I Know Mine And Mine Know Me

Good Shepherd Sunday 2018
The Church continues to celebrate the Resurrection in the Mass texts for this second Sunday after Easter known as Good Shepherd Sunday.  The Epistle and Gospel highlight the beautiful aspect of Christ as the Shepherd and Bishop of our souls.  Psalm 22 expresses so well His care and love. The prophet Ezechiel prophesied that Our Lord, Himself, will shepherd His sheep.  These are consoling thoughts for all who follow our true Shepherd.


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Christ Was Not A Grudge-Holder

St. Pius V – 1st Friday April 2017

Christ’s first words to His Apostles on Easter night were Peace be to you.  By this He re-assured them that He had forgiven them for abandoning Him during His Passion and Death.  We must imitate Our Lord and not hold grudges.  Also, the Introit for the feast of St. Pius V begins “If you love Me, Simon Peter, feed My sheep”.  These words were spoken by Our Lord after Easter and we learn their exegesis and how they fit the life of this great pope.


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By His Stripes We Are Healed

Good Shepherd Sunday

The words of today’s gospel:  “I am the Good Shepherd” have a significant meaning for those of us “sheep” who look for protection and guidance from their Shepherd.  There is also a reference to the last three chapters of the Book of Isaiah – prophecies relating specifically to the coming of Christ which curiously were deleted from a version of the Old Testament.  One can only wonder why this was done.  In any case, we should all remember the words of Jesus: “I know mine and mine know me.  As the Father knoweth me, and I know the Father: and I lay down my life for my sheep.  And other sheep I have, that are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there shall be one fold and one shepherd.”


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Believe With Confidence

Low Sunday 2017

Low Sunday is the culmination of the eight-day celebration of the Feast of the Resurrection of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. The term Low is intended to indicate the contrast between it and the great Feast one week earlier of Easter Sunday, certainly the greatest of all liturgical feasts. The Octave Day of Easter is considered part of the feast, though to a lower degree. The entire celebration of Easter is meant to give us confidence that we too can one day share in the same Resurrection of the body if we hold fast to the Truths of Faith and the power of Grace over sin that Our Lord won for us. We must have confidence that our path is right and our goal can and will be achieved.


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We Are The Machabees

11th Sunday after Pentecost

With the Commemoration of the Holy Machabees we are reminded of their heroic sacrifice for the Faith and its practices.  We are called to be like them today and prayer is essential to remaining faithful.



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Love Never Fails

Sermon From
All Souls Day 2013
This beautiful Mass for the Holy Souls in Purgatory has its own sequence entitled “Dies Irae” which means the Day of Wrath.  It is a warning to the living of the judgments of God but ends with hope of happiness in heaven.  Today is proof that the debt for our forgiven sins can be removed and that Divine Love has in fact created Purgatory for that purpose.  Obstacles still persist in the soul after death and impede our entrance into glory.  These can and will be removed by a purification that severs souls from anything that still holds them from ascending.  What do non-Catholics do in the face of death?  Our consoling doctrine can teach them about God’s merciful love.

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