Victory Was Won Today

Good Friday 2019
The Church is in sorrow and desolation on God’s Friday because it is the day He died for our sins.  This should move us to deep repentance for what our sins have done and thanksgiving to Our Lord for His great love in redeeming us this way.  The Solemn Liturgical Action for today includes the opening prostration and prayer; the prophecies and Passion, solemn collects, veneration of the Cross and finally Holy Communion.  All lead us to victory with Christ.

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Our Lady’s Fiat

Feast Of The Annunciation 2019
The Annunciation changed all of history as God became a Man this day.  The fall of Adam and Eve was repaired by the archangel, St. Gabriel, asking the New Eve to become the Mother of God.  Our Lady prophesied that all generations will call her blessed and we fulfill this prophecy with every Hail Mary.  We should say the Angelus with devotion.

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Be Inspired

Ash Wednesday 2019
From ancient times ashes have been used, even by the pagans, for the practice of penance.  The Church has done so also and extended their use to all, not just the public penitents.  This sacramental at the beginning of Lent reminds us of the words to Adam after his fall that we are dust and unto dust we shall return.  The graces today should inspire us to renounce the pride and arrogance inherited from Adam and draw close to Our Lord as the saints have told us and finally to realize that in the end we will be judged by love alone.

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Be Envious Of Love

Quinquagesima Sunday 2019
Christ was baptized in January and then began His 40 day retreat in the desert which coincides with our upcoming Lenten retreat so we can share with Our Lord.  It is a time for prayer, especially the Mass, and recollection.  The Liturgy transcends space and time and links us to eternity so we can receive the graces of these days.  We strive to reach heaven and see God face to face.  Love God and give yourself to Him daily.

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Be Prepared To Meet God

All Souls Day Evening 2018
All Souls Day is a consoling Catholic liturgical commemoration which distinguishes us from other religions.  It reminds us of the perfection required for entrance into heaven and a place of mercy for those who still need purification.  It warns us of hell if we die an enemy of God.  Christ said we must pay even the last penny and so the souls in Purgatory are doing that by making amends for their sins.  We must pray for the dead and for ourselves in facing death.  God has given us the sacrament of Extreme Unction which prepares us to meet God and we should pray for this great gift daily.

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The Embrace That Wakes The Dead

All Souls Day 2018
We are called on All Souls Day to be like the religious Sisters of the Society of the Helpers of the Holy Souls by praying and sacrificing for the relief and release of those detained in Purgatory.  A member of this congregation, Mother St. Austin, wrote much about the purgatorial life and those who live it.  In excerpts from her poetry we learn about God’s great love of the souls of the Church Suffering and how He embraces them and brings them to heaven once they have been perfected through their time of purification.  St. Mary Magdalen is their patroness because she is the example for us of how the sins of a lifetime can be expiated as she accomplished it in three hours at the foot of the Cross.

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Consolation At The Time Of Death

Funeral Mass October 12, 2018

At this funeral Mass we are reminded about the importance of praying for the dead.  We must die because of Adam’s sin which we inherit and we must free ourselves from the guilt and punishment of our own actual sins.  Christ has given us the Sacrament of Penance to remove guilt but we may depart this life still with a debt to be paid and that is accomplished in Purgatory.  Now our work begins by praying for the departed.  These truths are a blessing to Catholics who know from them what to do when death claims one of our loved ones.  The Sacrament of Extreme Unction has been given by Our Lord just for the moment of death and the Church provides the Apostolic Blessing to give us added encouragement at this critical time.


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Unto Dust You Shall Return

Ash Wednesday Evening 2018
Blessed ashes remind us of death and our own nothingness.  These marked the public sinners from the early days of the Church and do for all of us now.  No sins are too much to be forgiven and penance and fasting are powerful means to save us as they did for the Ninivites.  The Epistle calls all to join the priest in doing penance. We should never betray God for any momentary sin.  Love of God dispels sin and vice from our hearts.  We should pray for devotion and sorrow during Lent so Easter will be a preview of the life to come.


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God Will Hear Us

Ash Wednesday 2018
In 1741 the pope declared that Lent is the true sign of the Christian fighting for his salvation by means of penance through fasting which is understood by the receiving of the sacramental of ashes today.  The entire Septuagesima season focused our attention on sin and our identifying the predominant fault we want to eradicate now.  We begin our forty days of prayers, almsgiving and fasting with confidence that God will hear our plea and forgive us as He did with the Ninivites at the preaching of the prophet Jonas.



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Love Created Us And Must Be Returned

Quinquagesima Sunday 2018
This season is almost over and our training for Lent should be completed.  Abraham is emphasized during these days because of his fidelity to God when so many others were not.  He was willing to sacrifice his own son, Isaac, who was a willing victim as Christ would be in the future.  Today strengthens our faith and spurs us on to love God better.


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