
Ss. Cletus and Marcellinus

St. Cletus is identical with St. Anacletus and figures in the list of Popes as the second successor of St. Peter, from 76 to 88. St. Marcellinus governed the Church two centuries later, from 296 to 304, during the terrible Diocletian persecution.


St. Peter Canisius

Born at Nijmegen, St. Peter Canisius belonged to the Society of Jesus. With St. Boniface he shares the title of Apostle of Germany. By his preaching, his devotional and controversial books, the colleges that he founded, and his missions undertaken on behalf of four popes to German bishops and princes, he successfully worked against the…


St. Paul of the Cross

Born in Italy not far from Genoa, from his early years St. Paul of the Cross showed a great love for our Savior’s passion. After living for some time as a hermit he founded in Rome the Passionist Congregation, which is devoted to preaching the mystery of the Cross. His whole life was outstanding for…


St. Peter of Verona

St. Peter was born in Verona about 1205; his parents were Manichaeans, but he was converted and entered the Order of Preachers with the ambition not only of preaching the faith but of giving his life for it. He had his wish, for in the course of his apostolic work he was assassinated by the…


St. Catherine of Siena

Catherina Benincasa, born in Siena, was favored with visions from the age of seven. Becoming a tertiary of the Dominican Order in 1360, she acquired great influence by her life of prayer and extraordinary mortifications as well as by the spread of her spiritual writings. Her continual appeals for civil peace and reform of the…


St. Hugh, Bishop of Grenoble

St. Hugh was appointed bishop of Grenoble specifically to reverse the desolate condition into which the church was sunk through the sloth and bad example of its late pastor. He found the people immersed in a profound ignorance of several essential duties of religion and plunged into vice and immorality. He endeavored by rigorous fasts…


St. Francis of Paula

Born at Paula in Calabria, St. Francis, after living as a hermit for five years (from the age of fourteen to nineteen) gathered around him some companions with whom he led the religious life. This was the origin of a new order, to which he gave the name of Minims, that is, “the least” in…


Blessed John of Penna

Born in Penna, Blessed John entered the Franciscan Order during the lifetime of St. Francis. He was sent to the provinces of Languedoc and Provence to found monasteries there. He lived in this area for about twenty-five years, showing great zeal in the apostolate, and winning admiration by his gentleness and charity. At the end…


St. Isidore

St. Isidore who succeeded his brother St. Leander as Archbishop of Seville, was one of the great bishops of the seventh century. He was proficient in all branches of knowledge and was regarded as one of the most learned men of his time; with Cassiodorus and Boethius he was one of the thinkers whose writings…


St. Vincent Ferrer

Born at Valencia in 1350, St. Vincent entered the Dominican Order at the age of seventeen. He was a vehement orator and traveled over France, Spain and Italy harrying sinners to repentance with his stern warnings. The words of the Prophet, “Rise up ye dead, and come to judgment” which were often on his lips,…

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