Doctrine of Grace

Sermon From 16th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 The Collect for this Mass is short but important because it is praying for grace.  What is grace?  How does it work?  Why does God continue to give us grace?  All these questions and more are answered and explained in this veritable tract on Grace which includes actual,…

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Meekness And Humility

Conference From 1st Friday, September 2013 Catholics should know the true purpose of the daily missal.  It should be used primarily as a prayer book to help us elevate our hearts to God while we assist at Mass. The hallmark of the Gospel can be summed up in the words, “Learn from Me, for I…

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Rash Judgment

Sermon From The 11th Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today’s announcements have details about the upcoming confirmations.  Also, there is an instruction on Holy Communion and the dispositions necessary for its reception and how wrong it is to assume what the state of soul is for a non-communicant.  We have many beautiful feasts this week and…

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