
The Blood of His Heart

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Sermon From The Feast Of The
Precious Blood 2014
We can see from the history of this feast day why is it so important for our times when the Church is under such great attacks.  The first gift of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is His Precious Blood.  The first reason for the creation of the human heart was for love of God.  His Blood is called precious because it is the key to our redemption and our enemies defeat.  It is the Blood of God.  Every last drop of Christ’s Blood was shed for us to clearly exemplify is love for mankind.

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Sacrifice Is Christian

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Sermon From The
5th Sunday after Easter 2014
✟Father Violette
Just as the Church converted the pagan temple of the Pantheon into a Catholic church, she frequently takes what is pagan or secular and “baptizes” it into something Christian.  We could see something similar in the secular holiday of Memorial Day because a soldier’s sacrifice is at its core something Christian.  Knowing the Faith is not enough for us.  We know from St. James that Faith without works is dead, so we should strive to practice virtue, especially when it is difficult.


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Our Hearts Will Be Revealed

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Sermon From
Good Friday 2014
We ask the Blessed Mother to help us through this liturgy, because it was she who stood at the foot of the cross.  Because of the elements of joy and paschal anticipation in the Mass, it is not fitting for this day in which all joy has been suppressed.  The Church is in mourning for her God, Who has died for her this day.  The Church is calling upon sinner to repent, and to partake of the fruit of the new tree – Christ Himself on the tree of the cross.

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The Sole Means of Salvation

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Sermon On
Holy Thursday 2014
This day we celebrate the institution of the Mass, the Holy Eucharist, and the Priesthood – the only vocation created directly by God.  The saints tell us that it would be easier for us to exist without the Sun than without the Mass.  Our presence at the Mass shows God’s love for us, because He gives us the grace to come, and it allows us to show our love, fidelity, and loyalty to Him.  God has promised a great reward to those who stand with Him, and we know that it is only through the Mass that we will receive that reward.  Let us make reparation and proclaim our loyalty through the Sacrifice of the Altar.

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The King and His Saints

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Sermon From
The Feast Of Christ the King 2013
On this feast of Christ the King we recall Quas Primas, the encyclical letter of Pope Pius XI, which explains this teaching on Our Lord’s social kingdom and the reasons for instituting this feast.  Later this week we have the holyday of obligation known as All Saints day and the following day we have All Souls day which reminds us of the holy souls in Purgatory who are being purified before entering heaven.  Taken together we have the Church Militant, Church Triumphant and Church Suffering being presented to us as the perfect union of the Mystical Body of Christ.  The fact that only Truth has rights produces its wonderful consequences in salvation history where the desire for sanctity and living for God are beautifully seen and realized under the peaceful and loving reign of Jesus Christ.

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St. Francis & St. Thérèse

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Conference On
First Friday October 2013
St. Francis is greatly misunderstood in our day but was, in fact, a true son of the Church.  By his words and example, he made innumerable converts.  The Gospel for the Mass of his feast day emphasizes his charity.  He was an utterly selfless man.  The Little Flower, St. Thérèse, despite all the differences between her life and St. Francis’, shared many similarities to him in spirit.  She promised to spend her Heaven doing good on Earth.  Poverty of spirit makes one recognize his nothingness.  We must remember that sometimes God sends us suffering to open our eyes to the truth.

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Our Lady’s Sovereignty

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Sermon From
14th Sunday after Pentecost 2013
The time between the Assumption and the feast of the Seven Sorrows is considered Our Lady’s thirty days.  The Mass texts of these feasts and that of the Immaculate Heart show her quality as Co-Redemptrix.  This adds fervor to the devotion we already have to our heavenly Queen and Mother.  The depictions of her most pure Heart, as in the Miraculous Medal, show her dependence on the Redemptive Incarnation even more than ours.  We are given confidence to draw close to her as our essential intercessor with her Divine Son.  Theologically we are speaking of her as the secondary instrumental cause of our salvation.  From here we are moved to join her in her sorrows and we practice mortification in union with Our Lord’s sacrifice on the cross.

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The Covenant Has Been Renewed

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Easter Sunday 2013
We have now had the culmination of the whole Lenten season. We have been catechumens and penitents in preparation for our union with Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Now we walk with Christ in the liturgy. Our Lenten time of training began with the season of examination, then we had to follow Christ to Jerusalem. The Blessed Mother offered her Son on the Cross for each one of us. We have now renounced Satan and proclaimed our faith. We may be small and afraid, just as the Apostles were, but Our Lord had not forgotten them and he has not forgotten us. All order is restored by Christ’s words, “peace be to you.”

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