Can You Pass This Test?

15th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
This Mass teaches us about Everlasting Life, while the Divine Office offers us the example of Job, who praised God in both prosperity and adversity.  In the Psalms we ask that we are protected, but that we do not forget our enemy.  In the Gospel we see a representation of the Church weeping over her children, dead through mortal sin, in the widow of Naim.  All temptations are tests, and it is what we do with those tests which makes the difference.  We should test ourselves by comparing how closely we follow the commandments of God versus the dictates of the world.  This test will tell us if we are on the path towards the gates of Hell, or if we have been stopped by Our Lord on our road to death to be restored in His life.

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The Leprosy of Sin

13th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The undying devotion of even a brute animal towards its master puts us to shame.  How much should we love our Savior and how unwilling should we be to leave His side?  Today we are reminded of our need for God’s help.  The disease of sin that we carry is far worse than that of the lepers in the Gospel.  Their disease did not make them enemies of God as ours does.  We act as if there is nothing wrong with us, despite our sins.  We must never forget what we owe to God, so that we will not remain ungrateful in the face of God’s generosity in our lives.

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The Death of Saints and Sinners

5th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
It is not sufficient for those inclined to anger to wait for the moment of temptation before fighting their vice.  To practice the opposite virtues of meekness and fraternal charity is the most effective way of combatting unjust anger.  Those who persecute the faithful, should stir our pity rather than our anger, especially when we remember the judgments in store for them.  Good Catholics do not wish the frightful death of an unrepentant sinner on even their worst enemies.  We ought to receive injuries and insults cheerfully whenever possible and pray that our enemies be converted, so they may die happily in God’s grace.

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Separated From Our Father

4th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
St. Jerome explains the meaning of Our Lord’s quote, “Call no man Father,” telling the faithful that it refers to giving man the honor due to God alone.  The theme for this Sunday is hope.  We have much to endure in this battle we wage against the devil.  After Adam fell the world was thrown into chaos and we struggle interiorly with concupiscence and the pride of life.  We remain hopeful because Our Lord told us that if we ask the Father anything in His name, it shall be given to us.  True Catholics believe what we are instructed to believe and obediently conform our intellect to the teaching of the Church.

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Communion of Reparation

Feast of Corpus Christi 2024
We should strive to better understand the feast of Corpus Christi from both a historical and doctrinal perspective.  The Church is called to celebrate today with even greater joy and reverence knowing that the doctrine of the Holy Eucharist is so ignored, unknown, and attacked.  The Holy Eucharist is both a sacrifice and a sacrament.  The sacrifice is remembered on Holy Thursday, while the sacramental aspect is celebrated today.  Christ deliberately called for two consecrations at the Mass, so that under the separation of these signs the mystical sacrifice would take place.  We are at the Cross in a mystical way, and receiving God in this sacrament brings us into the Trinitarian life.  We must not only adore Our Lord and thank Him today, but also make reparation for all our sins and those of our fellow man.

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The Sin of Human Respect

Sunday after the Ascension 2024
Our Lord warned us that we would be ridiculed and persecuted by the world so we may not feel ashamed in the face of these attacks.  The sin of human respect causes us to imitate the bad habits of evil companions.  Although this sin especially affects the youth, it can also affect mothers who care more about the feelings of their children than correcting sinful habits when they begin to develop.  We fight the sin of human respect with a holy contempt of the world and by preferring grace over all the world offers.  With these resolutions and the grace of the Holy Ghost we are prepared for the spiritual battles ahead.

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The Paschal Mystery Completed

Ascension Thursday Morning 2024
After Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins and conquered death through His Resurrection, His physical, glorified Body entered Heaven so that we may all follow Him there.  The Paschal Candle is extinguished after the Gospel to represent Our Lord’s departure from the Earth.  This is the day of great joy because today the Son of God went home.  We will all receive our bodies at the end of time.  To deny this dogma is the heretical rejection of the teaching of Our Lord.  Even the apostles were rebuked by Christ for their lack of faith.  This is a warning to all of us who are so weak in faith.  We must not be discouraged; we have become new people and have been prepared for a greater calling.

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The Christian Society

Conference given on
1st Friday May 2024
Although some traditional Catholics refuse to celebrate the feast of St. Joseph the Worker, because they believe it is Communist in origin, the fact is that it is an example of the Church’s Christianization of something contrary to the Faith.  There are many examples of this throughout the history of the Church.  In order to understand the devil’s influence in the world and how it affects us, we should know the definitions of fascism, socialism, communism, existentialism, and capitalism.  The Christian view is that labor is the means of showing obediential love, and is to be offered for the love of God and neighbor.  This is what gives our work merit.  What matters in life is not what we do, but the degree of love with which we do it.

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Avoiding Occasions of Sin

Low Sunday 2024
Today is called Low Sunday because it is small in comparison to the great feast of Easter.  St. Thomas’ doubt has made it easier for us to believe, because the proofs of the Resurrection that Christ offered help strengthen our faith.  Now that we have put to death the old man, we must shut the doors of our soul to the world.  After we have been given new life, like Lazarus we are bound hand and foot if we remain attached to the world.  Even the great can fall if they do not avoid occasions of sin and resist the devil “steadfast in the faith.”

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Our Joyous Victory

Easter Sunday Morning 2024
To prove His divinity, Our Lord truly rose from the dead – physically, materially, corporeally.  The signs of His divinity are so abundant that it would be foolish to deny its truth, but we must still be given the gift of Faith to affirm it.  Christ rose by His own power just as much as He was raised from the dead by His Father.  The risen Savior filled the terrified Apostles with peace.  Christ tells us that although we are sorrowful now, one day we will be filled with joy and vindicated in the eyes of the world.  Our Faith is the victory which overcomes the world.

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