every obstacle. Born near Turin in 1815, St. John Bosco devoted his life as a priest to the poor, to prisoners and to all the unfortunate of…


Octave Day of the Nativity of our Lord

Today's liturgy celebrates three feasts in one. The first is the Octave of the Lord. Formerly a second Mass was celebrated at St. Maria Antiqua, in the forum, whose dedication it possibly was. Traces of this are to be found in the Mass and Office which are devoted to Our Lady. The third feast is…


Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus

The name of Jesus means Savior; it had been shown in a dream to Joseph together with its meaning and to Our Lady at the annunciation by the Archangel Gabriel. The institution of this feast is relatively recent. Its origins are to be found in the Franciscan Order; the devotion and preaching of St. Bernardine…


St. Peter Balsam

In the year 311, in Palestine, Peter Balsam was apprehended at Aulane, in the persecution of Maximinus. He was interrogated and sentenced by Severus, governor of the province. “Of what family and of what country are you?” said Severus. “I am a Christian,” said Peter. “What is your employ?” “What employ can I have more…


St. Titus

Born a gentile, St. Titus seems to have been converted by St. Paul, who calls him his son in Christ. His extraordinary virtue and merit gained him the particular esteem and affection of this apostle; for we find him employed as his secretary and interpreter; and he styles him his brother, and copartner in his…


St. Syncletica

Born at Alexandria in Egypt of wealthy Macedonian parents, St. Syncletica consecrated her virginity to God at a tender age. Mortification and prayer were her principal employment. The fame of her virtue being spread abroad, many women resorted to her abode to confer with her upon spiritual matters. Her humility made her unwilling to take…


The Epiphany of Our Lord

Epiphany means manifestation. What the Church celebrates today is the manifestation of Our Lord to the whole world; after being made known to the shepherds of Bethlehem He is revealed to the Magi who have come from the east to adore Him. All Christian tradition has ever seen in the Magi the first fruits of…


St. Cedd

St. Cedd is brother to St. Chad, bishop of Litchfield and to St. Celm and Cimbert, apostolic priests, who all labored zealously in the conversion of the English Saxons, their countrymen. St. Cedd was first sent to preach the gospel to the midland English and then to convert the East-Saxons. He established a monastery in…


St. Gudula

St. Amalberge, mother of this saint, was niece to Pepin, mayor of the palace. Gudula was educated at Nivelle, under the care of St. Gertrude, her cousin and god-mother; after whose death in 664, she returned to the house of count Witger, her father, and having by vow consecrated her virginity to God, led there…


Ss. Julian and Basilissa

According to their acts, and the ancient Martyrologies, though engaged in a married state, they by mutual consent lived in perpetual chastity, sanctified themselves by the most perfect exercises of an ascetic life, and employed their revenues in relieving the poor and the sick; for this purpose they converted their house into a kind of…

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