His Kingdom Of Love

Feast Of Christ The King 2018
After a preview of All Saints and All Souls Days, the sermon proper for the feast of Christ the King begins after the Epistle and Gospel.  Pope Pius XI established the feast in 1925 to counter the secularism that permeates our society.  After an examination of the causes leading up to our modern errors we are given the teaching on the social kingdom of Christ which frees us from the shackles of sin.  Our Lord has given us a kingdom of peace, unity, holiness and above all love.  We must love in return and not despise His love.

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We Are The Coin Of Tribute

22nd Sunday after Pentecost 2018
In the Epistle for the Twenty-second Sunday after Pentecost St. Paul gives us consoling words from his place of imprisonment.  God will see the good work He has begun in us reach its perfection. On our part we need to pray for final perseverance.  In the Gospel Christ is not making a political statement as much as one of prioritizing our concerns – starting with God in the first place.  This hierarchy of values will guide us in our daily lives and especially assist us when voting.


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We Die The Way We Live

3rd Sunday in Lent 2018
We learn in the Mass texts not to let evil enter our thoughts, words or deeds.  This is so we live every moment purely and for God.  Then we are prepared for the last moment when we receive the grace of perseverance efficaciously.  As the good works of Jesus were criticized in the Gospel, so we must also overcome discouragement during our Lenten practices.  We must remember the saints who were like us sinners but who trusted in God and were victorious.


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The Gift Of Lent

First Sunday in Lent 2018
Grace is present at every moment for us but especially during Lent.  We, as Christians, must not be a scandal to those in the world.  Lent is our retreat and it is dangerous to our spiritual life not to realize this.  The virtue of chastity cannot be practiced without constant help from grace.  We need the sacraments, prayer and spiritual reading to be holy.  Christ was tempted in three ways which are conquered by our penances of fasting, prayer and almsgiving.  Remembering the four last things will help save us.


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Watch And Be Ready

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2017

As we conclude the liturgical year, we should still be praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory while examining our lives to test whether or not we have grown in love of God and neighbor.  Christ in today’s Gospel prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world.  He warns us to be ready always and to avoid any false Christs and false prophets who are people and organizations that are not Catholic.


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Render To God What Is God’s

22nd Sunday After Pentecost 2017

As the liturgical year draws to its conclusion, the Church reminds us that we must make a return to God for all He has done for us.  The Gospel records the command to render to God the things that belong to God.  Chief among these is the charity which God has shown us.  We must love God in Christ Jesus and our neighbor so that we dwell together in unity. We can be called out of this life anytime so we should re-dedicate ourselves to be another Christ in this world and so merit heaven.



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He Must Rule

Christ the King 2017

The feast of Christ The King sums up our faith in the Incarnate God and makes us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”  As good subjects we should know the catechism, pray and give ourselves in return for the divine self sacrifice of Our Lord.  We have the examples of the saints who have done so and were the means of the miraculous in this world.  Such are needed today when Christianity faces its bleakest future.


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Live By Love Not Fear

8th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The Introit for this Mass speaks of the beautiful temple which was a faint image of the church wherein Our Lord is present.  Yet God loves us and not just a building.  He is our Father and loves us like that.  Prayer enables us to feel God’s presence in our lives and make us long for our home in heaven.  Sin is the horrific obstacle which can block that path and defile us.  More is expected of us than the pagans because greater love is demanded of us because we have received greater gifts.


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Pray With All Of Your Heart

Second Sunday in Lent 2017

The Transfiguration of Our Lord showed Him in all His Glory and it was an event that at first frightened the apostles, then reassured them in the Faith.  The Voice from Heaven, “This is My Beloved Son, hear ye Him,” shook the apostles to their very core.  We must realize that we ourselves will be transfigured and that our bodies will be glorified if we persevere in the Faith and have the humility necessary to enter Our Lord’s Kingdom after our physical death on this earth.  Peter, James and John were selected to give us a glimpse of what awaits us if we are faithful and have the humility to accept whatever Judgment is conferred on us when we ourselves meet Our Lord in His Glory.


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Hope In His Irresistible Power

26th Sunday after Pentecost 2016

We are reminded that prayer for the Holy Souls in Purgatory is important and having Masses offered is the best aid we can give them.  Hope is critical for us despite all the difficulties we face individually and collectively.  The parable of the mustard seed teaches us to have trust in God’s omnipotence which will draw tremendous results from the smallest beginnings.


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