He Craves Our Love

Sermon From The Feast Of The Sacred Heart 2013 It is sad how feasts like this one have been neglected by priests in the past to the detriment of the devotion of the faithful.  Our Lord came to St. Margaret Mary, showed her His Heart and with other things said that even consecrated souls mistreated…

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My Happiest Day

Sermon From 2nd Sunday After Pentecost 2013 Today our children receive their First Holy Communion. Our Lord left us this sacrament so we would not be orphans when He ascended into heaven. The Holy Eucharist and the special graces given by Christ will help us to reach heaven. The state of grace in us means…

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The Covenant Has Been Renewed

Easter Sunday 2013 We have now had the culmination of the whole Lenten season. We have been catechumens and penitents in preparation for our union with Christ in the Holy Eucharist. Now we walk with Christ in the liturgy. Our Lenten time of training began with the season of examination, then we had to follow…

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Joy Amidst Suffering

Conference On Purgatory 1st Friday November 2012 The Holy Souls in Purgatory experience eviternity, or what is called discontinuous time, which is that time which measures the change in a soul.  God lives in a reality independent of time, and one might say that the souls in Purgatory live in a reality between time and…

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Supply What I Lack

Easter Sunday 2012 We pray that we may receive all the benefits of this Mass.  The Mass of today, the greatest of all feasts, is the crown of the liturgical year.  The historical event is made present again at the Mass.  The Resurrection is the central doctrine of the whole Catholic Church.  Christ came for…

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