Protector Of Holy Church

Feast Of St. Joseph 2019
The Gospel for this feast is taken from St. Matthew about the so-called doubt of St. Joseph.  These few verses contain a wealth of doctrinal information about his fatherly love of the Son of God, his pure love of his wife, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and the unique holiness of St. Joseph.  Because of these prerogatives he is a wonderful intercessor for everyone and every need as attested by countless saints.  The litany of his praises is deservingly offered to him on his feast in gratitude for all he does for souls.

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How Often Do We Thank Him?

5th Sunday After Epiphany 2019
On this Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany St. Paul reminds us that charity is the bond of perfection.  Our Lord gave us the example of forgiving sinners as an expression of our love.  We can imitate that towards our neighbor, especially the ones who might annoy us.  God will help us practice this and the other virtues.  Sin is the only thing that belongs to us alone.  We must beware of the fires of hell as a punishment for lack of love.

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Ordinary Means of Holiness

3rd Sunday after Epiphany 2019
The Introit and some of the Mass propers for the Third Sunday after the Epiphany will be repeated on the next two Sundays.  They renew the joy of the Incarnation and show forth the divinity of Our Lord.  These are reminders of the essential quality of the liturgy in sanctifying our lives.   The Gospel in particular manifests Christ’s divine power, first to the Jews in the person of the leper and then to the Gentiles in the person of the centurion’s servant.  St. Paul’s epistle stresses charity as the hallmark of Christians.

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God Thinks Thoughts of Peace

24th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Introit for these final Sundays after Pentecost is from the letter of Jeremias to the exiles in Babylon and reassures them that God will lead them back to the promised land as He leads us back to heaven.  The Gospel encourages us to believe that Christ, who sleeps now during the storm, will save us at the right time.  St. Paul in the Epistle directs us to love our neighbor by obeying the commandments. We can show love to our neighbor by praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory.  It is wise to teach your children this practice so they will pray for you someday.

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Be Prepared To Meet God

All Souls Day Evening 2018
All Souls Day is a consoling Catholic liturgical commemoration which distinguishes us from other religions.  It reminds us of the perfection required for entrance into heaven and a place of mercy for those who still need purification.  It warns us of hell if we die an enemy of God.  Christ said we must pay even the last penny and so the souls in Purgatory are doing that by making amends for their sins.  We must pray for the dead and for ourselves in facing death.  God has given us the sacrament of Extreme Unction which prepares us to meet God and we should pray for this great gift daily.

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The Embrace That Wakes The Dead

All Souls Day 2018
We are called on All Souls Day to be like the religious Sisters of the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls by praying and sacrificing for the relief and release of those detained in Purgatory.  A member of this congregation, Mother St. Austin, wrote much about the purgatorial life and those who live it.  In excerpts from her poetry we learn about God’s great love of the souls of the Church Suffering and how He embraces them and brings them to heaven once they have been perfected through their time of purification.  St. Mary Magdalen is their patroness because she is the example for us of how the sins of a lifetime can be expiated as she accomplished it in three hours at the foot of the Cross.

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We Cannot Serve Two Masters

14th Sunday after Pentecost 2018
The Epistle and Gospel for the 14th Sunday after Pentecost make as clear as black and white the battle between good and evil.  We must renounce our vices and not let anything stand in the way of our progress towards God and Heaven.  As we can fall by degrees from faults, to venial sins and finally mortal ones, so we can rise by degrees to sanctity.  Today is the day to start on the road to holiness.


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Strangers In This World

Third Sunday After Easter 2018
The Collect of the Mass for the Third Sunday after Easter instructs us to think of ourselves as passing through this life on the way to eternity.  The Gospel recounts the words of Our Lord at the Last Supper about the little while before the apostles will see Him again.  In comparison to eternity our lives are only a little while.  We must pray and be encouraged that our faithfulness for just a little while will gain us the happiness of heaven.


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We Die The Way We Live

3rd Sunday in Lent 2018
We learn in the Mass texts not to let evil enter our thoughts, words or deeds.  This is so we live every moment purely and for God.  Then we are prepared for the last moment when we receive the grace of perseverance efficaciously.  As the good works of Jesus were criticized in the Gospel, so we must also overcome discouragement during our Lenten practices.  We must remember the saints who were like us sinners but who trusted in God and were victorious.


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Confession, Contrition, Satisfaction

2nd Sunday in Lent 2018
During Lent it is important to stir up sorrow for our sins and to receive the Sacrament of Penance.  The older form for the penitent to use in the confessional expressed aspects of this beautiful sacrament that we should appreciate.  If received well,  this sacrament can even make us holier than just before we sinned, for example we have St. Peter.  The Gospel for this Sunday is about the Transfiguration and is meant to encourage us, as it did the Apostles, for the struggles we must face in the days ahead.


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