The Introit tells us that God is the salvation of His people and anyone can call upon Our Lord and be converted. The Epistle teaches us about the need to control anger and not let it be excessive. It is also part of the teaching that one must be angry when it is justified in the case of an evil situation. Christ directed the parable in this Gospel to all of us. As being part of the Mystical Body of Jesus we are subject to persecution in a similar way to our Head who offered Himself on the cross for our sins.
We must settle all disputes we have with our neighbor before we come to the Eucharistic table and to love and care for the souls of our neighbors, whether or not we like them personally.  St. Frances de Sales who had a bad vice, that of an extreme temper, re-channeled the energy from that vice towards the teaching of the faith to thousands.  He wrote the Introduction to the Devout Life and is known today as one of the greatest, if not the greatest, Teachers of the Faith.  St. Martina underwent unbelievable torture because she would not renounce her Faith and pay tribute to false gods as demanded by the Emperor.  How many of the saints have shown us similar acts of heroic virtue and steadfast Faith in the history of the Church and what do we give in return?  It is a question we must ask ourselves if we are to be true followers of Christ.  We are then taught of the importance of Faith through today’s Gospel reading where the disciples are caught in a storm with heavy waves which tossed their boat to and fro, threatening to sink it.  The disciples desperately awoke Jesus from His nap begging Him to save them.  He in turn rebuked them for their lack of Faith since He was aboard the boat and would not let harm come to them. Â
Conference On Purgatory 1st Friday November 2012 The Holy Souls in Purgatory experience eviternity, or what is called discontinuous time, which is that time which measures the change in a soul. God lives in a reality independent of time, and one might say that the souls in Purgatory live in a reality between time and eternity. If one dies without being completely prepared, the presence of God would be too intense for the soul to endure. It must first be purified completely before seeing God, and this is the reason for Purgatory. The joy experienced in Purgatory is like the joy of Heaven amidst suffering. #20121109
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Servants of the Holy Family, a Catholic religious community in Colorado Springs was founded on the Feast of the Holy Family in 1977 and is placed under the patronage of the Sacred Persons of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Read more