We Die The Way We Live

3rd Sunday in Lent 2018 We learn in the Mass texts not to let evil enter our thoughts, words or deeds.  This is so we live every moment purely and for God.  Then we are prepared for the last moment when we receive the grace of perseverance efficaciously.  As the good works of Jesus were criticized in…

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Confession, Contrition, Satisfaction

2nd Sunday in Lent 2018 During Lent it is important to stir up sorrow for our sins and to receive the Sacrament of Penance.  The older form for the penitent to use in the confessional expressed aspects of this beautiful sacrament that we should appreciate.  If received well,  this sacrament can even make us holier than just…

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The Gift Of Lent

First Sunday in Lent 2018 Grace is present at every moment for us but especially during Lent.  We, as Christians, must not be a scandal to those in the world.  Lent is our retreat and it is dangerous to our spiritual life not to realize this.  The virtue of chastity cannot be practiced without constant help from…

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Unto Dust You Shall Return

Ash Wednesday Evening 2018 Blessed ashes remind us of death and our own nothingness.  These marked the public sinners from the early days of the Church and do for all of us now.  No sins are too much to be forgiven and penance and fasting are powerful means to save us as they did for…

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God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018 In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want…

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Love Created Us And Must Be Returned

Quinquagesima Sunday 2018 This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed.  Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not.  He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future.  Today…

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That You May Abound In Hope

2nd Sunday of Advent 2017 To encourage us during this penitential season preparing for Christmas the Church reminds us, especially the Gentiles, of God’s mercy and the reason for us to hope.  Despite all the difficulties of life we have tremendous confidence that Our Savior will take care of us because His upcoming birth is proof of…

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Lay Aside Works of Darkness

1st Sunday Of Advent 2017 Advent is a time of penance and this year it is a shorter season to prepare for Christmas.  We need to appreciate everyday as a gift enabling us to pray and grow in spiritual progress.  Ask the Blessed Mother and the saints to help us in this important task. #20171203K

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Remission Of Temporal Punishment

First Friday December 2017 In this conference, the beautiful and consoling teaching of the Church on Indulgences is explained.  Beginning with the early Church we see how the treasury of merits won by Christ, His Blessed Mother and the saints was opened for the benefit of sinners.  The errors of the Reformation in distorting this…

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Watch And Be Ready

Last Sunday after Pentecost 2017 As we conclude the liturgical year, we should still be praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory while examining our lives to test whether or not we have grown in love of God and neighbor.  Christ in today’s Gospel prophesied the destruction of Jerusalem and the end of the world. …

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