Daily Examen

11th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This Sunday continues the theme of humility that we saw last week.  St. Paul in the Epistle especially points out what we are like on our own merits and what we can become with God’s grace.  True humility is seeing ourselves as we are before God.  In the spiritual life this is done by the daily examen through which we discover our faults and then we can concentrate on our predominate one by practicing the opposite virtues to destroy and replace that vice.  We prioritize our time and make sure we examine our consciences daily.

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Take Heed Lest You Fall

9th Sunday After Pentecost 2021
This week we celebrate the feasts of Saints James the Greater, Martha, Ignatius of Loyola and the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Anne.  This Sunday is providentially placed in the summer to help us combat temptation and sin.  The Epistle warns us how easily we can fall from grace as can be seen by what happened to the Chosen People in the desert.  History provides many more examples such as King Henry VIII.  God permits evil as a punishment for sin and to teach us to turn to Him when in need.  Even those far from grace can do this and in a moment of desperation say “God, help me”.  Pray fervently that you may go to heaven and you will.

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Quo Primum

6th Sunday after Pentecost 2021
Patriotism is part of the virtue of piety and recalled today.  This Sunday has humility as a theme and it is easy to remember because without God’s help we are sinners and that thought should keep us humble.  Mortal sin is the worst thing in the world and venial sin is the second worst.  We must be models to others because of the gifts given to us.  Scandal results instead if we cause others to sin.  The Gospel was the multiplication of the loaves and fishes and a pre-figuring of the Holy Eucharist and the Mass.  The importance of the traditional Latin Mass is seen clearly from the encyclical, “Quo Primum”, by Saint Pius V.  This reading of the document is a powerful reminder of this.

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Let Me Praise You, O Holy Virgin

Palm Sunday 2021
In response to a recent statement that the Virgin Mary’s title of Co-Redemptrix is “foolishness” we have this special message. It is a brief and powerful defense of our Blessed Mother’s title of Co-Redemptrix with a simple explanation of its meaning and how important it is for the Church’s prayer and life.

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O Happy Fault

Passion Sunday 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Benedict whose influence has had such an impact on western civilization.  Later this week we have St. John Damascene who defended our use of images of the saints.  The liturgical year is our response to Our Lord’s command at the Last Supper to “Do this in memory of Me”.  Passion Sunday continues this on the road to Calvary by having us veil the statues of the saints as a penance and suffering.  This unites us with the sufferings of Christ and sanctifies our own sufferings which are our means of sanctification.  With this appreciation for our living in this vale of tears we can look upon Adam’s sin as something from which we can and should benefit.

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Baptism Rite Is A Mini-Lent

3rd Sunday in Lent 2021
Today is also the feast of St. Thomas Aquinas who is a model of many things including fidelity to a vocation.  The Liturgy of Lent continues to prepare the catechumens and penitents for the Sacred Triduum.  The daily Masses for this week are geared by the Church for this purpose.  Today’s Gospel returns our attention to the enemy of our spiritual life, namely, the devil.  We can draw all the defense we need against this foe from the Mass and Sacraments, especially the exorcising power of priests.  We are reminded at the end of this account from St. Luke of Our Lady’s role in combating the evil one.  The Blessed Mother has empowered us with the Holy Rosary which carries the mysteries of our Faith in our hands whenever we are unable to be at the altar.

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Ultimately Penance Is Love

Ash Wednesday 2021
Neglect of practicing penance during Lent is a cause of the problems we experience in the world today.  The virtue of penance is a power from God which makes us hate sin, be sorry for it, make reparation for it and convert because sin offends God Who loves us.  Penance spurs us on to mortify our evil tendencies and remove the obstacles during Lent so to make room for Our Lord.  The Liturgy teaches us these things and the acts of penance are traditionally known as prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  Many ask for penances during Lent and several recommendations are given to help us make a good and holy Lent.

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Purity of Intention

Quinquagesima Sunday 2021
In preparation for Ash Wednesday and Lent there is a review of the laws concerning fast and abstinence.  Today is also the feast of St. Valentine and his impact in our own day.  The Epistle for this Mass is taken from St. Paul and teaches us the importance of doing all our works, especially the upcoming penances, with purity of intention which is produced by charity.  The Gospel tells of the cure of the blind man by Our Lord.  We are that blind man who need God’s help to see our sinfulness and do something about it.

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Ave Maria

Feast Of The Immaculate Conception 2020
This feast day honors the infallible teaching of the Church that the Blessed Virgin Mary, from the first moment of her existence, was free from original sin and all sin by reason of the future merits of her Son’s Passion and Death.  Her redemption is unlike ours because hers was preservative, meaning evil never touched her, whereas ours is liberative, meaning we were freed from evil that held us.  This exclusive privilege of hers was so she would be a worthy mother of the Son of God and that, although not the same degree, she would be like her Son in holiness and finally that she would be duly prepared to be the Co-Redemptrix, congruently not condignly as her Son alone could be.  All these doctrines prove for us Wordsworth’s line that Our Lady is “our tainted nature’s solitary boast”.

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Joy And Fear

19th Sunday After Pentecost 2020
Feast of the Divine Maternity
Today is also the feast of the Divine Maternity which was clearly taught at the Council of Ephesus to correct the errors of Nestorius.  The Holy Virgin is the Mother of God, the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity Who has a divine and a human nature.  St. Paul in the Epistle encourages us to put on a new life of grace and abandon lying, stealing, anger and all other vices incompatible with God’s life in the soul.  Our Lord tells the parable of the marriage feast in today’s Gospel.  This was spoken on Tuesday of Holy Week to those about to kill Him.  To the saved it was the promise of enjoying the heavenly banquet one day but to the unrepentant evildoers it was a warning of being cast out for eternity.

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