Do Your Job

Feast Of St. John the Baptist 2021
No man born is greater than today’s saint whose birthday we celebrate.  This along with other details of St. John’s life parallels those in the life of Christ.  Six months before the Annunciation St. Gabriel appeared to St. Zachary and revealed the birth of a son who would be great.  Miraculous events followed which culminated in the birth of the Precursor whose holiness was so manifest that many had to be convinced that St. John’s role was to only prepare for the Truly Holy One Who would follow him.  St. John was approachable to all and taught them that the way to heaven was to fulfill your daily duties.  This was the message of Our Lady of Fatima also and the hallmark of all the saints – fidelity to duty.

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Take Courage And Fear Not

Gaudete Sunday 2019
Today is a day of joy which is expressed in the rose color of the vestments.  Our crosses seem small in comparison with Our Lord’s coming at Christmas which is so near now.  Prayer is our best work as we prepare for the Nativity.  We should thank God for His gifts, especially our holy Faith.  Soon, He will come to save us.

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Herald Of Christmas

Gaudete Sunday 2018
The Third Sunday of Advent is called Gaudete Sunday because of the mitigated penance it communicates as we draw closer to Christ’s arrival.  St. John the Baptist comes before us again in today’s Gospel as he heralds the Messiah and Christmas.  He had great holiness and all the qualities necessary to prepare the people for the Redeemer’s arrival.  The Epistle echoes the call of the Mass to let our joy touch others and lead them to God.  Success in this regard depends on prayer with belief, confidence in petition, reliance on God and perseverance.  With these our prayers bear fruit as does our upcoming celebration of Christmas.

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God Enlightens Everyone

2nd Sunday of Advent
The Gospel for the Second Sunday of Advent needs explanation because, contrary to a superficial reading of the text, St. John is not doubting that Christ is the Messiah but St. John is directing his disciples away from himself and to the Savior.  This Mass is one of sanctity and the importance of good will as we prepare for Christ’s coming at Christmas in our hearts. This week also has wonderful virgin-martyr saints that are models of imitation for us in their prayer life and the good instruction by their parents.

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His Coming Should Change Us

Gaudete Sunday 2017

As we approach Christmas, St. John the Baptist is our example of how to come closer to Our Lord.  We have grace and should never be discouraged because victory is ours. Beg God for great love just as the saints did.  Receiving Christ in Holy Communion should change us and His coming in Bethlehem should do the same.


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That You May Abound In Hope

2nd Sunday of Advent 2017

To encourage us during this penitential season preparing for Christmas the Church reminds us, especially the Gentiles, of God’s mercy and the reason for us to hope.  Despite all the difficulties of life we have tremendous confidence that Our Savior will take care of us because His upcoming birth is proof of that.  He is the Light of the World and dispels the darkness outside.


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Do Not Put Off Your Salvation

4th Sunday of Advent 2016

The upcoming Feast of the Nativity celebrates not only Christ’s birth on earth but His Second Coming at the end of time.  As the Gospel says: the Word came to St. John as the Voice of One Crying in the desert, make straight the paths of the Lord… for all mankind shall see the Salvation of God.”  The Ember Days this past week gave us the opportunity to do penance in preparation for this great feast of the Nativity.  It is important for us to realize that sorrow in itself, though necessary and good, is not enough.  Our Lord gave to the disciples the power to not only forgive sins but to retain them in the Sacrament of Penance.  This is why the firm purpose of amendment attached to the Act of Contrition is so necessary.  For we must not only show sorrow for our sins and confess them to the priest, acting as Christ in the confessional, but we must resolve to live out our lives by doing good works and making reparation for our sins.  It is also important for us to realize that Our Lord is the Supreme Judge who will judge definitively at the end of time.  Withholding personal judgments in this life is our only safe course.


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The Peace Of God Surpasses All Understanding

Gaudete Sunday 2016

“Rejoice in the Lord always: again I say rejoice.  Let your modesty be known to all men: for The Lord is nigh.”   These words taken from St. Paul’s epistle to the Philippians for the Third Sunday of Advent may seem strange in today’s times because of all that is wrong in today’s world   However, they are as true now as they were when they were first written because they refer not only to the upcoming Feast of the Nativity but to the Second Coming of Our Lord and Savior at the end of time.  We can be joyous because we have already been saved through Baptism.  The promise of what lies ahead for us, if we are faithful, is far greater than any of the problems and sufferings that we endure in this life.  The Lord is indeed nigh and all we have to do is recognize His presence in our midst and pray that He keeps us true to our baptismal promises.


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Go To Heaven For Christmas

Second Sunday of Advent 2016

“Art thou he that art to come, or look we for another?”  This question posed to Our Lord by the disciples of St. John the Baptist in no way implies that St. John himself had any doubts about the Divinity of Our Lord.  St. John had been informed by revelation who Jesus was: “This is My Beloved Son in whom I am well pleased” but John knew that he must decrease so that Christ must increase and he wanted his disciples to follow Jesus, not himself.  In today’s Mass we have both the Joy of Christ’s coming on earth and the forewarning of Christ’s Second Coming in the scriptural readings for the Second Sunday of Advent.  The big question is: will we be prepared for both?  Unless we pray that we will be among the elect, it will not happen – so now is the time to do so.


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