Sexagesima Sunday 2018 During this sacred time before Lent we should examine our conscience so we know the predominant fault we will battle through penance once Ash Wednesday arrives. St. Paul is our spiritual director for this as we think about original and actual sin. The young especially have an opportunity to respond to grace and be instruments of sanctity in the world today.
The brightness of this feast honoring the Immaculate Conception is seen in stark contrast to the darkness of those who should know the truths of the Faith and do not. Our Lady received her initial plenitude of grace today and all the gifts which accompany it. Her humility is prominent among them and was singular in her becoming the Mother of God. This was to undo the terrible pride which led to the sin of Adam and Eve. Finally, the tremendous value of sanctifying grace is seen by the fact that it cost the Blood of God to obtain it.
In this conference, the beautiful and consoling teaching of the Church on Indulgences is explained. Beginning with the early Church we see how the treasury of merits won by Christ, His Blessed Mother and the saints was opened for the benefit of sinners. The errors of the Reformation in distorting this doctrine are touched upon and practical steps are given to avail ourselves of Indulgences in our daily lives.
“It is a holy and wholesome thought to pray for the dead.” This citation from the Old Testament shows how much the Jews cared for their deceased family and friends. The need for prayer after death is due to the effects that sin leaves its in us and all must be purged before we can enter heaven. Even the saints, as holy as they were, admitted their daily failings that needed to be purified. We merit and satisfy now for our sins but the souls in Purgatory can only undergo suffering to make satisfaction but without merit. God loves the Holy Souls and is more close to them than to those still on the earth.
Despite the tone of mourning and sorrow the Church has infused this Mass on All Souls Day with hope. The reason for this is explained by the teachings of our Faith about Purgatory where those who have died as imperfect friends of God are purified of the obstacles that impede their entrance into heaven. This devotion is ancient in the Church and in history and the liturgical expression of it is examined. Finally, the saints are cited for their insights.
Pray for the faithful departed, especially those from this chapel. We must appreciate how perfectly pure and reverent one needs to be in order to enter Gods presence. Holy Souls are in peace and depend on the living to be purified. Have mercy on them because the hand of the Lord has touched them. Have Masses offered for them. Our known vices must be eliminated now with merit or else they will be the cause of our punishment without merit. A word to the wise is sufficient.
After a brief instruction about liturgical and sacred art this sermon tells about the importance of the sacramental of ashes. Stations of the Cross is a Lenten practice beloved by the faithful because our Blessed Mother began the devotion. Catholics must imitate the way of the Cross so they may be joined to Our Lord on it. Finally, the temptations of Christ are explained.
60 days before Easter and counting. This is a time of conversion – conversion from what? From a sinful lifestyle engendered by our fallen nature as a result of Original Sin and our pride, stoked by the evil, which leads us to commit actual sins. The antidote is a full examination of conscience, confession, and a commitment to place our seeds in the fruitful earth spoken of in today’s gospel. Let us not be among those sowers who heard the Word of God and summarily went their way to perdition.
Feast of the Immaculate Conception 2015 Although the Blessed Mother was given the unique privilege of being preserved from Original Sin, this does not mean that she was not redeemed. It simply means that she was redeemed in a more perfect, anticipatory manner. She was conceived with an initial plenitude of grace, yet her share in God’s life continually increased in her until she was taken back to Heaven. Adam was made God-like with the gift of Sanctifying Grace and mankind was meant to remain in perfect harmony with the Divine. Because Adam was made master of creation, he was given a sign to show his subordination to God – the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The devil brought evil into the world by convincing Eve to tempt Adam. We see in the book of Genesis how quick God is to offer mercy after we fall. Immediately after the sin of Adam was revealed, God promised a Savior who would come through the new Eve, the woman never touched by sin. #20151208
At the beginning of the new liturgical year, we are reminded of many great truths. Advent is a time of preparation. God had His Chosen People wait in anticipation of His first coming in mercy, and He has His chosen people once again waiting for His return in glory. Our Lord, as the great Pontiff, bridges the gap between the Creator and the creature, between the infinite and the finite, in His Incarnation. With the beginning of the liturgical year, our journey to become more Christlike is renewed once more. This progressive incorporation into Christ can only be accomplished through participation in the Mass, devout reception of the sacraments, and unceasing prayer. #20151129M
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Servants of the Holy Family, a Catholic religious community in Colorado Springs was founded on the Feast of the Holy Family in 1977 and is placed under the patronage of the Sacred Persons of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Read more