How We Save the World

20th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
Rosary Conference – There are many sacramentals used by the Church, but none seem to be as favored by Our Lady as the Dominican Rosary.  It is a prayer to Our Lord with the Virgin Mary, and after the Holy Mass and Divine Office, it is the most powerful prayer a Catholic can make.  There is no request that is beyond its power.  In this world of secularism, religious indifference, and apostasy, we have one thing left – the Holy Rosary.  It originated as a replacement for the psalms for certain illiterate monks in the monasteries and was later used to assist the preaching of St. Dominic.  This spiritual weapon has led to many military victories throughout Church history.  It supplies in some way for what the faithful of today are being deprived of in the liturgy.  The Rosary offers lessons in the practice of virtue, helps us forget our fears and troubles as we are plunged into the Divine Heart of Christ, and disposes us to receive the gift of passive, infused contemplation.

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Our Lady Of Compassion

17th Sunday after Pentecost 2024
The idea that there are many paths or many religions which all lead to the true God is a lie, no matter who says it.  The commandment to love our neighbor as ourselves demands that every true Catholic not only forgive his enemies but actually love them.

The devotion to the Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Mother goes back to the earliest years of the Church.  The swords in the Immaculate Heart represent the great pains Our Lady suffered during the life of her Son.  To make up for these sorrows we must do penance and amend our lives.

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For Those Who Have Lost Their Way

1st Friday Conference September 2024
St. Tarcisius lived during the days of great persecution.  He was ordained an acolyte or deacon as a young man, and was commissioned to care for the Christian prisoners.  While bringing Viaticum to these captives, St. Tarcisius was accosted by a group of pagans.  He gave his life rather than expose the Holy Eucharist to desecration.

Devotion to the Holy Infant of Prague is loved and honored by Our Lord Himself.  Our Lord is not a child now, but this is the humble state in which He first appeared in the world.  The statue depicts the Holy Infant as both God and Man, as well as King of all creation.  His welcoming gentleness seems to radiate out from the Infant Jesus of Prague.  He makes Himself a guide to all those who have lost their way.

Much is said about the accomplishments of St. Pius X, but not enough about his interior life.  His prayer had reached the heights of contemplation and was directed by the Holy Ghost.  He radiated goodness and wanted to comfort everybody, yet fought unwaveringly against the enemies of his spiritual children.

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A Fertile Ground for Prayer

Assumption Evening 2024
The Assumption is not an event recorded in Scripture, but we must remember faith does not come through reading but through hearing.  The Apostles learned everything by listening to the teachings of Our Lord.  Our bodies are destined to be with our souls in Heaven, not to remain in the world.  How could a person expect to be admitted into Heaven if he denies that Our Lord’s own Mother is there?  We must make up for that neglect shown to the Blessed Mother by our own fervor on this day. We must continue the fight for the Virgin Mary’s honor and our salvation.

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He Glorified His Ark

Feast Of The Assumption 2024
This is the greatest of the feast days in honor of the Blessed Mother.  This dogma, which has been passed down to us from the Apostles, is so critical that we cannot be saved without belief in it.  All the aspects of the Assumption call to mind the prerogatives of the Mother of God.  She is above all women, untouched by sin and death.  This Mass begins with the words of St. John, recalling his vision of the woman of the Apocalypse, and continues with the story of Judith, a type of the Blessed Mother.  We are her seed, and we follow the great Queen of Heaven in the battle with the seed of the devil.  Her body was the tabernacle of the Son of God and was so sanctified that it deserved its glorification.

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God’s Promises Accomplished

Conference on 1st Friday July 2024
In St. Paul’s instruction to the young bishop, St. Timothy, he emphasized the importance of spiritual reading.  If this instruction is given to a bishop, it applies all the more so to the laity.  Prayer and spiritual reading are necessary for the growth of sanctity.

St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria became a physician in his early life but soon discovered that his calling was not to heal men’s bodies but their souls.  He dedicated his life to the assistance of the dying and the welfare of children, and his great love of the Holy Eucharist led to his institution of the 40 Hours Devotion.

In gratitude for the victory over the forces of Free Masonry, Pope Pius IX elevated the feast of the Visitation.  There were two annunciations in preparation for the coming of the Redeemer – the annunciation of the birth of St. John the Baptist and that of Our Lord.  St. John the Baptist was the herald of Our Lord not only in his words, but in his life.  In the Visitation we see the great love of the Blessed Mother, who cares for even our smallest needs.

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Necessity of Priestly Vocations

Good Shepherd Sunday 2024
If we have charity, we desire the salvation of all our neighbors and pray for both our loved ones and our enemies.  The words, “I know mine and mine know me,” refer especially to the clergy.  How could we be saved without the priest – without his prayers and instructions.  Those who do not answer the call to follow their vocation are in grave danger.  We must follow our calling even if we lack the sensible feeling of enthusiasm towards that state of life.  The Blessed Mother loves priests as she loves her own Son.

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Attraction to the Divine

3rd Sunday in Lent 2024
As children imitate their parents, so must we imitate God.  When St. Paul in this Epistle says, “how unbecoming of saints,” he is not referring to canonized saints, but all Catholics.  We are all called to sanctity.  We must battle the temptations about which St. Paul speaks by the Rosary, mental prayer, spiritual reading, and devotion to our guardian angels.  Aristotle, judged from reason alone, without the help of Divine Revelation, that “man should be attracted to divine and immortal things as much as he is able, and however little of these things he experiences, he should love them above all inferior substances.”  We should all heed these words.

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Where Joy and Sorrow Meet

Feast of the Purification 2024
The candle is one of the great sacramentals of the Church.  It is like a sacrament in the sense that it is an outward sign, but unlike a sacrament, it does not give grace automatically.  This day links Our Lord and the Blessed Mother so closely.  Today we remember both the joyful mystery of the Rosary and the first of the Virgin Mary’s great sorrows.  Because the Mother of God was not affected by original sin, and because of the Virginal Birth, she was not subject to the law requiring purification.  However, she submitted to it in all humility.  God used the New Eve to carry the New Adam into the Garden, when the Blessed Mother carried Our Lord into the temple.

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His Manifestation To All

2nd Sunday after Epiphany 2024
The Magi had open minds and were seeking the truth.  They followed the star and received Christ into their hearts.  Unlike God’s revelation to the Magi or St. John the Baptist, the wedding feast was a manifestation of Christ’s divinity to everyone.  In the divine plan, God did not change His mind but made the miracle at Cana dependent on the Blessed Mother’s request.  The Virgin Mary was sensitive to the interests of the host of the feast, and her interest is carried over to each one of us.  The water turning into wine was a prefiguring of Transubstantiation.

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