Saint Joseph – Spouse & Father

Conference On Passion Sunday 2018
In this conference we learn about the upcoming feast of St. Joseph.  His greatest titles are Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Foster Father of the Son of God.  God the Father entrusted His Divine Son to the care of St. Joseph whose virginal paternity was a perfect image of the Begetting of the Son by the Father.  The true marriage of St. Joseph to Our Lady is the foundation of his relationship through her with Jesus Christ.  He is protector of the Church and universal patron of all our needs.


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God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018
In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want to eradicate now.  We begin our forty days of prayers, almsgiving and fasting with confidence that God will hear our plea and forgive us as He did with the Ninivites at the preaching of the prophet Jonas.



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He Must Rule

Christ the King 2017

The feast of Christ The King sums up our faith in the Incarnate God and makes us pray “Thy Kingdom Come.”  As good subjects we should know the catechism, pray and give ourselves in return for the divine self sacrifice of Our Lord.  We have the examples of the saints who have done so and were the means of the miraculous in this world.  Such are needed today when Christianity faces its bleakest future.


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Seek Peace And Pursue It

5th Sunday after Pentecost 2017

The season after Pentecost is the time for sanctity.  We should grow in love of God and of neighbor (which is the measure of love of God).  Today’s Mass warns against the obstacle that anger presents in accomplishing this goal. Although a natural passion, anger easily becomes inordinate and sinful because of the effects of original sin.  Combating the first motions of anger will turn us from this vice and then we should turn to prayer instead and gain the peace that comes from a holy life.


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Swaddling Clothes and a Manger

Christmas Midnight Mass 2015
We should pay special attention to the repetition of the phrase “swaddling clothes” in the Gospel account for today.  The importance of these swaddling clothes is found in the care and love shown to the Holy Infant.  Even though this Child was rejected by so many and was forced to be laid in a filthy feeding trough for animals found in a dark cave, there are those who still loved Him and cared for Him.  This is the story of Christ’s entire life – rejected by many but ardently loved by a few.  The Savior entered the world through the painless, virginal birth of His Mother.  This birth prophesied the Resurrection, in which Our Lord passed through the tomb with new life, while leaving the tomb shut.  On this feast, we celebrate the stupendous moment in which our Redeemer first appeared to mankind in the Flesh.  God the Father became father in a new way today, and all Heaven celebrates the birth of His Son.  On this feast, our sorrows are lifted and we look forward to a greater day to come.

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The Remains of Sin

All Souls Day 2015

Very few in our day remember the souls of the departed because of the false belief in the universal salvation of all men.  In assisting the suffering souls in Purgatory, we gain friends who will intercede for us.  We must never waste the time we have been given, because the way we choose to spend our moments on earth will make the difference between an eternity in Heaven or Hell.  Many souls can be released on this day, especially through the intercession of the Virgin Mary.  All our sins have a debt of punishment attached to them.  If we pray our penance well, we could remit our entire debt of temporal punishment, but if we die with these dispositions of soul, we would rather throw ourselves into the punishments of Purgatory than remain in the presence of the infinitely perfect God.

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God Will Win

Sermon From
The 5th Sunday After Pentecost 2015
Fraternal charity is a theme of this Mass. Tomorrow is the feast of St. Peter and he is a great person who was trained well by Our Lord. A test of courage is the ability to endure challenges patiently. We should imitate the saints in seeking peace and pursuing it. Our love of God is seen in how much we love neighbor too. Our society is deteriorating and is seen in its acceptance of the four sins that cry out to God for vengeance. A heavy chastisement is awaiting us. The Sacred Heart lamented that even consecrated souls are guilty. By our baptisms all of us have been dedicated to the Blessed Trinity and should fulfill our vows of fidelity. God will triumph in the end with a victory as seen by Gideon.

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Melt Our Frozen Hearts

Pentecost Sunday 2015
We must remember to pray for the fallen soldiers on Memorial Day.  We are not bound to love our government, but, in the virtue of patriotism, we are bound to love the country that supports us and the people who live in it.  A good Catholic soldier endures hardships and makes reparations for the sins of his fellow countrymen.  After the Ascension of Our Lord, the Apostles spent nine days in prayer.  These days are duplicated in every soul purified in the last stages of perfection.  The Apostles were deprived of the sensible consolations of the Savior so that they would be purified of all attachments, even misplaced attachments in the spiritual life.  We are given gifts from God that we may love Him more.

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Mutual Charity

Sunday after Ascension 2015
We are given great comfort from the Introit of this Mass, “the Lord is my life and my salvation, whom shall I fear?”  We know that everything that happens to us was all part of God’s plan.  Our Lord is no longer present on Earth in the same way He was before the Ascension.  Although the Apostles felt desolate when Christ left them, they remained in constant prayer.  St. Peter tells us not only to be prudent and watchful, but to show constant charity towards our neighbor.  It is the practice of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy which has won innumerable converts.

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Distinguishing Truth From Error

4th Sunday after Easter 2015
Why is the month of May dedicated to the Blessed Mother?  The practice began by the efforts of a Jesuit priest of the 18th century in Rome, who dedicated the youth of his time to the Virgin Mary.  By devoutly reciting the Rosary during this month we will remain under her protection as well.  The instruction of this Epistle urges the practice of the great virtue of patience to combat unjust anger.  The virtues and gifts of the Holy Ghost which we possess allow us to hear the word of God and to recognize the false teachings of the world.  We want to express our faith in the Resurrection and assert our trust.

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