Communion of Reparation

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024
We should strive to better understand the feast of Corpus Christi from both a historical and doctrinal perspective.  The Church is called to celebrate today with even greater joy and reverence knowing that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist is so ignored, unknown, and attacked.  The Holy Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrament.  The sacrifice is remembered on Holy Thursday, while the sacramental aspect is celebrated today.  Christ deliberately called for two consecrations at the Mass, so that under the separation of these signs the mystical sacrifice would take place.  We are at the Cross in a mystical way, and receiving God in this sacrament brings us into the Trinitarian life.  We must not only adore Our Lord and thank Him today, but also make reparation for all our sins and those of our fellow man.

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Bringing Heaven To Earth

Corpus Christi 2023
This feast was requested by God Himself so that the Blessed Sacrament might be honored not only as a sacrifice but also as the greatest of sacraments.  It is the reason for the other sacraments, It is the reason for the priesthood, and It is the cause of unity in the Mystical Body of Christ.  This feast is perfectly placed after the feast of the Blessed Trinity because it is the greatest means of achieving our last end in possession of the Blessed Trinity.  God placed in our hearts a desire to taste the Infinite, and in the Holy Eucharist we fulfill that desire.

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O, Banquet Most Precious

Corpus Christi 2020
We must be thankful for the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist and be humbled in its presence.  During our long journey to Heaven we must constantly practice docility to God and He will reward us. Christ revealed what we all acknowledge and believe as the essence of the doctrine, namely transubstantiation.  Whenever we receive we are close to Heaven and our path there is secure.  Those endanger themselves needlessly when they neglect this great sacrament.  We are united in the Holy Eucharist through Our Lord’s Real Presence and are so inspired as to make the texts of this Mass, which were composed by St. Thomas, our source of contemplation.  The rites of the Mass re-enact the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Our Lord.

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Sacrament Of The Mystery

Corpus Christi 2019
The origin of this feast is based on apparitions of Our Lord to St. Juliana of Belgium wherein He requested it to honor this Most Blessed Sacrament and make reparation for irreverences towards It.  St. Thomas Aquinas composed the beautiful texts for the Mass.  The feast predated and provided the bulwark against the heresies that were to come in later centuries. We are to become saints through devotion to the Holy Eucharist.

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