The Sabbatine Privilege

7th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
Our Lady of Mount Carmel – We must not be deceived by wolves in sheep’s clothing.  There are many false teachers in the church who use the same language as true Catholics but mean something different.  In the disastrous results of modernism in the Church, we see the bad fruit of false prophets.  The Carmelite Order is the only religious order that has its origins in the Old Testament.  The Order fled to Europe when it fell under persecution and was placed under the rule of St. Simon Stock.  In great discouragement, St. Simon was visited by the Blessed Mother who gave him the scapular saying, “Whosoever dies clothed in this Scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”

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The Simplicity Of Love

6th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
No matter what our situation might be, we always have enough grace to avoid sin.  There is never an excuse for sin.  If we do not recognize our absolute dependence on God, we will fall.  God created us out of love and all He wants is our love in return.  Just like the saints we are called to love God simply and pray to God simply.  If we follow the simple steps of mental prayer and do this daily there is no doubt about our salvation.

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The Necessary Struggle

5th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
We will always have both friends and enemies in this life.  Even the great North American Martyrs, who gave their lives to win converts to Christ, experienced both successes and failures.  Our Lord allows our enemies to tempt us in our continual battle all for a greater good.  Let us be patient and meek as the saints and not allow ourselves to become lax in the spiritual life.  We must remain ever watchful and never cease uprooting our vices.  Continual prayer will bring us to Heaven.

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He Bought The World

Precious Blood 2023
This feast is the liturgical completion of Good Friday, the day when the Precious Blood was poured out for our salvation.  In these days when our holy Faith is in danger and under attack, we recall the great heritage of martyrs who shed their blood in imitation of Christ.  At the true Mass we have no doubt what takes place at the Consecration.  Christ’s death continues to the end of time and we are invited to be part of it.  If not for the Precious Blood no sins would be forgiven.

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The Invitation To God’s Mercy

3rd Sunday after Pentecost 2023

Today’s Mass texts echo the feast of the Sacred Heart with their emphasis on God’s mercy.  Many Catholics with a false concept of this divine attribute use God’s mercy as an excuse to sin.  We know that God does not forget our sins when they are forgiven.  He remembers them in all their details and He offers His mercy anyway.  That is what makes God’s mercy so beautiful.  We must follow St. Peter’s instruction and remain sober and watchful with a penetrating knowledge of ourselves.  Humility is the virtue that invites the mercy of God.

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Devotion Of The Last Age

Sacred Heart 2023
The coldness and indifference of our age is a most frightening problem.  Children depend on the love of their parents to give them a sense of worth and security.  Our Lord says that He has given this devotion to all in need of love and that He will reign in spite of Satan and whatever stands in His way.  Our Lord’s Heart is a human heart but it is unimaginably sensitive.  He craves our love.  We must be grateful and must honor Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.  We must trust Him, knowing that He desires our happiness more than we do.

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We Offer Infinite Glory

2nd Sunday after Pentecost 2023
Today’s Gospel warns us against neglecting God.  If we put off His invitation to salvation through sin and vice, we will surely lose His invitation.  God instituted the feast of Corpus Christi right before this Sunday to remind us of the importance of the Blessed Sacrament.  This day is a second Corpus Christi in which we may offer ourselves in union with Christ.  Through the Holy Sacrifice we give God infinite glory. Without the spirit of poverty, chastity and obedience, we will not be saved.

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His Necessary Departure

4th Sunday after Easter 2023
This is a season of consolations, but we know the consolations must soon pass.  We see the heinousness of the sin committed in condemning Christ to death even more clearly when we witness the great gifts given to the Apostles on Pentecost.  The Gospel for today proves the Catholic belief in the Filioque – that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son.  In our own spiritual life, it is sometimes necessary for Christ to hide Himself from us so that we may live more perfectly by Faith with the help of the Holy Spirit.

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The True Passover

Easter Vigil 2023
Everything is dark at the beginning of this ceremony, just as it was before the creation of the cosmos.  The darkness is representative of the Old Testament, while the Lumen Christi, or Light of Christ, is the New Testament.  The completion of the Passover takes place this evening.  Evidence has been found in recent years of the passage through the Red Sea, but tonight, in a real way, we celebrate the true Passover, which is renewed through the liturgy.  All of creation is made clear to us this night.  Our faith is made perfect in the Resurrection.

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Children of The Hebrews

Palm Sunday 2023
We are a liturgical people, and as we pray so we believe.  Christ bridged the gap between God and man, and He gives us the vehicle through which we may bridge that gap back to Him, in the sacraments and sacramentals of the Church.  Sacramentals are given by Christ through the Church, and the grace we receive is dependent upon our fervor.  The palm gives us the victory; it gives us the strength to persevere towards Heaven.  We should fight during these days to be as close to Our Lord as possible.

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