
Cry Out to God!

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Quinquagesima Sunday 2024
Abraham is our patron today.  His willingness to sacrifice his only begotten son was a type of the Sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  In today’s Gospel, the Apostles did not understand Our Lord’s words.  To remove any doubts, Jesus performed the miracle of curing the blind man, demonstrating His divine power.  We also must cry out as this blind man did.  We need God to cure our blindness of heart and mind.  Our good works become void if they are not for the love of God.  Our intentions must be pure.  Today’s Epistle is a great aid to meditation and will help us obtain divine charity.

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Saint Blaise

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Feast of Saint Blaise 2024
St. Blaise was a physician who became a bishop. He was greatly loved by the faithful and they flocked to him because of his great knowledge and spiritual direction.  St. Blaise was arrested during the last of the great Roman persecutions of the Church.  On his journey he was met by a mother who pleaded with the saint to save her son who was choking on a fish bone.  St. Blaise miraculously saved the boy from death.  While he was in prison, he was brought candles and food by his loving devotees.  After his martyrdom the miracles and devotion to this saint spread far and wide throughout the Church.

The blessing of throats is a sacramental to help cure any problems of the throat, along with any other afflictions.  By the invocative blessing of throats, it does not place us in the realm of the divine, but it calls down God’s aid on the individual.

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Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

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Feast of the Purification 2024
The candle is one of the great sacramentals of the Church.  It is like a sacrament in the sense that it is an outward sign, but unlike a sacrament, it does not give grace automatically.  This day links Our Lord and the Blessed Mother so closely.  Today we remember both the joyful mystery of the Rosary and the first of the Virgin Mary’s great sorrows.  Because the Mother of God was not affected by original sin, and because of the Virginal Birth, she was not subject to the law requiring purification.  However, she submitted to it in all humility.  God used the New Eve to carry the New Adam into the Garden, when the Blessed Mother carried Our Lord into the temple.

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We Are Offered With Christ

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20th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
The three principal parts of the Mass are the Offertory, the Consecration, and the Communion of the Priest.  If we miss one of these parts, we have not assisted at Mass.  We are united to the sacrifice and are offered up with Christ.  The Mass is the purpose of creation, because it is the essence of religion and the greatest means of offering honor to God.  We are told to redeem the time we have lost.  We have the grace to make a conversion at any moment.  We need to pray fervently, because our salvation depends on it.

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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

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Feast of the Seven Sorrows 2023
All of Our Lord’s acts had infinite value because He is God.  The Blessed Virgin Mary is called the Associate of Redemption by her union of friendship, love, and emotion.  She has an intimate union with God.  We all weep, because we are injured, or mistreated, or ignored, or misunderstood, etc.  Sometimes we weep for love.  Love can be the greatest source of pain.  We see how much the saints suffered for love.  One of the reasons why Our Lady wept on Calvary is because of the loss of so many souls whom she loved so deeply.

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God Asks For 100%

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1st Friday September 2023
First Friday Conference The Fourteen Holy Helpers have been invoked since the Middle Ages to help with specific needs of the faithful.  St. Augustine is one of the greatest moral and doctrinal theologians in history.  His most famous works are popular even among non-Catholics.  Conversion of life and the mortification of the senses can be extremely difficult.  Temptations can surprise us at any moment and defense against these temptations often takes heroism. It is worth fighting for the things that really matter.  Sensitivity is necessary when practicing charity towards our neighbor.

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She Is The Joy of Heaven

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Feast of the Assumption 2023
In Heaven, the Blessed Mother is second only to the Holy Trinity in honor.  She is called Co-redemptrix because everything that Our Lord won she won as well in a subordinate manner.  It was a miracle that she was sustained in life while her Divine Son died.  She was kept on Earth for the sake of helping the early Church.  Because the Virgin Mary shared so closely in Our Lord’s death, she shares in His triumph.  She offers the gifts of God as she pleases to her children here below.

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Humility Is Truth

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11th Sunday after Pentecost 2023
If we have no attachments to hold us down in this life we will speedily reach Heaven when we die.  Our Lord said we will receive a hundredfold of the things we give up for God’s sake in this life.  We should not attribute anything we do to ourselves because it is God Who gives us all the strength we need.  We recognize the truth when we recognize our utter weakness.  We are the only ones responsible for our sins and if we truly know ourselves, nothing we possess will make us proud.

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Born In The Desert

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9th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
God gives us virtues to help us cooperate in the salvation which He is accomplishing.  God gave a warning to Solomon that he would destroy Israel and make an example of it before all nations if it transgressed God’s law.  The Holy Machabees are a perfect example of divine fortitude and loyalty to God.  Even the Mother of the Machabees encouraged her sons in sacrificing themselves for God and resisting the temptations of evil men.  Let’s learn from our ancestors, as Saint Paul says, so that we may join them in Heaven.

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The Necessary Struggle

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5th Sunday After Pentecost 2023
We will always have both friends and enemies in this life.  Even the great North American Martyrs, who gave their lives to win converts to Christ, experienced both successes and failures.  Our Lord allows our enemies to tempt us in our continual battle all for a greater good.  Let us be patient and meek as the saints and not allow ourselves to become lax in the spiritual life.  We must remain ever watchful and never cease uprooting our vices.  Continual prayer will bring us to Heaven.

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