The Mass Is Theocentric

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2020 After the Epistle and Gospel, Father spoke about the care he received the last few weeks and his attendance at Mass and how much it is centered on God.  Then he spoke about today’s feast of St. Alphonsus Liguori who is the patron of moral theologians and who propagated the…

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Keep The First Fervor

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost 2020 After hearing about Saints John Gualbert, Veronica, Bonaventure, Henry, the Carmelite Sisters of Compiegne and Camillus we had a renewal of the Paschal sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist in the Epistle and Gospel.  The Divine Office recounts the story of King David and how his sloth led to sins…

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O, Banquet Most Precious

Corpus Christi 2020 We must be thankful for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and be humbled in its presence.  During our long journey to Heaven we must constantly practice docility to God and He will reward us. Christ revealed what we all acknowledge and believe as the essence of the doctrine, namely transubstantiation.  Whenever…

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Restore The Holy Eucharist

Holy Thursday 2020 We celebrate the anniversaries of the institution of the sacrifice of the Holy Mass and the sacraments of the Holy Eucharist and Holy Orders today.  The Mass is the central act and purpose for the Church which Christ commanded at the Last Supper to be offered and from it flows Our Lord’s…

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Spiritual Communion

3rd Sunday of Lent 2020 St. Paul teaches us the importance of imitating God during Lent.  These are trying times which offer us the opportunity to face them as Our Lord would.  In the Gospel we see how the insincere twist even the holy works of Christ to their own destruction.  This account ends with…

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Our Lord’s Retreat

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2019 The Gospel has us join the Supreme Retreat Master as He conducts a three day retreat with over 4,000 people.  The intensity of the conferences was such that fasting and praying were done effortlessly under Our Lord’s gentle direction.  He then fed them miraculously at its conclusion so they were…

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Love Of God And Neighbor

5th Sunday after Pentecost 2019 The Church begins our sanctification now with the reminder that our love of God is shown by our love of our neighbor.  This is so important that Our Lord instructs us to delay even prayer and public worship so we can first reconcile with our brother when necessary.  How we…

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Sacrament Of The Mystery

Corpus Christi 2019 The origin of this feast is based on apparitions of Our Lord to St. Juliana of Belgium wherein He requested it to honor this Most Blessed Sacrament and make reparation for irreverences towards It.  St. Thomas Aquinas composed the beautiful texts for the Mass.  The feast predated and provided the bulwark against…

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Communion From Our Shepherd

Good Shepherd Sunday – First Communion Sunday 2019 Today is the first time we have had Good Shepherd Sunday also as our First Communion Sunday.  What a special day it is for all of us!  We recall the greatest day of our lives when we received Our Lord for the first time in Holy Communion. …

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Saviors Of The World

Easter Vigil 2019 God created on the first day of the week at midnight, He was born at midnight and we keep vigil now waiting for His rising at midnight.  All the infinite merits of Christ’s Passion and Death were won on the Cross but only applied to us when He rose from the dead…

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