Saints Who Changed The World

All Saints Day Evening 2023
Today we celebrate one of the marks of the true Church – her holiness.  The almost innumerable saints in Heaven are the result of the redemption Christ won on the cross.  Today we especially celebrate the unknown saints.  If we wish to change the course of history, we must be saints.  There are many examples of God using His holy people as instruments of change in the world, but we must first overcome our self-will and prideful inclinations.  God has great things in store for us.

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Everything Is For The Saints

All Saints Day 2023
St. John expresses God’s love and mercy for the Hebrews in today’s passage from the Apocalypse, but it is also a call for all men.  Every man is called to be a saint.  The origins of this feast go back to the beginning of time, because even the angels are included today.  We gain innumerable graces when we imitate the saints.  Today we also make up for neglecting the saints throughout the previous year.  One soul is worth more than all the rest of creation.  It is not only possible but necessary for us to be saints.  We must be Christians, not in name only, but we must be truly Christlike.

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We Have No King But Christ

Christ The King 2023
Salvation is all that matters.  It is necessary that every person and every government should be Catholic.  Today the Church authorities tell us that we must not make converts.  This is cruelty because charity demands that we help our neighbor.  Christ said, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.”  When we pray “Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” we are asking for the social kingship of Christ.  Christ is the absolute and supreme King.  We must take courage because Christ has overcome the world.

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Concerning The Pope

Q&A Conference September 2023
The question of the validity of the current pontificate has come to the fore more than ever because of its great importance for Catholics.  The danger of schism and the principle that no Catholic is capable of officially judging the pope are the reasons why one must be very careful and ensure he is taking the safest path on this matter.  Although a person may possess the intellectual competency to have a personal belief about the validity of the current pontificate, one must have the authoritative competency to make a definitive statement on behalf of the Church.

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The Reason For All Reality

Trinity Sunday 2023
God is infinite, eternal and uncreated and He depends on no creature for His existence.  God willed to reveal something of His infinite love and He did so through His creation.  God has condescended to tell us about Himself in the revealed truth of the Holy Trinity.  It is such a profound mystery that we cannot explain it because this mystery is infinite and we are finite.  Whenever we need help from God in any of our trials or necessities, we may make The Sign of The Cross and invoke the aid of the Blessed Trinity.

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God’s Gift to Man

Christmas Midnight Mass 2022
This is the Feast of light, the Feast of Hope, the Feast of Victory, but this feast is also a Gift to us.  A gift is valuable because it contains the giver, just as offering a meal to a friend is a way of sharing oneself.  This is most perfectly exemplified in the fact that God truly gave us Himself.  While our enemies want us to forget this great gift of the Incarnation, we must resist and fight, for ourselves and for our children.  We must stand united, and we must love God better.

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Render Your Life To God

22nd Sunday After Pentecost 2022
In this Epistle we see how, through the perfection of charity, St. Paul suffers cheerfully and remembers his people even in pain. “How beautiful to see brethren dwelling in unity.” We are called to be one with our neighbor, forgiving his offenses just as we wish to be forgiven. St. Augustine tells us that we have the character of Christ on our souls just like the denarius of the Gospel. We belong to God entirely and must be on guard against the godless media and entertainment of our day, which seeks to corrupt our youth.

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United Against Our Enemy

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
We are sensitive to offenses against us, but what are we like to our neighbor?  Our love for God can be measured by our fraternity.  Catholics must be more united than ever before.  We must stand unified against the onslaught of vices and perversions of all kinds that the world sends to us.  This is especially necessary in the education of our youth.  Do not think for a moment that the fight is over and we are victorious, because our true battle is not merely against flesh and blood.


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A Crown For The Trinity

Trinity Sunday 2022
Although the feast of the Holy Trinity did not exist in the earliest days of the Church, today it is presented as a crown of glory to the Divine Majesty. Belief in the three Persons of the Blessed Trinity, all equal in nature and perfections, is not only necessary for our own salvation, but it is a dogma that we are called to share with the unbelieving world. “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” is a command to all of us.

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Spirit Of The New Law

Pentecost Sunday 2022
Sunday is a day sanctified by God.  From the creations of the angels to the Resurrection of Our Lord, and now the feast of Pentecost, this day has been made holy in a special way.  The Holy Ghost descended upon that small group of disciples to institute the New Law and inspire them to spread the Good News.  They preached for the conversion of thousands of souls and the growth of their own personal holiness.  We continue this mission to this very day.  We must purify our intentions and refuse to be satisfied with anything less than the Greatest Treasure of all, possession of God Himself.

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