Consolation At The Time Of Death

Funeral Mass October 12, 2018

At this funeral Mass we are reminded about the importance of praying for the dead.  We must die because of Adam’s sin which we inherit and we must free ourselves from the guilt and punishment of our own actual sins.  Christ has given us the Sacrament of Penance to remove guilt but we may depart this life still with a debt to be paid and that is accomplished in Purgatory.  Now our work begins by praying for the departed.  These truths are a blessing to Catholics who know from them what to do when death claims one of our loved ones.  The Sacrament of Extreme Unction has been given by Our Lord just for the moment of death and the Church provides the Apostolic Blessing to give us added encouragement at this critical time.


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Labor Day

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost is a quintessential Mass for the season.  From the hope expressed in the Introit to the Communion verse about our Life in the Eucharist we are assured of God’s mercy on the path to Heaven.  This year the Sunday falls before Labor Day and it is good to remember the holiday’s Catholic roots in medieval Guilds and what the modern popes have written about this important component of society.


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About Mary, Enough Is Never Said

Assumption Evening 2018
The feast of the Assumption celebrates the taking of Our Lady into heaven body and soul after her earthly life was completed.  This is in imitation of her Divine Son of Whom she is a perfect image.  The early Christians gathered around her after the Ascension and we do the same and with fervor that should increase always.  Love of our heavenly Mother is a sign of predestination.

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Ave Maris Stella

Feast Of The Assumption 2018
The Assumption is the prerogative of our Blessed Mother which fixes Her in heaven, body and soul, as the Star which leads us home as the Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) did for early sailors.  In the midst of the darkness of this life, we always have the hope of salvation because we see the Blessed Virgin Mary shining glorious and beckoning us to Heaven.  The apparition of Our Lady of the Willow is a heart-warming reminder of Her maternal solicitude for each of us, especially those most in need of her mercy.


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We Have Reason To Hope

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Sacred Heart is shown to us in the Mass of this Sunday.  The texts emphasize the hope of this season symbolized by the color green.  Our Lord describes Himself in the Gospel as the Good Shepherd who carries His lost sheep home on His shoulders.  St. Peter warns in the Epistle that the devil is an obstacle on our path to heaven and we must know our enemy in order to combat him.  He was a murder and liar from the beginning and those are the evidence of his presence in the world today which is seen in recent news items.  Despite the dire circumstances we must have hope.


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Strangers In This World

Third Sunday After Easter 2018
The Collect of the Mass for the Third Sunday after Easter instructs us to think of ourselves as passing through this life on the way to eternity.  The Gospel recounts the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper about the little while before the apostles will see Him again.  In comparison to eternity our lives are only a little while.  We must pray and be encouraged that our faithfulness for just a little while will gain us the happiness of heaven.


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That You May Abound In Hope

2nd Sunday of Advent 2017

To encourage us during this penitential season preparing for Christmas the Church reminds us, especially the Gentiles, of God’s mercy and the reason for us to hope.  Despite all the difficulties of life we have tremendous confidence that Our Savior will take care of us because His upcoming birth is proof of that.  He is the Light of the World and dispels the darkness outside.


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Lay Aside Works of Darkness

1st Sunday Of Advent 2017

Advent is a time of penance and this year it is a shorter season to prepare for Christmas.  We need to appreciate everyday as a gift enabling us to pray and grow in spiritual progress.  Ask the Blessed Mother and the saints to help us in this important task.


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The Doctrine On Purgatory

All Souls Day 2017

Despite the tone of mourning and sorrow the Church has infused this Mass on All Souls Day with hope.  The reason for this is explained by the teachings of our Faith about Purgatory where those who have died as imperfect friends of God are purified of the obstacles that impede their entrance into heaven.  This devotion is ancient in the Church and in history and the liturgical expression of it is examined.  Finally, the saints are cited for their insights.


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This Is Our Feast

All Saints Day 2017

The origins of this feast of All Saints come from the consecration of the church St. Mary of the Martyrs (formerly the pagan Pantheon temple) and the transfer of many of the relics of the martyrs from the catacombs to this church.  This holyday of obligation recalls the mark of the Church, holiness, and how each of us is capable of attaining it.  Any saints not on the universal calendar or uncanonized are celebrated today and the texts for this Mass can be claimed by each of us as our own.



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