A Fertile Ground for Prayer

Assumption Evening 2024
The Assumption is not an event recorded in Scripture, but we must remember faith does not come through reading but through hearing.  The Apostles learned everything by listening to the teachings of Our Lord.  Our bodies are destined to be with our souls in Heaven, not to remain in the world.  How could a person expect to be admitted into Heaven if he denies that Our Lord’s own Mother is there?  We must make up for that neglect shown to the Blessed Mother by our own fervor on this day. We must continue the fight for the Virgin Mary’s honor and our salvation.

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He Glorified His Ark

Feast Of The Assumption 2024
This is the greatest of the feast days in honor of the Blessed Mother.  This dogma, which has been passed down to us from the Apostles, is so critical that we cannot be saved without belief in it.  All the aspects of the Assumption call to mind the prerogatives of the Mother of God.  She is above all women, untouched by sin and death.  This Mass begins with the words of St. John, recalling his vision of the woman of the Apocalypse, and continues with the story of Judith, a type of the Blessed Mother.  We are her seed, and we follow the great Queen of Heaven in the battle with the seed of the devil.  Her body was the tabernacle of the Son of God and was so sanctified that it deserved its glorification.

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What She Has Done For Us

Assumption Evening 2023
The Holy Mother of God is Queen, even of the angels.  We cannot imagine the great rejoicing in Heaven on this day.  It is believed that Our Lord Himself came and took His Mother back to Heaven.  We may not have been present for the Blessed Virgin Mary’s Assumption but before long, we will join in the celebration of Heaven.  It is impossible for us to appreciate how much we owe Her for all that She has done for us, and we will never stop thanking Her.

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

Feast of the Assumption 2023
In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept on Earth for the sake of helping the early Church.  Because the Virgin Mary shared so closely in Our Lord’s death, she shares in His triumph.  She offers the gifts of God as she pleases to her children here below.

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Immaculate Heart Conference

First Friday, September 2021
This First Friday comes during Our Lady’s Thirty Days which begin with the Assumption and end with the feast of the Seven Sorrows.  There are many feasts related to our Blessed Mother during these days.  The month of August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary and this devotion has a long history in the Church.  Many saints propagated it through the centuries and there are many stories about its efficacy such as the Miraculous Medal and Our Lady of Victories.  The purpose of the devotion is to honor the physical heart of the Blessed Mother and her love for the Blessed Trinity.  It is accomplished by veneration, confidence, compassion and reparation.

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Dormition Of Mary

Assumption Of The Blessed Virgin 2021
Pope Pius XII during of the Holy Year of 1950 proclaimed the dogma that the Blessed Mother at the end of Her earthly life was taken body and soul into Heaven.  This overdue definition was not a new revelation but something given to the Church through the Apostles.  Dating from those days is an apocryphal account which describes in detail what happened at this momentous event of Our Lady’s Assumption.  Present day archaeology has unearthed the tomb used for Mary’s brief “sleep” before Her glorious entrance into Heaven.  There are many reasons for the bestowal of this honor but this is a touching one: how could our Heavenly Mother care for us, Her children, without having Her heart with Her to do so?  Do not hesitate to approach such a Mother, even to ask for miracles.

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Child Of Divine Choice

Feast Of The Immaculate Heart Of Mary 2020
On this beautiful feast of Our Lady we learn about being clothed in the habit of our community on the road to the priesthood.  In following a vocation which God has chosen for us we must attend carefully to these instructions on our dispositions which are critical to being successful.  We then hear about the significance of the different parts of the habit and what they mean in the religious life.  Finally, the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary is described and how wonderful it is for us to have recourse to her on the way of perfection.

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She Reaches Out to Us

Feast Of The Assumption 2019
This is Our Lady’s greatest feast which marks the triumphant conclusion of her life when God took her body and soul into heaven where she reigns today.  This is an ancient feast which requires us to thank God for the Assumption.  We read this in the definition of the dogma by Pope Pius XII on All Saints day 1950.  Our Lady’s thirty days begin today and are special for an increase of piety among the faithful.  Our heavenly Mother stretches her maternal arms out to us to save us from perdition.  We should pray the Memorare or Hail Holy Queen to be brought back.

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About Mary, Enough Is Never Said

Assumption Evening 2018
The feast of the Assumption celebrates the taking of Our Lady into heaven body and soul after her earthly life was completed.  This is in imitation of her Divine Son of Whom she is a perfect image.  The early Christians gathered around her after the Ascension and we do the same and with fervor that should increase always.  Love of our heavenly Mother is a sign of predestination.

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Ave Maris Stella

Feast Of The Assumption 2018
The Assumption is the prerogative of our Blessed Mother which fixes Her in heaven, body and soul, as the Star which leads us home as the Star of the Sea (Stella Maris) did for early sailors.  In the midst of the darkness of this life, we always have the hope of salvation because we see the Blessed Virgin Mary shining glorious and beckoning us to Heaven.  The apparition of Our Lady of the Willow is a heart-warming reminder of Her maternal solicitude for each of us, especially those most in need of her mercy.


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