St. Francis’ Knowledge and God’s ‘Little Ones’

1st Friday Conference, October 2024
St. Francis of Assisi is greatly misunderstood and mistakenly viewed as the saint of the ecologists.  He composed a poem, which he gave to the members of his order, and this “Song of the Sun” demonstrates St. Francis’ love of nature – not for its own sake but because of its Creator.  The gift of knowledge gives one a better appreciation of God’s attributes through the beauty of the natural world.  This makes us desire the happiness of Heaven and earnestly pray that we may possess it.

The hallmark of the life of St. Therese of Lisieux is the doctrine of spiritual childhood.  In the Gospels, Our Lord not only spoke of the necessity of spiritual childhood for salvation, but warned against giving scandal to the innocent “little ones.”  St. Therese made the appreciation of her helplessness and complete trust in God the foundation of her spiritual life.  She spent her life doing little things with great love, and if we do the same, we too will be safe.

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The Sin of Human Respect

Sunday after the Ascension 2024
Our Lord warned us that we would be ridiculed and persecuted by the world so we may not feel ashamed in the face of these attacks.  The sin of human respect causes us to imitate the bad habits of evil companions.  Although this sin especially affects the youth, it can also affect mothers who care more about the feelings of their children than correcting sinful habits when they begin to develop.  We fight the sin of human respect with a holy contempt of the world and by preferring grace over all the world offers.  With these resolutions and the grace of the Holy Ghost we are prepared for the spiritual battles ahead.

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Lest You Lose Your Way

Confirmation Sunday 2024
The youth of our day are in the greatest need of the sacrament of Confirmation. The Holy Ghost gives an outpouring of strength and a unique participation in the share of Our Lord’s passion and death in this sacrament. In His weakness we receive our strength. The Gifts of the Holy Ghost are made far more active in our souls. It is only with these helps that we may combat the attacks of the devil and his human agents in the world. The youth are the particular victims of these dangers, and it is only with God’s strength that they will stay faithful.

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The Great Evil of Venial Sin

2nd Sunday in Lent 2024
St. Paul calls us to make “even greater progress,” but in order to do so, we must begin attacking our habits of venial sin.  Mortal sins kill the soul,  but venial sins are the great obstacle to sanctification.  These lesser sins can easily be overlooked if we are not on guard against them.  They lessen God’s grace in our soul and they kill fervor, making spiritual practices difficult.  Our habits of venial sin will inevitably lead us to serious sin.  This disease of the soul must be combatted with custody of the mind, sincere desire of amendment, and with hatred and horror of any offense against God, no matter how slight it may appear.

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Ask and You Shall Receive

25th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The Introit and other prayers of this Mass are repeated every Sunday in the weeks approaching the conclusion of the liturgical year.  The Church’s prayer gives us hope for our impending judgment.  The Collect reminds us that we must not simply rely on words, but we must also act.  A missionary is limited in how many people he can reach, but a contemplative’s reach is limitless because in his prayer he is close to God.  Our enemies seek to change the truth and our children must be aware of these lies and hold fast to their principles.

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Concerning The Pope

Q&A Conference September 2023
The question of the validity of the current pontificate has come to the fore more than ever because of its great importance for Catholics.  The danger of schism and the principle that no Catholic is capable of officially judging the pope are the reasons why one must be very careful and ensure he is taking the safest path on this matter.  Although a person may possess the intellectual competency to have a personal belief about the validity of the current pontificate, one must have the authoritative competency to make a definitive statement on behalf of the Church.

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Instruction To The Youth

Q&A Conference September 2023
Children can sometimes be crueler than adults and hurt feelings can last a lifetime.  If we are hardhearted in the way we treat others, God will punish us.  We must beware of gossip.  Young men should be particularly careful with the feelings of young girls.  And young girls should look in the mirror honestly and clothe themselves in a manner that is flattering rather than revealing.  It is the personality that makes friends. We change a great deal externally as we grow older, but a good heart remains.

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Devotion Of The Last Age

Sacred Heart 2023
The coldness and indifference of our age is a most frightening problem.  Children depend on the love of their parents to give them a sense of worth and security.  Our Lord says that He has given this devotion to all in need of love and that He will reign in spite of Satan and whatever stands in His way.  Our Lord’s Heart is a human heart but it is unimaginably sensitive.  He craves our love.  We must be grateful and must honor Our Lord’s Sacred Heart.  We must trust Him, knowing that He desires our happiness more than we do.

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Complete Trust In The Shepherd

2nd Sunday after Easter 2023
There is only one fold and one shepherd. We have complete trust in Christ as our Good Shepherd, and it is the call of all priests and bishops to watch over the flock and to bring those who are lost back to the true fold. As we have heard before and we continue to reiterate, the price of our salvation is the Blood of the Lamb – the Blood of Christ, shed for our salvation. The beautiful Paschal Candle stands as a consoling reminder of Christ’s presence with us for the forty days after His Resurrection.

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The Battle for Souls

16th Sunday After Pentecost 2022
The Lord is sweet and mild.  It should be easy for us to love our God.  We are moved to act as God wants us to by the grace given to us before, during, and after we act.  St. Paul speaks of the life blood of the Mystical Body of Christ – charity.  We must first be humble before we can be charitable.  Humility removes our self-love so that we may have the ability to love purely with true charity.  There is a battle for the souls of the youth and their path in life is being formed right now.  The youthful soul enhanced by grace is more powerful than the devil, but it must be formed.  We must commit ourselves with all our hearts.

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