All Saints Chapel

All Saints Day 2018

Our chapel could be named for All Saints Day because we have the Beatitudes from the Gospel on the walls along with statues of the saints, especially those who were sinners.  This is a reminder of the origin of this feast in transferring relics to St. Mary of the Martyrs in Rome, the previously pagan temple of the Pantheon.  Today is a great celebration in heaven as all who have lived ordinary lives in extraordinary supernatural ways are honored.  We are called to imitate them and to join them one day.


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Bible Facts

19th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The 19th Sunday after Pentecost reminds us not to neglect the divine invitation to the marriage feast and to come prepared wearing our wedding garment symbolizing grace.  Clothed as a new man we will put aside sin and follow the commandments.  Today is also the feast of St. Jerome, the translator of our missal texts and patron of Scripture study.  This then provided an opportunity to refute several attacks against Catholics concerning the Bible.

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May God Rebuke Him

St. Michael the Archangel 2018

The feast of the dedication of St. Michael the Archangel includes all the angels or created spirits who are distributed among nine choirs based on their function.  Angel means messenger and these are the ones which communicate God’s Will to us.  St. Michael is their leader because he responded so vigorously to Lucifer’s temptation.  In addition to his warrior role he also is known for miraculous healings that come through his intercession.  He is the defender of the Blessed Virgin Mary and her offspring in the Church and will exercise his patronage in the days ahead.


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Draw Us To Yourself

Exaltation of the Holy Cross 2018
The feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross is a renewal of Good Friday but with the emphasis on the glorifying of the instrument of our salvation. From His Holy Cross, He calls to us and draws us to Himself.  At this Mass we are meant to respond generously to this invitation and become as Tertullian described the early Christians “Cross Lovers”.  The Cross was the means by which the Church was delivered from three centuries of persecution when Constantine triumphed by it.  His mother, St. Helen, shortly after discovered the true Cross.  Centuries later the emperor restored the Cross to its basilica in Jerusalem.  All these events are remembered today and encourage us to remain faithful.

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Depart From Me For I Am A Sinful Man

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The humility of St. Peter in the Gospel is a virtue we all must practice as a promise of heaven.  We should be as attentive as possible at Mass so we can pray well.  We witness the death of Our Lord again during the Holy Sacrifice and we hear His last words “into Thy hands I commend My spirit”.


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Saint Joseph – Spouse & Father

Conference On Passion Sunday 2018
In this conference we learn about the upcoming feast of St. Joseph.  His greatest titles are Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Foster Father of the Son of God.  God the Father entrusted His Divine Son to the care of St. Joseph whose virginal paternity was a perfect image of the Begetting of the Son by the Father.  The true marriage of St. Joseph to Our Lady is the foundation of his relationship through her with Jesus Christ.  He is protector of the Church and universal patron of all our needs.


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Blessing of St. Blaise

Feast Of St. Blaise 2018
St. Blaise was an early martyr bishop whose intercessory power was well-known especially by two famous miracles.  The elements of these divine favors are what make up the blessing of throats on his feastday.  The spiritual benefits from this sacramental are increased by our devout reception of this blessing.


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Remission Of Temporal Punishment

First Friday December 2017

In this conference, the beautiful and consoling teaching of the Church on Indulgences is explained.  Beginning with the early Church we see how the treasury of merits won by Christ, His Blessed Mother and the saints was opened for the benefit of sinners.  The errors of the Reformation in distorting this doctrine are touched upon and practical steps are given to avail ourselves of Indulgences in our daily lives.


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This Is Our Feast

All Saints Day 2017

The origins of this feast of All Saints come from the consecration of the church St. Mary of the Martyrs (formerly the pagan Pantheon temple) and the transfer of many of the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this church.  This holyday of obligation recalls the mark of the Church, holiness, and how each of us is capable of attaining it.  Any saints not on the universal calendar or uncanonized are celebrated today and the texts for this Mass can be claimed by each of us as our own.



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Spirits By Nature, Messengers By Office

Dedication of St. Michael The Archangel 2017

Angels are God’s gift of love to us and we should never scandalize the young whose angels always behold the face of God.  Angels are created spirits with understanding and a free will who often function as messengers from God to us.  St. Michael’s church was dedicated today and he is the leader of the angels.  Our immortal soul is so important that we each receive a guardian angel to protect us in life and lead us to heaven.  Pray to St. Michael using his prayer to be victorious in our daily battles and ask our guardian angels help in all things – even the little things.


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